博碩士論文 981301017 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorLi-hsin Loen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract食指早在文化大革命初期,已寫出數首具有歷史價值的光輝詩篇,他的詩作以手 抄本的形勢在當時廣為流傳,鼓舞、感動那一代茫然無所措的年輕人,卻湮沒在文學 的浪濤中。直至1990 年以來,才讓大眾更清楚了解食指在文學史上的重要性。 食指在1972 年時,因沉重的壓力而精神分裂,在1990 年後,進入北京第三福利 院長住,過著幾乎與外界隔絕的生活。期間在飽受病魔摧殘的不適情形下,食指仍不 停止創作,詩作內容以對人生的認知,對社會的領悟為主,所幸食指在2002 年出院, 得到親人照顧,延續個人省思創作。本文蒐集詩人在1990 年後所創作的詩作,劃定為 後期詩作,以探討詩人食指後期詩作所表現的人活在世上的中心思想並歸納整理。對 食指改變詩風,由傳達當代人的共同心聲轉為個人沉思低吟的後期詩作,進行全面性 的分析與整理,爬梳食指1990 年後創作脈絡及其詩作映射出的人生態度與生命底蘊。 本文分析、整理出食指後期詩作中蘊含的三個主題,分別為:對生活的省思、對青 春的省思及對命運的省思,並針對三主題對食指與他的後期詩歌進行論述。 對生活的省思此一主題重點在分析食指詩作中對生活的想法及傳達的寓意。此一主 題分三部份分析,依序為:一、精神病院的生活,說明食指詩作中對精神病院的生活, 由抗拒轉為接受;二、離開病院後的生活,說明開始新生活後,詩人在心態上的轉變; 三、寄情寫詩的生活,說明藉由寫詩,詩人在心情上得到的平復。 對青春的省思此一主題重點在分析食指詩作中對青春往事的想法及傳達的寓意。此 一主題分三部份分析,依序為:一、青春的美好,食指藉由詩回憶青春的美好;二、青 春的苦痛,正值青春的食指遭遇「文革」所受到的迫害;三、坦然接受青春已逝,對照 現在的自己早已步入中、老年,早已失去青春,卻不留戀,接受衰老的事實。 對命運的省思此一主題重點在說明食指在中年時期對於自己一路走來,命運給予的 衝擊。此一主題分三部份分析,依序為:一、不絕望的個人命運,食指在詩中所傳達的 自己面對命運的無可奈何,被迫接受,但不絕望;二、堅守詩人的使命,克盡自己應盡 的詩人本份,期望貢獻自己所能;三、生命中的義與利,說明自己生活在世上的意義為 何,能貢獻給整個社會、國家些什麼。 三個主題看似獨立,卻又互相牽連。精神病院生活是食指在青春時期遭受磨難而得 到的個人命運,而這樣的生活也造就食指對自己的命運不絕望及堅持。離開病院後食指 過著恬適的生活,也坦然接受青春不再的事實,更堅定自己生存中的義與利所在。人活 在世上,總該留下些什麼,才不枉此生,因此食指堅持自己詩人的本分,著書立說的目 標,遇到難關也不被打敗,堅持到底,用詩留下最真實的人生紀錄。寄情寫詩的生活是 食指堅守詩人使命,回憶青春的苦痛及美好而成的。「文化大革命」和「瘋狂」加諸在 食指身上的磨難,食指只有在詩的世界中才能到舒緩、暫時喘息,也讓食指更確認自己 的詩人使命。 對生活的省思、對青春的省思和對命運的省思,這三個主題交錯織編成食指的人生。 zh_TW
dc.description.abstractAbstract ShiZhi, in the initial period of the Great Cultural Revolution, has written dozens of poems with the glory of the historical value. His poetical works at that time were widely spread by the hand-written copy situation, inspired, moved the younger generation who were at a loss what to do. Actually, neglected by the public at that time, ShiZhi was forgotten in the literature great waves. Until 1990, ShiZhi’’s importance of the literature history has been valued clearly. ShiZhi, in 1972, because of serious pressure, was sick with schizophrenia. After 1990, he entered the Beijing third welfare home to make a long stay, nearly living by separation of the public. Although during that period he was suffered from above disease, ShiZhi still did not stop creating. The content of his poetic composition is to the cognition of life, the comprehension of the society. The poet entered the lonely self-examination. Fortunately, Shizhi left the hospital in 2002, obtained the care of the family member, and continued his creation. This article collects his poetical works based on the poetic composition after 1990 and limits the later period poetic composition. And they display the central thought of the human living in the world and induce the reorganization. Changed the poem wind by ShiZhi, from transmiting present generation’s common aspiration to transfer the later period poetic composition which individually ponders chants in a low voice, carries on the integrity analysis and the reorganization, after putting in order ShiZhi 1990, creates attitude towards life and the vein in the inside story of life and the poetic composition mapped. This article analyzes, reorganizes ShiZhi later period in the poetic composition contains three subjects, respectively is: The reflection of life, the reflection of the youth, and the reflection of the destiny, and aims at three subjects connected with ShiZhi later period poetry. The reflection of life of this subject key analyzes ShiZhi’s poetic composition to the life idea and the allegory. This subject divides three part analysis, is in order: First, about hospital life, it shows the attitude of ShiZhi from refusing to accepting. Second, after leaving hospital, it shows the change of the attitude after starting the new life. Third, expresses the recovery in mood by composing poems in his life. The reflection of the youth of this subject key analyzes ShiZhi’s poetic composition to the youth past events'idea and the allegory. This subject divides three part analysis, is in order. First, recalls the happiness time of the youth by writing poems. Second, the recollection of the pain suffered in the youth in the Great Cultural Revolution. Third, accepts the truth of the youth no returning, compared with the present and no longer misses the youth. Contrarily, he accepts the truth of in a decline. The reflection of the destiny of this subject key explains that the impact of the III destiny in ShiZhi in his middle-aged. This subject divides three part analysis, is in order. First, don’t give up. ShiZhi which transmits in the poem has no alternatively accepting the destiny instead of abandoning. Second, perseveres poet’s mission, completes his duty and expects to contribute him. Third, the righteousness and the advantage in life, it shows the significance of the human living in the world and what a person can contribute to the society and the nation. Three subjects look resemble but independent. The hospital’s life is ShiZhi’s destiny to suffer in the youth time, but such life also accomplishes ShiZhi’s insisting without giving up. After leaving the hospital, ShiZhi lived a tranquil life and also accepts the youth no longer returning and strengthens to survive the righteousness and the advantage in life. The human lives in the world ought to leave something behind, so thus not in vain in human’s life. Therefore ShiZhi insists on a poet’s duty, writes a book and establishes a theory, encounters the difficulties, not to be defeated, sticks to it, leaves behind the most real life record with the poems. ShiZhi composes a poem and expresses his feelings based on ShiZhi’s persevering the poet mission, the reflection the pain and the happiness in the youth. “The Great Cultural Revolution” and “crazy” adds various on ShiZhi’s tribulation, ShiZhi’s only can relieve distress in the poem world, pant temporarily ,also lets ShiZhi confirm own poet mission. The reflection of life, the youth and the destiny, these three subjects intermix to weave into ShiZhi’s life. en_US
DC.subjectGuo lushengen_US
DC.subjectLife themeen_US
DC.titleThe discussion on life themes of ShiZhi’s later poeticcomposition.en_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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