博碩士論文 981201602 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorChui-lai Thamen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract自18世紀工業文明以來,自然生態環境在經濟需求與自利的因素下,生態環境破壞日益嚴重。生態危機的嚴峻性引起了廣泛的關注,生態學應運而生並逐步擴展到人與自然關係的所有層面。人類與環境、人類與其他生物、人類與非生物之間應該是怎樣的關係?人類應該怎樣對待自身以外的其他生物和自然環境?這些都是生態學需要解決的問題。 佛教本身不是生態學,但其整體性視野卻包含了整個生態系統,從「三界諸天」到「大千世界」的宇宙空間想像。《起世經》揭示了「三毒」是環境惡化的根源。從佛、人、萬物的平等互具,佛教強調萬物間的相互聯繫和相互依存性,其中都蘊含著豐富的生態哲學思想。 通過對「本緣部」五部佛典的詮釋,試圖探討佛教宗教實踐中與生態環保有關的內容,佛教對於萬物、自然環境的對待方式與態度。佛陀一生重要事蹟都在樹下完成——出生、成道、涅槃,顯示了佛教與自然界的密切關係。佛教的慈悲觀把關愛態度概括至宇宙間一切有情與無情物上。佛教「戒殺」的精神在於尊重生命。這都可啟發人類應該如何對待萬物與自然界的態度和方法。 zh_TW
dc.description.abstractSince the industrial revolution in the 18th century, damage to the natural ecosystem has become more sever due to the growth of economic demands and greed. With increasing attention on the severity of the treats to the ecosystem, the study of ecology should gradually extend to all aspects of human-nature relations. What kind of relationship will it be, between man and environment, man and other organisms, and man and non-living things? How should human treat other organisms and the natural environment? These are the questions to be answered in the ecological studies. Buddhism itself is not the study of ecology however its holistic vision encompasses the entire ecosystem. This can be seen from ‘Three Realms of Heaven’ to the imaginative universe of the ‘Macrocosmic World’. ‘Three Poisons’ has been reveals in “Aganna Sutta” as the root cause of environmental degradation. From the equality of monk, human and other beings, the interrelations and interdependencies amongst all creatures in the teachings of Buddha encompass rich elements of ecological philosophy. The practicality of Buddhist teachings and environmental conservation, the treatment and attitude towards the universe and natural environment will be reviewed through the understanding of “Pratitya Nikaya”from the five Buddhist sutras. Buddha or Siddharta Gautama’s went through important stages of his life under a tree – he was born, attained enlightenment and passed into the state of Parinirvana, shows the close relationship between Buddhism and the natural world. The merciful Buddhist teachings expands the caring attitude towards everything in the universe. The prohibition of killing in Buddhism lies in the spirit of respect towards lives. These may inspire human relations with the universe and the natural world with proper attitude and treatment. en_US
DC.title佛教生態思想研究 ——以《雜寶藏經》等六部經典為例zh_TW
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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