博碩士論文 981305008 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorY-hsiu Changen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract申時行(1535-1614),字汝默,號瑤泉,蘇州吳縣人。申時行在嘉靖四十一年(1562)狀元及第,受修撰,歷左庶子,掌翰林院事。申時行是明神宗的第三任首輔,他在萬曆六年入閣,一直到萬曆十九年九月致仕,在閣凡十三年有餘,其中,從萬曆十一年三月即任首輔,主持政務計有八年多。他不但是張居正極盛時的閣僚,又是居正死敗後仍長期執政的唯一人。張居正死後遭清算,朝政情勢複雜險峻,本來被居正所扼的言路大為發舒。申時行深受居正提拔,又時常遭言官彈劾,卻仍能深受皇帝寵信,安然位居輔臣多年,影響晚明政局甚鉅。 申時行的仕途一帆風順,一直至去政,都未曾遭受過挫折,這和他圓融理智性格有極大的關係。申時行不論為人處事或施政皆以寬仁為本,與皇帝、閣僚及廷臣的相處融洽,又善於調和折衷,排解糾紛,因此申時行的政敵不多。雖然申時行在解職前二年,飽受批評與責備,但畢竟只是少數的言路,朝廷上大部分的官員都和申時行保持和諧的互動。因此申時行掌權的九年中,國事政務大致上不難推動,其高超的協調能力與交際手腕對張居正死後萬曆政局的穩定,有很大的幫助。 明代內閣制存在著一定缺陷,相權與皇權的矛盾關係,使張居正禍發身後。由於張居正的殷鑑不遠,使熟諳政治的申時行了解國家的制度既然無法做根本性的調整或改革,那麼只有理順君臣關係,平衡各方衝突與利益,國事才能順利推動。於是申時行謹守內閣本分,將自己首輔的角色定位為協調者,力圖平息皇帝與文官之間的爭執。因此作為首輔,申時行雖然沒有大刀闊斧進行改革,但也並非庸碌無為,他盡力維持內閣與皇帝友好的關係,以達成政策的施展。雖然他最後因「國本」案去職,但他在位時對人事安排的用心,對文官集團的退讓,都影響了萬曆年間的政治走向。 zh_TW
dc.description.abstractShen Shixing, his style name Ru Mo and literary name Yao Quan, later called Xiuxiu Jushi, was born in Wu County.(Suzhou City, Jiangsu Province.) In the year forty-one of Jiajing, the title of the regin of Emperor Shi Zong of Ming Dynasty, he got the first place in the highest imperial examination and awarded Xiu Zhuan, name of a government position. Then, he took charge of the Hanlin Academy as a Left Shuzi, also a title of the government position. The official career of Shen Shixing was going well, and he had never experienced frustrations until leaving the position. Shen Shixing adopted generous attitude in manner of dealing with people and administration. Shen Shixing was diplomatic when dealing with the Emperor、cabinet colleagues and the ministers. He was good at splitting difference and reconciling a dispute, so he had less political enemies. Before he resigned the commisson two years ago, he suffered the criticism fully by few parts of the supervisors. But he kept harmonious interaction with most of courtiers, so it was not hard to impetus affairs of the country during he charged of the premier. His excellent coordinated ability and human relations skill was helpful to maintain the political situation of the Wan Li age stable. There were a little weaknesses in the cabinet system of the Ming Dynasty. The prime minister’’s authority was contradictory to the Emperor’’s authority in the Ming Dynasty. And that why Zhang Juzheng sufferes Ming Shenzong Emperor’’s liquidation after the death. Because the lesson for Zhang Juzheng lay not far behind, Shen Shixing understood that he could not to adjust or modify national system basically. So what he could do was to straighten out the relationship between the Emperor and the ministers, and to balance all the conflict and benefit of various aspects. In this way, it was easier to impetus the affairs of the country. So Shen Shixing strictly adhered to the duty of being a prime minister, and he defined his role as a coordinator who tring hard to subside the dispute between the Emperor and civil official. Therefore being a prime minister, Shen Shixing did not carry out drastic reforms, but it was not mean he did nothing. He tried hard to maintain the friendly relations beteen the cabinet and the Emperor, so it can guarantee that achieve all policies displaying. At last, although Shen Shixing resigned for implication of the“state foundations”, he influenced political trend of the Wan Li age by arranging human affairs attentively and making a concession to civil official group. en_US
DC.subjectthe cabineten_US
DC.subjectstate foundationsen_US
DC.subjectprime ministeren_US
DC.subjectMing Shenzong Emperoren_US
DC.subjectShen Shixingen_US
DC.title明萬曆首輔申時行之研究 (1535-1614)zh_TW
DC.titleNONE en_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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