博碩士論文 981205009 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorQiu-Ji Zhengen_US
dc.identifier.urihttp://ir.lib.ncu.edu.tw:88/thesis/view_etd.asp?URN= 981205009
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract摘要    生命保險即今天我們所熟知的人壽保險。臺灣人壽保險產業之發展早在日本統治時期已有部份之基礎,當時臺灣整個市場完全由來自於日本人壽保險公司所獨占,因此亦可以說人壽保險制度的引進以及保險觀念初步的推廣,皆是在日本統治時期開始。過去臺灣人壽保險史之相關研究多著重在二戰時期之發展,並認為人壽保險之顯著成長乃因戰爭所影響,但事實上在二戰前臺灣人壽保險產業就已有蓬勃發展之趨勢。本文探討之主題,旨在探討二戰前臺灣人壽保險產業之發展,從最初1896年開始,日本民營的生命保險會社來臺設立據點,及其在臺發展之過程中,由於面對不同的人文、環境下,在業務拓展方面所遇到的種種困難,不但導致在1927年以前,在臺經營20餘年的民營生命保險,業務成績並無顯著的成長,甚至出現幾次的負成長,且契約件數方面也已在臺日人居多,而臺灣人只佔極少數。 1927年為日治時期人壽保險產業發展的分水嶺,該年官營簡易生命保險在臺開辦,在短短十年內契約成長頗為順利且快速。在件數方面以臺灣人佔多數,在臺日人反而佔少數。此一結果與民營生命保險之發展有著明顯的差異。另一方面,自1927年官營簡易生命保險開辦後,在此之前業務成績不太理想的民營生命保險之業務成績開始有顯著的成長。因此本文將從官營與民營兩者的發展過程中做一比較,釐清官營簡易生命保險能在短短幾年內拓展開來,且較獲得臺灣人青睞之原因;以及官營簡易生命保險的開辦對當時的人壽保險產業有何影響,致使臺灣在1927-1937年間,不論官營或民營生命保險皆出現大幅成長之原因。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractAbstract The insurance industry in Taiwan has indeed laid its foundation since Japanese ruled period. Back then, the whole market was monopolized by Japanese life insurance companies. Therefore, it would be fair to say that the introduction and promotion of insurance has both begun since then. In the past, the studies of the insurance industry put more emphasis on the period of time during WWII and holds that the drastic development of the insurance industry is a result of the war. As a matter of fact, the insurance industry in Taiwan has prospered before the war even started. In my master’s thesis, I will mainly focus on the development of insurance industry before WWII. Started form 1896, the Japanese life insurance companies set its foot in Taiwan and bumped into a verity of difficulties in terms of cultural differences and unfamiliarity of the environment. As a result, this industry in Taiwan had difficulties in expanding its market in the first few years. And it would be not surprised that the insurance was mostly sold to Japanese, while Taiwanese only accounted for a small percentage. The year of 1927 was a watershed moment for the insurance industry in Taiwan. In this year, the government-owned insurance companies started their business in Taiwan and have made great progress in the first ten years. According to the statistics, the insurance was mainly sold to Taiwanese instead of Japanese who stayed in Taiwan during that period of time. This result is totally opposite to the period of time when the privately-own companies dominated. Moreover, ever since the beginning of state-owned businesses, the privately-own companies have considerably grown in its performance as well. In the following parts, I will compare the development of both state-owned and privately-own companies and explain why state-owned companied can succeed in expanding its market in such a short time. Furthermore, I will discuss what kind of influence the state-own companies has put on the insurance industries during 1927-1937, during which both the state-owned and privately-own insurance companies have expanded drastically.en_US
DC.subjectlife insurance companiesen_US
DC.subjectgovernment-owned insuranceen_US
DC.subjectprivately-own companiesen_US
DC.title 日治時期臺灣生命保險產業研究(1896-1937)— 兼論民營與官營之比較zh_TW
DC.title NONEen_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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