博碩士論文 991204005 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorYA- LAN TSAOen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract基於奧修理論的兩性關係 摘要 宇宙之所以綿延不斷、生生不息,在其永遠處於對立兩端的循環交替之中。這是天地繁衍、萬物滋長的妙理。在這生命的締造中,各類存有呈現了虛與實、陰與陽、精神與物質的交激與融合。而人類在這對立兩端之相摩相蕩而形成獨特物類的歷程中,也創造了不可言喻的奧妙,這就是愛情。 愛情是兩性之間的一種連結。它不止是男女心靈交疊的一種現象,也悠關男女肉體之實際結合,這是各種人際關係中絕無僅有的一環。印度哲學家奧修對此有獨特的見解。他特重覺知、觀照,由此提出獨特的靜心方法。他以機智的見解,並透過隱喻性的啟示與教誨,指引我們從個體蛻變出發,完整體驗自我情緒,走入愛的體悟,洞見世間一切,分享愛的人生,由此讓生命得到滿全。本論文即旨在立足於奧修的愛情理論,展開兩性關係的探究。 研究面向如下。一、奧修理論的背景思想,包括文字意念、觀照覺知、性與靜心、超越意識諸觀點。二、奧修的兩性關係理論,包括愛的理論、愛的情緒理論、愛的蛻變理論等。三、基於兩性相處上的諸種現象,從「婚姻」、「性」、「金錢」三方面探究奧修理論中的兩性關係。四、奧修兩性關係中的相處,以奧修理論中,個人或兩性關係上所呈現的問題為主,提出十六點來探討。 關鍵字:奧修、愛情、兩性關係  zh_TW
dc.description.abstractOn Sexual Relationship: A Theory Based on Osho’s Theory Abstract It can be said that the perpetual motion of the cosmos is based on a circulation of all opposites of which the cosmos consists. In the process of the creation of life, all kinds of beings realize themselves by combining their own opposite sides, including empty vs concreteness, the negative vs the positive, as well as spirit vs matter. In such a course of contradictory unity, human beings, like the other kinds of beings, is definitely creating something secret, which is generally categorized as “love.” In an interpersonal sense, love, involving not only the mental but also the bodily interaction, is commonly defined as a determinate connection between both sexes. To theorize what love is and how we make deals with love, Osho, a modern Indian philosopher, emphasizes the importance of enlightenment and illumination, which lead us to the method of how to let our minds still. By providing a great number of sophisticated concepts and by means of metaphorically inspiring his listeners, Osho leads us to a self-transformation, in the sense that we are able to fully experience our own emotions, and to integrate our life by understanding what love is and getting an insight of the reality. In short, the previous introduction of Osho’s theory of love can be regarded as constituting a perspective of the sexual relationship to be elaborated in this thesis. The main points of this thesis are as follows. (1) The background of Osho’s theory. Ideas including the will within the language, enlightenment together with illumination, the relation between sex and the method of making the mind still, and transcendental consciousness will be emphasized. (2) Osho’s theory of sexual relationship, which consists of concepts such as love, emotions pertaining to love, and love’s function in transforming human minds. (3) Based on phenomenon in the interaction between both sexes, this thesis aims at studying Osho’s theory of sexual relationship from the perspective of “marriage,” “sex,” and “money.” (4) Osho on how to interact with the other sex, which leads this thesis to study problems arising from self as well as sexual relationship. Keywords: Osho, Love, Sexual Relationshipen_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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