博碩士論文 981206004 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorYi-Lin Chiuen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract1988年成立的伊通公園自1990年開幕至今始終被視為台灣另類空間的代表。歷經27年的營運,曾經於此空間舉辦首次個展而在國際藝壇發跡的藝術家不在少數,多數的核心成員也都進入學院體系擔任要職。然而在有關另類空間的研究裡,往往以空間為單位,研究成員的共同風格、空間分布,或者以「替代/另類」之譯名隱含的邊緣反叛性格聚焦於藝術場域中的競爭、國家補助對空間營運型態的收編等,尚未觸及以藝術家「個人」為單位,由藝術家自主活動串連美術館、畫廊與另類空間等空間框架的交流特質。此種以空間為容器,藉藝術界成員活動串連而成的當代藝術人際網絡在眾多另類空間當中又以伊通公園所形成的凝聚範圍最廣又最為強烈,因此本文試圖透過伊通公園的展覽活動及空間成員的延續與個人發展恢復另類空間中藝術家的能動性。 首先由伊通成立前的背景著手,分析台灣語境下有關替代/另類空間的政治想像,以及台灣另類空間生成的原因,並重新詮釋另類空間在台灣當代藝術脈絡中的定義;其次是將伊通公園視為藝術體制內的空間生產,以空間內、外的展覽、座談等以藝術家為中心的交流活動建構出伊通公園的歷史軌跡;再以功能性區分出伊通為藝術家帶來的空間功能以及在藝術體制內造成的影響;最後探討另類空間作為相應主流機構所缺乏的需求而生的邊緣性格在不同時期的發展。 zh_TW
dc.description.abstractIT Park, founded in 1988 and formally opened its door in 1990, is a representation of alternative space in Taiwan in the 1990’s. During 27 years of its activities, many today renowned artists began their career by holding their first exhibitions here, some of them gained later an international reputation, others occupied important positions in Taiwanese academic education. It is commonly recognized that IT Park as alternative space has played an important role in the development of Taiwanese modern and contemporary art. However, researches regarding Taiwanese alternative space often took space as physical units and put focus on artists’ style, adopting the term of alternative to infer a sense of competition in artistic arena, and how authorities attempted to domesticate rebelling spaces by allocation of governmental aids, few considered artist as a unit with his or her own autonomy, and put focus on interactions between artists, museum, art gallery, other art institutions and alternative spaces. Among Taiwanese alternative spaces as space contributing to the construction of artistic networks, IT Park is by far the most noteworthy one. This study aims to explore the agency of artists in alternative spaces by conducting a case study of IT Park, its exhibitions, members linked to this space and their development. The research will first examine the origin and political imaginations projected toward alternative space in Taiwan before the founding of IT Park, and review the definition of alternative space in Taiwan’s modern art context. Secondly, this study considers IT Park as a production of space in art system, with exhibitions and artists’ exchanges, to reconstruct the historical traces of IT Park, then to analyze its influences on the system of Taiwanese art institutions, on the basis of spatial function brought by IT Park to its dwellers. Finally, this research explores development and the questionable marginality regarding alternative space as a counterforce and reaction to mainstreaming art system at different times. en_US
DC.subjectAlternative Spaceen_US
DC.subjectIT Parken_US
DC.titleAlternative Spaces in the development of Taiwanese "Avant-garde" art- A case study of IT Parken_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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