博碩士論文 984203011 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorWei-Hao Huangen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract字彙是語言的基礎,傳統上學習者通常遵循教師給定的作業進行學習,然而這些學習方式多半是被動式的學習,當脫離學校的環境後,學習者往往因為懶惰與缺乏學習動機,就放棄背單字的習慣。以往,輔助字彙學習的系統多半只提供簡單的字彙測驗工具與字義查詢工具(Goodfellow, 1995),由於是獨立於學習流程外,因此往往無法發揮輔助學習者字彙學習的效果;此外數位學習系統要有效幫助學習者應該藉由了解學習者特質,並挑選合適的學習理論建置數位學習系統,才能發揮系統的最大效益(Ma & Kelly, 2006)。本研究為了有效地培養學習者自律學習字彙的習慣,將Zimmerman的自律循環模式應用於單字學習並融入數位系統(Barry J. Zimmerman, Bonner, & Kovach, 2000),提出了一套整合學習流程與互動式學習的結合模式用以建置了MyVLS字彙學習系統,幫助改善學習者自律學習字彙,以提升學習大量單字的成效。此外為了有效調整學習,本研究亦欲透過MyVLS的歷程分析與知識平台來幫助學習者調整與進行字彙學習。 本研究針對中央大學資管系的19名即將要參加TOEIC測驗的學生進行為期3周的實驗,實驗並分為兩階段(1)前測與後測、(2) 問卷與質性訪談。由實驗第一階段的分析,本研究得到的結論為,透過MyVLS字彙學習系統的輔助,能有效的提升學習大量單字的成效。實驗第二階段的結論則為,大部分學習者認為MyVLS可以達到以下功效(1) 有效的複習、(2) 有效的時間規劃、(3) 自我效能的提升、(4) 意志力的控制。此外雖然MyVLS的知識平台現階段大多數的學習者認為其成效不彰,並且歷程分析的自律報表也並非完全符合學習者需求,但是未來本研究希望藉由將知識平台與歷程分析的報表更進一步的改善,並融入至學習者的學習流程,藉由此方式提升字彙學習的成效。 zh_TW
dc.description.abstractVocabulary is essential for learners who intend to learn English well. However, owing to lack of motivation and laziness, students always follow assignments from teachers and often give up keeping learning vocabulary after graduation. In the past, computer assisted language learning programs (CALL) for vocabulary learning merely offer simple vocabulary assessment tool or electronic dictionary. Hence learner couldn’t exert the CALL program effectiveness since it is independently separated from learners’ learning process. In behalf of learners, a CALL program should combine an appropriate learning theory to assist vocabulary learning. In this research, for cultivating learners’ self-regulated learning habit and improving the traditional vocabulary learning activities, we design an integrated model based on self-regulated learning theory and CALL to construct MyVLS vocabulary learning system. We had invited 19 college students who would enroll in TOEIC exams to participate 3 weeks experiment. There are two rounds of experiment and conclusions obtained from each round: (1) The exams before and after experiment reveal that MyVLS can help learners make great progress in vocabulary learning after three weeks experiment. (2) By investigating the learners’ perception of MyVLS via interview and questionnaire survey, most learners thought MyVLS could assist them to (1) review words effectively, (2) time planning, (3) enhance self-efficiency (4) volition control. In addition, although MyVLS knowledge forum couldn’t make obvious effect for helping vocabulary learning and the learning record analysis also couldn’t reflect correct learning outcomes for now, after reform these deficiencies and apply them to learners learning processes we firmly believe this way can help learners learn vocabulary more effective. en_US
DC.subjectE-learning Systemen_US
DC.subjectknowledge forumen_US
DC.subjectself-regulated learning cycle modelen_US
DC.subjectlearning record analysisen_US
DC.titleSystem design and empirical study on applying self-regulated learning in improving capability for acquiring large-quantity vocabulary.en_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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