博碩士論文 987204012 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorShih-Kuo Kuoen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract台灣社會是由許多族群所共同組合而成,包含了多元文化、語言、習俗與價值等,在公共資源分配過程中,難免會產生分歧的意見與衝突,為化解族群間之分歧與衝突,在政府層面上有兩個運作方式:第一,透過代議政治的代議士展顯其代表性;第二,增加行政機關在代表性官僚的比例。然而,以絕對多數決的代議政體,無法完全反映出多元社會中的各種少數族群、弱勢以及非主流團體的價值與保障其利益。另一方面,行政部門中也可能因為內部資源分配上的相互排擠,導致以服務少數族群、弱勢以及非主流團體的典型行政機關無法有所作為。基於上述兩點,近代各國政府在保障少數族群上,將代表性官僚機構化,設置族群行代表性行政機關,來確保少數族群的價值與利益。 我國客家族群因歷史脈絡,於1987年客家運動開始發展,促使客家社團、電台與電視節目等相繼成立,也是設置客家代表性行政機關的重要因素之一。經由13年的努力,於2000年行政院客家委員成立運作,也是客家族群被國家體制首度來承認,奠定了往後地方政府相繼設置客家行政機關的基石。儘管代表性行政機關具有高度代表性以及特殊性,依然還是屬於政府體制中的一部分,必須受到民意機關、人民與媒體來監督,架構出一個課責的運作模式。只是過多與不適合的課責模式可能會造成代表性行政機關的代表性遭到侵害與削弱,如何能在課責及代表性中取得一個平衡點,正是本文欲研究的核心目的。 因此筆者提出了有別於傳統課責模式的課責指標,以客家委員會與新北市客家務局為研究案例,嘗試去架構適合族群行代表性行政機關的課責模式,包含行政課責、政治課責以及社會課責三個面向,期望經由三種不同課責類型的組合,得以強化現有客家行政機關在課責運作上之不足,建構出一個完善的代表性行政機關,讓政府能達到善治的目標。 zh_TW
dc.description.abstractThere are many ethnics in Taiwan society, which consists of different cultures, languages, customs, and values, etc. It is inevitable to have some different opinions and conflicts during the distribution of public resources. Governments usually deal with those conflicts and crisis by two ways. First, elect the delegates to show the representation. Second, increase the percentage of representative bureaucracy. However, it is not easy to reflect the value of minority groups, and the bureaucracy may not function properly because of resources squeeze. Accordingly, many countries started to set up representative agencies to protect the welfare of minority groups. The set-up of Hakka representative agency was caused by Hakka campaigns, which includes the operations of Hakka leagues and TV programs, started from1987. By 13-year-efforts, Hakka Affairs Council was set up and started to operate in 2000. It is the first time Hakka was recognized by the government, and it is the foundation of Hakka administrative agency of Local Governments. Despite the highly representation and specialty of the representative agency, it is still a part of the government and should be supervised by legislators , people, and media to set up an operate pattern. Different patterns of accountability may interfere the representative agencies. It is the purpose of this research to keep the balance between the accountability and representation. The author takes Hakka Affairs Council and Hakka Affairs Department, New Taipei City for example to format the suitable pattern of Ethnic-based Representative Agency through administrative accountability, political accountability, and social accountability and hopes it can enforce the accountability of current Hakka administrative organizations to make it better. en_US
DC.subjectrepresentative bureaucracyen_US
DC.subjectrepresentative agencyen_US
DC.subjectthe ethnic-based representative agencyen_US
DC.title族群型代表性行政機關課責之研究 – 以我國中央與地方客家行政機關為例zh_TW
DC.titleThe Study an Accountability of the Ethnic-based Representative Agency ─ Case Study of Hakka Administrative Agency of Central and Local Governments in Taiwan.en_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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