博碩士論文 982209005 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorSherry Kang-Shianen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract本篇論文以TAOS的單一濾鏡資料,篩選出在TAOS 060星場(中心座標為RA 04:48:00 DEC +20:46:20,J2000,星場大小:1.7°×1.7°)中具有光度變化的星體,並針對其篩選出的目標在2010年的秋冬季進行可見光波段的追蹤觀測,利用其光變曲線進行變星的分類工作。 TAOS全名為中美掩星計畫(The Taiwanese-American Occultation Survey),從2005年開始進行監測,其主要的科學目標為:利用掩星事件來尋找古柏帶(Kuiper Belt Objects)中的小天體,探究太陽系誕生的起源。由於掩星現象需要長時間進行持續性的觀測,極為適合對於了解計畫內的星場中,是否有變星的存在。從TAOS 060星場中的2654顆星體中,藉由兩種數學工具作為篩選的依據:Sigma-Deviation Method & Stetson’s J-index,篩選出兩者交集的24顆星體,做為光度觀測計畫首輪觀測重點目標,並將這24顆目標利用LS Periodogram & PDM兩種週期分析工具。 在2010年的秋冬季,向臺灣鹿林天文臺的申請了觀測計畫,以SLT望遠鏡做為本觀測計畫的第一資料來源(觀測資料量佔本計畫的47%),其次為LOT與Tenagra(位於美國境內亞利桑那州)望遠鏡(資料量各佔本計畫的21%與32%),做可見光B、V、R、I四個波段的光度觀測。將光度影像資料經過一連串基本的影像校正(data reduction);並觀測Landolt標準星,做儀器星等轉為視星等的大氣質量及消光效應之校正程序。利用可見光的光度資料,將24顆目標星再次地以LS Periodogram & PDM的週期分析工具進行週期確認,並試圖找出在第一階段以TAOS的資料無法確認週期的目標其光變週期。 經過這一連串的篩選、分析、觀測、確認,找到了數顆雙星,其食雙星的可能類型為:大陵五型雙星(Algol-type binaries);有兩顆推測可能為天琴座β型變星(Beta Lyrae variables),另有兩顆變星因資訊不足,有待日後的追蹤觀測。 zh_TW
dc.description.abstractIn this thesis, we searched the undiscovered variable stars in TAOS 060 field. The central coordinate for TAOS 060 filed is located at RA 04:48:00 DEC+20:46:20 (J2000), and the field of view is 1.7°×1.7°. After the candidates were selected, the targets were observed in optical follow-up in 2010. The multi-band light curves will be helpful to characterize and classify these variables. TAOS stands for the Taiwanese-American Occultation Survey, a project that has been in operation since 2005. The main goal of this project is to find the small objects in Kuiper Belt using occultation techniques, in order to further understanding the original of solar system . Occultation requires long observational time by targeting the same region of sky. The time series data is also suitable for searching variables. From the 2654 stars located in TAOS 060 field, there are 24 variable candidates, selected by simultaneously using two tools: Sigma-Deviation Method & Stetson’s J-index. The periods for these 24 variable candidates were obtained by LS Periodogram & PDM. We observed these variable candidates in B, V, R, I bands. Data were collected in autumn and winter 2010. Majority of observational data for this project came from SLT at Lulin Observatory ( for 47%), with other data coming from LOT (at Lulin Observatory, for 21%), and Tenagra II telescope ( at Arizona, America, for 32% ). After basic data reduction and calibration using Landolt standard stars, we searched the periods for these 24 variables candidates using LS Periodogram & PDM. Until now, we found four obviously variables which can be recognized as eclipsing binary: Algol-type binaries and Beta Lyrae binaries. And the other two objects still need more information to make sure what kind of type they are. en_US
DC.subjectTAOS 060 星場zh_TW
DC.subjectFollow-up Observationsen_US
DC.subjectTAOS 060 Fielden_US
DC.subjectVariable Staren_US
DC.subjectPeriodicity Analysisen_US
DC.titleTAOS 060 星場中的變星週期分析與可見光的後續觀測zh_TW
DC.titleSearching for Variable Stars in the TAOS 060 Field and Optical Follow-up Observationsen_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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