博碩士論文 981203005 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorFlora Liaoen_US
dc.identifier.urihttp://ir.lib.ncu.edu.tw:88/thesis/view_etd.asp?URN= 981203005
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract沙特(Jean-Paul Sartre)的自傳《詞語》(Les Mots)以反諷與戲謔的手法描述童年的閱讀與書寫的經驗,而我們發現這場文學歷程與父親的追尋有密切關係。沙特從小喪父,母親帶著他回到外公家。失去丈夫的母親彷彿也喪失了原本的價值,與孩童成了兩個無父的孤兒,母親為討好家人,奉獻自己大部分的時間精力,卻得不到同等的肯定;而小沙特也在實際上喪父與精神上喪母的情況下,力求表現,以便將自己紮根於母親家的歷史,進而確立自我。「書」是其中很重要的媒介:一方面,它既是父親留給孩子唯一的遺產,透過書,孩童才得以認識素未謀面的父親;另一方面,透過對書的掌控,小沙特才能成為名符其實「外公(教師)的孫子」:外公不容隨便進入的書房,與他每年都要出版的語言教學刊物,一再地向小沙特彰顯出文字的神聖性。就如他所描述,在還不識字時,他便開始裝模作樣看起《一個中國人在中國的苦難》。 本論文試圖運用拉岡的「父親之名」分析小沙特與鄰人之間的互動(母親、外公與外公的朋友),以了解父親如何透過這些人間接向孩童施展魔力;另外,我們也將透過對孩童閱讀姿態與童年創作經驗的觀察,探求此發展實為孩童對父親缺席的一種情感投射;最後,本文將對比沙特孤兒命運的個人經驗,與二十世紀以降普遍性的命題「上帝已死」,刻劃出小沙特是如何藉著文字,由個人喪父之後的浪漫主義走上存在主義思想的歷程。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractIn The Words, Jean-Paul Sartre utilizes both of his ironic and satirical persona to describe his early reading and writing experiences. In addition, readers will find that Sartre’s literary journey is closely tied to the pursuit of his deceased father. Sartre lost his father at an early age, so his mother took him back to be with his grandfather. The mother, who was devastated by the death of her husband, lost all of her core values and became isolated. Moreover, she had to sacrifice time and resources by taking multiple roles in her family without receiving any reward. As to Poulou, Sartre the little boy, tried to perform well by reading the leftover books from his deceased father. In doing so, he was able to gain an insight into his father’s past. Also, justify his identity as his grandfather’s grandson. Satre’s grandfather was no ordinary man, as he works as both an author and an instructor. When he is not teaching at an institution, he can be found sitting in his library reviewing and writing various articles to be published. Satre, as time passed, realized the importance of the words and their meanings after emulating his grandfather. When Satre was still an Illiterate, he posed as a person who is proficient in reading by reading a book called “Chinese Adventures in China”. In this thesis, we will apply Lacan’s “names of the father” to analyze the interactions in between Poulou and his close family members to show his deceased father’s indirect influence in Poulou. Moreover, by studying Poulou’s behavior of reading and early writing experiences, we can demonstrate that this literary journey is a direct reflection of his emotion for the absence of his father. Lastly, we will compare Polou’s destiny with the famous topic in the 20th century called “The death of Jesus” to depict how Polou was able to transform from romanticism to ideology by using words after his father’s death.en_US
DC.subjectnames of fatheren_US
DC.subjectGod is deaden_US
DC.title 《詞語》作為一場告別與重生的儀式zh_TW
DC.title Les Mots comme ceremonie d’adieuen_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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