博碩士論文 983306025 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorChun-Hsing Huangen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract本研究主要是以生命週期(Life Cycle Assessment, LCA)方式探討E3酒精汽油(97% 無鉛95汽油與3%生質酒精)對環境面造成的衝擊,並針對民眾對酒精汽油含水量過多的疑慮,抽取E3酒精汽油進行含水量量測,最後輔以E3酒精汽油銷售情況及民眾問卷調查,瞭解E3酒精汽油現階段使用情形及民眾對E3酒精汽油接受度,以評估未來推廣潛力。 LCA評估結果顯示:目前生產的酒精汽油在台灣使用所造成的環境衝擊不亞於95無鉛汽油,尤其在能源消耗與水資源使用上,酒精汽油的影響與衝擊高出95汽油許多。E3酒精汽油含水量測試指出水分含量非常低,在使用上並不會造成車輛零件的損壞。 台灣推廣E3酒精汽油三年多以來,政府對E3酒精汽油持續不斷提高補助,即使市售E3酒精汽油比95無鉛汽油價格較優惠及強制公務車使用的情況下,E3酒精汽油的銷售量與95汽油相比仍是非常低。民眾問卷顯示:民眾對於政府推動E3酒精汽油政策的瞭解程度很低,接受度也不高,因此,在政府與石油公司未更積極推動的情況下,E3酒精汽油在台灣持續發展的困難度頗高。 zh_TW
dc.description.abstractThis study is focus on the investigation of the environmental impact of E3 gasohol (a fuel mixture of 97% 95 unleaded gasoline and 3% bioethanol) based on the method of Life Cycle Assessment (LCA). In addition, for the public doubts of excessive water content in gasohol, water content inspecting analysis of E3 gasohol, sales amount statistic and public questionnaire survey were performed for understanding the use situation and public acceptance of E3 gasohol and evaluating the future potential of market. According to the results of LCA, the environmental impact of E3 gasohol using in Taiwan is no less than that of 95 unleaded gasoline in the meantime. The environmental effects and impacts from E3 gasohol are much higher than those from 95 unleaded gasoline, especially to energy consumption and water resource. Very low water contents have been verified in gasohol in the inspections and running with it would not cause damages to vehicle components. Since 3 years ago, Taiwan Government promotes E3 gasohol by raising subsidy continuously. The sales amount of E3 gasohol is quite low comparing to that of 95 unleaded gasoline, even though a lower price of gasohol is provided and official vehicles were forced to be fueled by E3 gasohol compulsively. The statistic results of questionnaire survey have shown that public understands the government policy of promoting E3 gasohol at a very low level and the acceptance is not high. Therefore, in the situation without further enthusiastically promoting by government and petroleum companies, continuously growing of E3 gasohol market in Taiwan will be quite difficult. en_US
DC.subjectE3 ethanol blended gasolineen_US
DC.subjectBio- ethanolen_US
DC.subjectLife Cycle Assessment (LCA)en_US
DC.titleThe investigation of ethanol blended gasoline applicability in Taiwanen_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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