博碩士論文 991205010 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorZong-Qi Hoen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract本研究透過討論陳維英家族,去瞭解北臺灣權力家族的發展,以及維持家族名聲跟社會地位的方法,架構部份除緒論與結論外,可分為四章。 陳維英家族開臺祖陳埰海在乾隆45年(1780)渡臺,但當時的北臺灣社會文風不盛,尚處在俗化的社會狀態,至道光年間,北臺灣地方社會朝向文治化發展,陳家也漸成為士紳型領導人物,並參與地方事務。 透過對陳維英家族的探討,進而瞭解權力家族為求長期發展,必須累積財富、功名、聲譽、人際關係,權力家族通常透過拓墾或經商賺取財富,有一定的經濟實力後,會鼓勵子嗣參加科舉,取得功名,同時也會參加地方事務,且擴展家族的人際關係,使家族能夠長期穩定發展。 就陳家的研究案例來說,權力家族的背景跟原籍深深影響著家族,首先在背景方面,陳家是以文教為顯著特色的家族,所以具有文教型領導人物的特質,人際網絡也是以陳維英的門生為核心,然而陳家是以經商起家,所以也擁有商人特質,面對各方事務多以家族能夠穩定發展為前提的態度處理,於是跟地方或官方往來的互動,如不危及家族本身,多是互助配合的態度。 再就原籍方面,陳家雖也參與各類地方事務,但因原為同安籍,因此更是積極參與跟同安人及安溪人相關的地方事務,尤其是宗教層面的事務,而陳維英門生大都是漳州人跟泉州人,其中又多是同安人或安溪人,因而陳家多是跟漳州或泉州籍的城居士紳互動,交織出雙向且活絡的人際網絡。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractThis research is to investigate the development of the reputed families in social leading status in North Taiwan, to know how they sustained their families’ prestige and social status through the discussion on Chen Wei-ying’s family. Besides Introduction and Conclusion, there are four chapters. The first reclamation of Chen Wei-ying family started with Chen Tsai in year 45 of Qian-long reign (1780 AD.), when the north of Taiwan was still non-educated and uncultivated. In the Dao-guang reign, the society of north Taiwan started off on culture events, and the Chen family gradually became the leading squire getting involved in local events. Through the Chen Wei-ying family, the clear threads of how the prominent families gained its prosperity by accumulating wealth, fame, prestige, and relationships shown. They usually gained wealth with reclamation or business. To a certain degree of economic stability, the families would encourage the heirs to participate imperial exam system for fame. They also involved local events to extend its relationship and social network for further stable development of the families. For the Chen family, the background and origin deeply influenced the family. On the background, the Chen family had good reputation on cultural and educational affairs, thus they had the specific qualities of social leading status of this type and its social network was centered on Chen Wei-ying’s disciples. The Chen family was built up by business, thus it had the quality of businessmen as well. They cooperated with local and governmental affairs mostly on the premise not jeopardizing its family benefits to have a long-term successful development for itself. On its origin side, the Chen family was from Tung-an, China, thus, when they participated on various local affairs, they were more enthusiastic about events for Tung-an and An Chi people, particularly on religion events. The Chens’ disciples were mostly Tung-an or An-chi people from Chunchou and Changchou, so the Chen family’s vibrant interacting social network was mostly with squires from Chunchou and Changchou.en_US
DC.titleResearch on the Social Leading Status of Qing Dynasty - On Chen Wei-ying family in Danbei (1780-1895)en_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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