博碩士論文 981207005 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorTing-chih Chenen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract校內的行政人員和一線教師想法上常有落差。一般而言,大家可能關心學生是否知行不合一的問題,其實在大部分的學校其實都有程度不等的節能實踐行為,但是在節能減碳方案研擬過程當中,教職員的部分無論是行政和教師內部或之間,經常會有意見相左的狀況出現,如此可能造成ㄧ些節能減碳的阻力,卻是我們比較少去關切到的議題。行政人員在落實節減政策時,常認為有政策說一套,政策標的人口做一套的現象產生,即使在學校這個微觀小社會生態中,也不難看到行政人員抱怨學校師生不夠配合的狀況。反面觀之,教育現場一線執行者,和校內的行政規劃推行人員通常持相反觀點,會認為行政單位沒有「體察民情」,沒有顧慮到學校師生實際執行的可能狀況,即使在校內,行政和教師兩方的觀點也會具有落差,卻不見得有協商或對話空間。 因為上述情況,本研究選定一個學校內節能減碳電表課程做為研究主題,需要借助ㄧ些理論作為透鏡來研究分析。個案國中為了推行節能減碳的計畫,在98年下學期開始實施電表課程,這個課程有一些特殊的規劃和設計,如協同教學、行政與教師合作等,這個課程活動的人員包含行政單位、綜合科教師、班級導師以及學生,透過在班上裝設電表,紀錄電表度數,學習相關的用電知識,到最後的用電行為檢討等,為設計好的ㄧ系列課程,包含從課程知識到生活實踐的不同重點部分。電表課程執行單位需要行政、領域教師、導師的多方配合,教師和行政社群所習慣的工作模式,遵循的規範方法都大異其趣。因此本研究即將以公共行政的學習背景,走進國中節能減碳教育實踐現場的田野,借助Engestrom的活動理論,去探看在這個電表活動中,節能減碳行政和教師社群內部以及兩社群間所產生的矛盾情形。並借助Wenger的實踐社群理論,觀察這兩個活動系統間如何相互協商與溝通。 本研究在研究方法方面主要採取的是質化研究的方式,利用民族誌的觀點實際到研究田野上去進行觀察,因為研究的對象主要為行政和教師,加上這個主題課程仍在發展階段,所以主要參與的是會議觀察的部份。另外研究者也有採取深度訪談的方式對田野的行政和教師尋求看法,以支持會議上的言論。 研究結果的部份研究者發現有以下這些類型的擾動現象:教師與行政轄責重疊的擾動、和推行時段順序有關的擾動,以及雙方目標及著重點不同有關的擾動。系統性的矛盾的部分,教師與行政轄責重疊的擾動,比較多來自於學校教師與行政分工以及工具之間的背景矛盾;和推行時段順序有關的擾動則是來自於學校對上課時數等的規範和分工差異;最後雙方目標及著重點不同有關的擾動,是關於行政和教師所著重目標和工具差異造成的系統性矛盾。在教師協商的過程中,背景結構因素默默影響著教師與行政的觀點,使其面對某些議題時會造成爭論,但是其對於這種現象卻不自知,也可能會有協商延後的問題,非主要發展計劃的教師,或是資淺教師覺得自己沒有很大影響力,以致事後執行時卻以自行改換執行方式,再跟決策中心做協調,研究者稱此為協商的延後。 節能減碳就現在而言仍然是重要的價值觀,希望此研究可以提供目前實踐的困難,讓未來想要繼續從事課程計劃的學校做為參考,也希望可以協助未來的研究者持續發現新的節減課程實踐問題。未來想要推動節能減碳課程計劃的學校可以預先知道合作性質的主題課程可能面臨什麼樣的問題,預先去討論思考與克服。對於研究者而言,過去的研究有整理過硬體設備的困難,也針對行政教師們所提出的實踐困難做分析,而在本研究當中又更進一步的在一個實際有合作課程的研究田野找到合作上教師和行政的實踐矛盾所在,若對於合作課程的困難有興趣的研究者,應可以繼續往這個方面發展可能的研究議題。 zh_TW
dc.description.abstractIn school, administrators and teachers often have different points of view. About energy saving, we often concern about whether students do some actions as they have learned. In fact, in most schools, many students actually do many actions to save energy. On the other hand, we seldom concern about the resistance owing to different points of view between school administrators and teachers. Sometimes school administrators complain that teachers or students do not follow the school policies, but teachers or students think that school administrators do not understand the real condition in classroom. Teachers and school administrators usually have a gap between their standpoints; nevertheless they have few opportunities to communicate or negotiate with each other. Owing to the circumstances above, we chose an energy saving electric meter curriculum at a junior high school as a research topic, and we need some theories as a lens for research analyses. The junior high school started an electric meter curriculum for one school energy saving plan two years ago, this curriculum has some special design, for example, the cooperation between teachers and school administrators. The participants of this curriculum are administrators, teachers of different subjects, tutors (homeroom teacher) and students. Students learn how to read electric meter numbers, record it, learn some knowledge about energy saving, and self-criticize the behavior which they do about energy saving. Teachers’ and administrators’ rules and working models are different. To understand and find inner contradictions between teacher system and administrator system, we use Engestrom’s Activity theory. We also observe how these people of two systems communicate and negotiate with each other by using Wenger’s theory, community of practice. Our research method is qualitative research, and we conduct an Ethnography way by attending meetings in the junior high school. After meetings, our team administers in-depth surveys with interviews to teachers, administrators and students who participated in this curriculum to support the information we have got in several meetings. The result of this study indicated four kinds of disturbances: disturbances about the overlap of areas which teachers and administrators control from contradictions of their division of labor and tools, disturbances about conduction sequence from contradictions of their division of labor and rules, disturbances about different goals from contradictions of their tools and subjects. In the negotiation process of teachers and administrators, many background structure factors influence both sides’ standpoints, but they seldom think about this when arguing. There is also a situation that we called “delayed negotiation”, for example, some tutors or young teachers believe that they do not have influence on school decision making, yet after meetings, they did not really follow the policies other people decided, and then they have to make more efforts to negotiate with each other. Nowadays, energy saving is still an important concept all over the world. We hope our results can help some schools, which are introducing energy saving curriculum, find some obstructions of practice. Especially for the cooperation between teachers and administrators, we found some contradictions of practices that can aid schools in developing curriculum, and lead to a more problem-solving issue. en_US
DC.subjectenergy savingen_US
DC.subjectactivity theoryen_US
DC.subjectcommunity of practiceen_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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