博碩士論文 984307017 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorChiung-Hiu Huangen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract在技術日新月異及全球化競爭的環境下,不論是主管或部屬皆面臨著快速變化的工作環境,主管在組織中被要求擔任更多發展導向的角色,也是最常被認為應該肩負教練指導職責的人選。主管的管理教練技能與員工的工作績效表現息息相關,員工的心理感受及表現出來的行為,都是主管應密切注意的。 本研究以部屬的工作投入做為干擾變項,探討管理教練技能與部屬工作績效之關連性。以國內某大型的跨國美商氣體製造公司進行研究,共取得302對有效配對樣本進行分析,研究結果如下: 1.管理教練技能與員工工作績效有正向相關。 2.部屬工作投入之工作承諾越高,部屬所認知的管理教練技能對部屬工作績效越有顯著的關係。 由本研究可以了解,部屬所認知的管理教練技能對員工工作績效有正向關係,而主管展現教練技能的確能提升部屬工作績效,因此建議企業內可重視管理教練技能之特色及展現,將可增進部屬之工作投入、影響其工作績效。 此研究結果提出未來的研究建議為可研究所有產業員工所認知到的管理教練技能,讓研究結果更能概化至一般的企業中。 zh_TW
dc.description.abstractWith the daily changing new technology and globalize competition surrounding, no matter superintend or subordinate, they are both facing a quickly change working environment. Supervisors are asked to develop a multi orientation characters, and also considered as the best coach candidate. The manager’s managerial coaching skills, it has a deep impact on job performance for each employee. Inner feeling of the employees and their apparent behaviors should be paid close attention by supervisors. This study uses the job involvement of employees as the variance of interference, and discusses the relationship in between the Managerial coaching skills and the Job performance of employees. The sampler is a multi-national cooperate which is also an American based company in Taiwan to perform this case study. Finally, a total of 302 samples were collected for the match up and data analyze. The study results are as following: 1. There is a positive relationship between managerial coaching skills and employee’s job performance. 2. If the aspects of job commitment on employee’s job involvement getting higher, the more impact for them to understand on how performances are influenced by Managerial coaching skills. This study can help to understand that employees have a thought of managerial coaching skills has a positive influence on their job performance; moreover, when the supervisor can carry out the managerial coaching skills, it would help to achieve job performance of employees. Therefore, it is recommended to enterprise that to highly value the characteristics and outcome of managerial coaching skills. It would enhance the job involvement of employee at work and improve their job performance. After research, some recommendations are suggested for future as following: The research can extend to all industries and their employees as to knowledge of the managerial coaching skills and finally can apply to all sizes of enterprise. en_US
DC.subjectmanagerial coaching skillsen_US
DC.subjectjob involvementen_US
DC.subjectjob performanceen_US
DC.titleThe relationship between managerial coaching skill and employees’ job performance job involvement as a moderatoren_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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