博碩士論文 983306012 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorYi-cheng Changen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract高科技電子業是台灣跨向新世紀的重要產業之一,而廢棄物轉變為有用資源是科技業邁向成功與否的重要關鍵,電子產業因經濟發展及科技日新月異下,如何發展具可行性之離子交換樹脂回收應用技術,將有助於企業節省成本並提昇競爭力。 本研究以電子業純水系統中,離子交換樹脂塔使用過後,取出回收再利用之廢離子交換樹脂為研究對象;因實廠濕式清洗製程,在製造過程中需耗用大量用水,因此針先對製程廢水的進流水質進行討論,同時調查不同單元所收集廢水之特性,然後採取預防安全之措施,設計分流之排水管,再導入回收處理裝置。然後以每年可回收3500L樹脂進行再利用研究,並求得最佳操作參數,最後對廢水回收工程與現況進行經濟效益評估。 經研究結果顯示,回收後離子交換樹脂以再生劑進行再生,在再生量控制為5BV(300ml),再生效果以4%NaOH再生劑效果為最佳,其可達98%再生率。 經研究深入分析,利用本處理系統回收廢水及樹脂再利用,在水資源永續管理與清潔生產的角度,其可行性遠高於廢水處理後直接放流,依照此方式進行回收,不僅對提升製程回收率有幫助,可符合經濟效益,同時也減少對環境的衝擊。 zh_TW
dc.description.abstractThe high-tech electronics industry has become one of the important industries in Taiwan in the 21st century, and the ability to convert wastes to useful resources is a critical factor that determines the success of the technological industry. Therefore, with rapid economic and technological developments, it is essential for the electronics industry to develop feasible applied technologies for the recycling of ion exchange resin (IER), so that companies can save costs and be more competitive. The subject of this study is the waste IER that has been recovered after being used in the IER tower of the electronics ultrapure water system. The wet cleaning process implemented in plants consumes vast quantities of water during the manufacturing process. Therefore, the first step is to study the waste water quality of the manufacturing process and investigate the characteristics of wastewater collected from different units simultaneously. Next is the design of drainpipes for shunting water as a safety measure before the wastewater is channeled into the recycling equipment. Subsequently, an annual amount of recyclable resin of 3,500 L is being used for recycling research to determine the optimal operating parameters. An evaluation of the economic benefits of wastewater recycling is finally made based on existing conditions. The study findings indicate that the recovered IER can be regenerated using the regenerating agent. When the amount of the regenerating agent was controlled at 5 BV (300 ml), the best performance (with a regeneration rate of up to 98%) was achieved with 4% NaOH. From the perspectives of sustainable water resources management and clean production, our in-depth analysis shows that there is a much higher feasibility of treating wastewater and recycling IER using the proposed system than direct discharge after wastewater treatment. The proposed recycling method not only enhances recovery rates during the manufacturing process, but can also help derive economic benefits while reducing the impact on the environment. en_US
DC.subjection exchangeen_US
DC.subjectwater recyclingen_US
DC.subjectultrapure wateren_US
DC.subjectcolumn testen_US
DC.subjectmachine shunten_US
DC.titleA feasibility study on the recycling of Ion Exchange Resin in plantsen_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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