博碩士論文 981305012 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorYeh-mei lien_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract朱元璋雖然罷除宰相,實行威權統治,但他在立國之初,就已深知教育對於安定人心的作用,因此在府、州、縣普設地方學校。同時也為了因應人才的需求,承襲了元代國子學的基礎,創立了國子監,希望藉由中央最高學府培養出國家所需要的官員。為了達成這個目的,國子監訂定了嚴格的學規,也在教材內加入了大量的法令規章,並且大力推行儒學,望能經由這樣的課程教化監生的「尊王重法」品格,而且為了順利的進行國子監的課程與監規,也非常重視國子監學官的素質,尤其對於祭酒的揀擇更是重視其學行。 祭酒的職責,除了每年例行性的祭孔、管理國子監的學官,同時也必須適時的向朝廷反映國子監需要興革除弊之處,並經常在皇帝視學時講經,因此祭酒的出身多為儒士或進士,有不少祭酒更是由翰林院被薦舉。 祭酒一職雖然沒有固定的陞遷管道,但在卸任後多擔任禮部、太常寺等機構的職務,且因其學行多受肯定,爾後成為尚書者比例頗高。國子監創立初期,祭酒的更迭較為穩定,但隨著撥歷制度的敗壞以及大開捐納入監之門,國子監不再被視為培養「準官員」的機構,祭酒的任命也逐漸不受重視。 進入嘉靖朝之後,祭酒任職年限經常未滿一年就改任其他職務了,也有多位祭酒是由太常寺卿所兼任,北京國子監祭酒更有多位是由南京國子監祭酒所轉任。儘管如此,洪武至嘉靖年間的祭酒對於國子監的學風以及國子監的行政改革,確實曾有其貢獻。 zh_TW
dc.description.abstractZhu Yuan-Zhang unseated prime minister and carried out dictatorial rule during his reign. However, at the early stage of the founding of the Ming Dynasty, he had deeply realized the importance of education to reassure the public so he set up schools in every mansion, prefecture and county. Meanwhile, based on the National Academy in the Yuan Dynasty, he established the Imperial Academy to meet talent’s requirements, hoping that the central top educational institution could cultivate officials needed by the country. In order to achieve this purpose, the Imperial Academy issued strict school regulations, added a great number of laws and rules in the teaching materials, and strongly carried out Confucianism, hoping that these curriculums could educate students to show respect to the emperor and abide by the laws. Moreover, in order to successfully implement curriculums and monitoring, it also paid much attention to teachers’ quality in the Imperial Academy, especially the knowledge and behaviors of the libationers. Besides the regular worship to Confucius and management of the teachers in the Imperial Academy, the libationers were responsible to make timely reports to the government about their demands and carry out reforms and eliminate disadvantages. Furthermore, they often gave lectures to the emperor at his educational inspection period. Therefore, most libationers were Confucian scholars or imperial scholars, and many were recommended by Hanlin Academy. Although there was no specific channel for the libationers in promotion, most of them would serve as an official in the Ministry of Rites, Taichang Temple, etc. Furthermore, due to their recognized knowledge and behaviors, they would probably become ministers in the future. At the initial stage of the establishment of the Imperial Academy, the libationers were stably replaced. However, it was no longer regarded as the institution where official candidates were cultivated because of the corruption of the selection system and the selling of official posts, thus the appointment of libationer was gradually ignored. During the reign of Emperor Jiajing in the Ming Dynasty, the libationer was often replaced by other posts within one year and this post was served concurrently by Taichang Temple Qing. Moreover, several libationers in Nanjing Imperial Academy were transferred to serve as the libationers in Beijing Imperial Academy. Even so, libationers in the reign from Emperor Zhu Yuan-Zhaung (Hongwu Years) to Emperor Zhu Hou-Cong (Jiajing Years) had indeed made contributions to the style of study and administrative reform of the Imperial Academy. en_US
DC.subjectChen Jing-Zongen_US
DC.subjectLi Shi-Mianen_US
DC.subjectZhang Maoen_US
DC.subjectSong Neen_US
DC.subjectthe Imperial Academyen_US
DC.titleA Study on Qualification and Deeds of Libationer in Ming Dynasty(1382-1566)en_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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