博碩士論文 981305005 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorYI-YING LIUen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract本研究欲了解在國共內戰初期,中立媒體所扮演的角色。以當時獨立於國共兩陣營外的《大公報》為研究對象,分析其在1945年12月至1947年1月–即馬歇爾使華時期,該報之主張。在馬歇爾調處三個階段中,其言論立場都呈現不同的特色:在第一階段(1945年12月至1946年3月)裡,《大公報》仍支持蔣介石所領導的國民政府,指責中共發動內戰、破壞交通,並認為美國的對華政策與馬歇爾的調處有利於中國和平。第二階段(1946年4月至1946年6月),《大公報》除了斥責中共外,對國民政府強勢的軍事行動也表不滿。第三階段(1946年7月至1947年1月),《大公報》開始對國民政府的統治失去信心,指責政府無力解決社會民生教育等問題,同時該報對美國亦逐漸失去信任。另一方面,《大公報》對蘇聯的態度在這段時間中也不斷地修正,從最初歡迎蘇軍對日作戰、支持〈中蘇友好同盟條約〉、期望蘇聯與國民政府在東北問題上能圓滿解決;到1946年2月〈雅爾達協定〉公佈後,該報一反友好態度,強力抨擊蘇聯,指責蘇聯對中國的野心。1946年7月後,由於美蘇矛盾日益加深,《大公報》一則深怕中國捲入其中的衝突,二則對美國的信任開始動搖,因而言論立場再度偏向蘇聯。在戰後國共相爭的往來,《大公報》中立的言論扮演關鍵的角色,代表著第三方面的聲音。而當國共雙方僵持不下時,該報所支持的一方將有著更多的優勢,正如1946年下旬起,《大公報》對國民政府及美國的失望,卻因此強化了中共發動內戰的決心。 zh_TW
dc.description.abstractThe aim of the research is to study the role of an impartial media, the Ta Kung Pao, in the first stage of the Chinese Civil War (December, 1945- January, 1947). This is also the time of George C. Marshall’s mediation in China. In this stage, the standpoint of the Ta Kung Pao varied three times. In the first period, from December 1945 to March 1946, the Ta Kung Pao supported the Nationalist Government and its leader Chiang Kai-shek while criticizing the Chinese Communist Party for launched wars and destroyed transportation lines. The Ta Kung Pao had a favorable attitude toward Marshall’s mediation. The second period was from April 1946 to June 1946. Although the Ta Kung Pao kept blaming the Chinese Communists, it wasn’t satisfied with the military operations of the Nationalist Government. In the last period (July 1946 – January 1947), the Ta Kung Pao criticized the administration of the Government and lost its confidence on the USA as well. As for the attitude toward the Soviet Union, the Ta Kung Pao also varied. At the beginning of this period, it gave its support to the Soviet Union and the Sino-Soviet Treaty of Friendship and Alliance. However, when the Yalta Agreement was released in February 1947, the Ta Kung Pao had a completely different attitude toward the Soviet Union and attacked Soviet Union for its ambition of expansion in China. However, due to the growing confrontation between the USA and the Soviet Union, the Ta Kung Pao, probably being afraid of getting involved in the international conflict, kept a rather mild attitude toward the Soviet Union. The Ta Kung Pao played a crucial role in this period. The side which was supported by the Ta Kung Pao would definitely enjoy a good advantage in public minds. In late 1946, the disappointment of the Ta Kung Pao toward the Nationalist Government and the USA indirectly strengthened the Chinese Communists to launch the civil war. en_US
DC.subjectGeorge C. Marshallen_US
DC.subjectChinese Civil Waren_US
DC.subjectthe Ta Kung Paoen_US
DC.titleA Study of the Role of the Ta Kung Pao in the Chinese Civil War(1945.12-1947.1)en_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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