博碩士論文 983302023 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorKe-tien Chouen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract摘 要 國內公共工程自從政府採購法實施後,各項公共工程多採行公正公開之招標方式辦理採購,有關工程技術服務之勞務採購多為具技師證照資格之工程顧問公司或技師事務所參與競標,故如何提升公司之競爭力,以公司既有精簡人力搭配適量之超時工作及外調人力支援,如期如質的達到合約規定及業主之要求,是現今本行業得以生存之道,也是公司決策者所需研究之重點。目前國內各公司承攬專案合約工程之規劃設計及監造人員配置,多以過往經驗人工配置,在執行單純之專案合約狀況下尚足以應付人員配置及工作指派規劃,但遇複雜及工作期程重疊嚴重狀況時,往往有人力調派不當或無謂成本浪費之情形。故如何透過最佳化人員指派,以達人力資源充分利用及降低成本為本研究目的。 就求解方法上,本研究建構之整數規劃數學模式,依據專案合約工程規劃設計監造之需求及條件,量化合約各計畫工作量,並訂定各限制條件之參數,輸入LINGO套裝軟體,即可直接輸出最佳化之成本分析結果,在實際之執行過程中,當限制條件改變時,可隨時依最新條件調整參數,重新規劃人員指派模式,本研究以模擬之小型工程顧問公司執行單一專案合約工程規劃設計及監造技術服務工作為範例測試,並比較本研究模式與人工經驗指派方式之績效差異,結果顯示成效良好。另經由本研究之敏感度分析機制,公司決策者可依據各參數之敏感度變化趨勢,主動配置調整各類工程師數量及相關薪資結構,以配合限制條件,重新檢討整體及局部時段的作業成本,進而考量依各計畫需求辦理轉包或分包之依據,以達到充分利用人力資源、節省成本的目的。本研究之模式較適合中、小型工程規劃設計及監造團隊執行中、短期人員配置及指派問題。研究內容可靈活運用於有關人員指派問題,具實用性參考價值。 zh_TW
dc.description.abstractAbstract Since the implementation of the Government Procurement Act, procurement of public constructions in Taiwan has been mostly based on fair and public bidding. The bidding of labor procurement related to engineering techniques is usually managed by the construction consulting companies or engineering firms with engineer certificates. Therefore, how to enhance corporate competitiveness and meet the regulations on the contracts and the requirments of proprietors by the limited manpower, proper overtime works and support of outsourcing manpower are critical for the business in the industry and the key points which should be studied by corporate decision makers. Currently, the planning designers and engineering supervisors of special projects undertaken by the firms in Taiwan mostly rely on the experienced manpower. Personnel arrangement and work assignment can be managed upon simple execution of special project contracts. However, in complicated and overlapping construction periods, there can be improper manpower assignment or waste of unnecessary costs. How to fully use human resources and reduce the costs by the optimized personnel assignment is the purpose of this study. Regarding the method of solution, this study constructs math model of integer planning and quantifies the workload of the projects according to needs and conditions of project planning, design and supervision. Parameters of the conditions are constructed and input in LINGO to directly output the optimized cost analysis. In actual practice, when the conditions are changed, parameters can be flexibly adjusted and personnel assignment can be re-planned. This study treated a simulated small-scale construction consulting company which implements the planning, design and supervision of one special project with contract as an example, and compared the performance of the research model with the experienced manpower assignment. The results confirmed that the model is effective. According to sensitivity analysis, corporate decision makers can actively adjust the number of different types of engineers and salary structure upon the change of parameter sensitivity in order to match the conditions, review the business costs of overall and partial periods, and further consider the transfer or outsourcing of the plans to fully use human resources and reduce the costs. The research model is more suitable for medium and small construction planning, design and supervison organizations to arrange and assign medium and short-term personnel. This study can be flexibly applied to the issues related to personnel assignment with certain practicality. en_US
DC.subjecthuman resourceen_US
DC.subjectpersonnel assignmenten_US
DC.subjectthe lowest costen_US
DC.subjectinteger planningen_US
DC.titleResearch of staff optimization for the configuration project planning and design contracts supervisionen_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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