博碩士論文 987306005 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorYn-dan Liuen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract平鎮客家書院係由中央大學客家學院所創設之非正式組織,融合了學術研究單位、政府與非營利組織三者之特質,如何整合資源的運用,以達最有效率及效能的實踐,是為治理中最為重要的研究問題。 平鎮客家書院的組織乃透過整合公部門的客家經費、場地;學術研究單位厚實的理論依據,共同委託非營利組織以公私協力執行推動客家文化,有何具體成效,是否可以達到『綜效效果』(synergy)?這個新型態的組合,會碰到什麼困境、可能解決方法等作為其他客家書院或其他推動客家公共事務之參考,是為研究目的。 由於研究者服務於公部門,採用參與(Participation)、觀察(Observation)法,實地參於平鎮客家書院之執行工作,對於客家有熱烈的情感,且長期沉浸在推動客家文化相關活動的現場觀察,也參與相關之會議討論。透過公私協力的文獻蒐集與研究主題作為交互檢核與驗證。向參與客家書院活動之學員發放問巻調查,分析學習成效及滿意度。以深度訪談為核心研究方法,以開放式訪談,採質化資料分析—MAXQDA軟體的應用,分析訪談資料,以獲得可靠貼近真實的結論。深入瞭解公私協力的理念與現況,關切客家書院未來方向及願景。 研究發現:平鎮客家書院以公私協力推動客家文化的發展分為四個面向, 一、政策組織面:(1)推動客家公共政策,必須具有公權力、政治力。(2)組織間有共識性,責任心、及強烈使命感,才能創造共贏。(3)組織間應具規範法制化、角色應具責任確認原則。(4)運作應確實達到資源整合、跨部門協力合作,自主專責能力。(5)慎選具有執行能力、財務透明、使命必達之合作單位。 二、實際執行面:(1)執行上的困境:經費困窘,領導者心態或更迭、推動政策無法延續,師資不足。(2)協力執行的成效。(3)朝經濟力、推廣力、及影響力而努力。 三、社會回應面:(1)深獲社會認同及高度肯定(2)注意因素及改善方向。 四、發展願景面:(1)公共性、現代性、及創新性。(2)在活動設計上具建設性及教育性;有深度、有廣度。(3)多元性、普遍性、全面性、永續性、結合地方産業發展(4)善用公私協力的功能。(5)設定近程、中程、長程性目標,以文化貢獻回饋社會。 zh_TW
dc.description.abstractPing Jen Hakka Institute was established by College of Hakka Studies of National Central University. It is an unofficial organization, combining the characteristics of the academic research unit, the government and the non-profit organization. The most important managing topic to research is how to link the whole resources together, so as to reach the goal of the practice efficiently and effectively. Ping Jen Hakka Institute aims to promote Hakka culture by the public and private collaboration. The institute, which is an authorized non-profit organization, combines the Hakka funds and places supported by the government and the abundant theories supported by the academic research unit. The purpose of this research is to survey if this new kind of combination could obtain any concrete achievements, if the synergy worked, what difficulties they encountered and what the possible solutions were. They hope the experiences can provide some references for other Hakka institutes or people that want to promote Hakka public affairs. As working in the government, the researcher adopted the methods of participation and observation to do the research. With a passion for Hakka culture, the researcher has participated in the executive work at Ping Pen Hakka Institute as well as numerous Hakka activities and seminars for years. As a result, the researcher had a long-term observation on the promotion of Hakka culture. Besides, by the public and private collaboration, the researcher collected the documents and main topics to prove and examine mutually. Furthermore, the researcher gave the questionnaires to the people who attended the activities held by Ping Jen Hakka Institute and analyzed the effect of the study and the degree of the satisfaction. In order to acquire a reliable and true conclusion, the researcher adopted the method of the in-depth interviews and used the MAXQDA software to analyze the data of the interviews. The researcher not only has fully realized the concept of the public and private collaboration and the current situation but also concerned the future direction and development as well. This research is divided into four facets. (I)Policies and organizations: (1) Promoting Hakka public policies requires governmental power and political strength. (2) Among the organizations, there must be a mutual understanding and responsibility to fulfill the task. (3) The organizations should be regularized and responsible for the roles they play. (4) During the process, the integration of the resources, the cross sector collaboration, and the ability of independence are precisely required. (5) Choose partners carefully. The cooperative unit must have the ability and responsibility to carry out the mission and its finance must be clear. (II)Execution: (1) The difficulties: the shortage of funds, the attitude or the change of the leaders, the discontinuity of the policies, and the lack of the qualified teachers (2) The effect of the cooperation (3) Make efforts on economic strength, promotions and influences. (III)Feedbacks from the society: (1) Gain lots of acknowledgement and affirmation. (2) Pay attention to some factors and the directions of the improvement. (IV)Future development: (1) Publicity, modernity, and innovation. (2) Design more constructive and educational activities to broaden people’s horizons. (3) Diversification, popularization, entirety, continuity and link with the local industries (4) Use the function of public and private collaboration well. (5) Set up short-term, medium-term and long-term goals. Make a cultural contribution to feedback the society. en_US
DC.subjectHakka Instituteen_US
DC.subjectPublic and Private Collaborationen_US
DC.subjectHakka Cultureen_US
DC.title以公私協力推動客家文化發展之研究— 平鎮客家書院之經驗zh_TW
DC.titleA Study on Promoting the Development of Hakka Culture by the Public and Private CollaborationThe Experiences of Ping Jen Hakka Institute en_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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