博碩士論文 985301031 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorChung-Fang Liuen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract社會資訊化漸漸改變了國人的生活型態,隨著科技進步同時也有相對的副作用產生,世界衛生組織(WHO)研究發現已開發國家人民生病的原因多是因於運動量不足,因此運動與健康促進漸漸地成為一個風潮。運動習慣會隨著個人特質或生活型態的不同而有所差異,然而運動習慣的養成必須從青少年時期就盡早確立,教育部日前也積極向國中小推行「運動333計畫」,意即每週從事運動至少三次,且每次至少要30分鐘,每次運動完心跳要達到每分鐘130下。近年來心臟疾病與腦血管疾病一直高居國內十大死因的前第二、三名,因現代人生活習慣改變,許多三十出頭的年輕人,面對龐大的工作壓力、加上飲食不均衡與缺乏運動,使膽固醇及血脂肪過高,這也間接導致心血管疾病等相關的慢性疾病患者年齡層不斷下降的主因。美國運動醫學會(ACSM)也提出每週應有2-3次的運動,並以最大心跳率的40%-60%的運動強度持續20-30分鐘以改善或維持心肺適能。運動是健康的基礎,本研究主要在探討如何建置一套系統,讓學校老師、健身教練等使用者能輕鬆掌握多人的團體運動狀況,達到有效運動並提升運動效率為目的。 本文透過物聯網(Internet of Things, IoT)的概念整合穿戴式光學心率錶配合行動裝置與軟體,藉由無線傳輸達到即時顯示及場域投影的效果,以輔助老師或教練能夠對團體及個人心率進行監測,以便評估各項運動數據而提出專業建議,幫助學員更有效率地達到運動健身的目的。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractThe community informatization is changing our life style gradually. As the technology develop more advanced, in the mean time, here comes the side effect. The study of WHO found that the sickness of developed countries people could be attributed to less exercise. Hence exercise and health improvement become a pop phenomenon. The exercise habits would be changed by different personal characters or life style. We should build the exercise habit in the teen-age years. Ministry of education promotes the exercise 333 plan to elementary schools and junior high schools actively. The plan means you should do exercise at least 3 times each week, and 30 minutes each time. Then the heart rate is over 130 per minute. In recent years, heart disease and cerebrovascular disease ranks 2 and 3 of the top 10 leading causes of death in our country. Due to the modern people has changed their life style, many young people, just over 30 years old, has to face huge work pressures. The consequences of not eating a balanced diet and less of exercise may include high blood cholesterol. This also could be the main reason that why the average age of patients with Cardiovascular diseases is lowering. The American College of Sports Medicine recommends that doing 2-3 times exercise per week and the maximal heart rate keep from 40%-60% for 20-30 mins to improve or maintenance physical exercise. Exercise is necessary for good health. This research focuses on setting up a system for teacher, fitness coach and other users to handle the status of many people. Let them can doing exercise effectively. This article describes an application of the concept of Internet of Things (IoT). Using wearable optical heart rate monitors combined with motion detection and software tracking, the collective heart rates during exercises can be continuously recorded to achieve certain health objectives. Through real-time wireless transmitted data and a projected environmental map, this information can assist teachers or instructors to assess exercise data accurately. This system of instantaneous information feedback, when combined with professional guidance, can achieve better physical exercise regimes and health.en_US
DC.subjectHeart Rate Monitoren_US
DC.subjectWearable Deviceen_US
DC.titleIntegrating Interent of Things Technology for Group Fitness Trainingen_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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