博碩士論文 991205013 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorZhen-Ying Fangen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract本文主要探討自1895年到1980年代臺灣初等教育師資培育制度在不同時期面臨教育困境所產生的轉變,並以國立臺南大學為分析對象。由於臺灣歷史曾面臨多次政權轉移,不同政權為使治臺政策能確切落實,多選擇從教育政策著手,透過相關教育訓練將其治臺政策深植臺灣,而在各種不同教育訓練中又以初等教育最為重要。 為配合政府初等教育政策的推動,如何培養信賴並能確實落實政策的初等教育師資就成為重要之事,是以相關的養成機構才由政府把關並執行,早期也僅能在政府所設立的師範學校和師範專科學校中進行師資養成。臺灣最早的師資培育制度源自日治時期,於1896年在臺北設立國語學校師範部,1898年設置臺北、臺中、臺南三所師範學校,雖然南師於1904年就遭到裁撤,但1919年再度成立後的南師卻發展至今,長期以培育初等學校師資為主,故成為主要分析對象。 在臺灣師資養成的過程中可見,師資培育機構其制度的更替與教育政策更改有極大關聯,如1919年重新設立的臺南師範學校即因應臺籍教師不足而設,而戰後亦因日籍教師返國及國語運動推廣,中華民國政府於1946年將臺南師範學校接收後重新改名、改制,重新招募師範生以培育出大量國民教育師資,以解決嚴重師荒現象。至1960年代,因經濟發展需要大量人才之故,又開始重視初等教育師資素質的提升,故於1962年改制為省立臺南師範專科學校,將畢業生的資格從高中生提升到專科生,是以臺灣一連串的師資培育制度可謂因應教師荒問題與提升教師素質而發。 關鍵字:臺南師範學校、臺南師範專科學校、師範生zh_TW
dc.description.abstractThe study aims to analyze the transforming movements in dealing with educational difficulties regarding the system of teacher cultivation of Primary Education from 1895 to 1980 in Taiwan. The samples analyzed will fall on the National Tainan Normal University. Due to several times of authority-power transferring in Taiwan’s history, the incumbent government from diverse parties, given the efficient implementation of various policies, always takes education policy for priority. Plenty of ruling policies have been deeply rooted in Taiwan by means of educational drills in which primary-education drill, however, appears to be the most crucial. Teacher cultivation is being of importance, especially from cultivating institutes which are supposed to be examined by governments. In the pioneering stage, no other institutes can help train teachers except for Normal Schools or Junior Teachers’ College founded by government. Teacher cultivation programs can be traced back to Japanese colonial period in Taiwan. Taiwan Governor General’s Office not only founded mandarin school of normal in Taipei in 1896, but also established three Normal Schools in 1898 respectively in Taipei, Taichung, and Tainan. NUTN was dissolved in 1904 though, it has played a vital role in cultivating teachers for primary schools since 1919; as a result of the situation, NUTN will be discussed in this research. In the process of teacher cultivation in Taiwan, it could be obviously observed that the system alternation of Teacher cultivation has much to do with modification of educational policies. For instance, NUTN was reestablished in 1919 is mainly due to the shortage of Taiwanese teachers. In addition, because of Chinese-speaking advocacy and lots of Japanese teachers repatriated to Japan, R.O.C. Taiwan in 1946 both renamed and restructured NUTN, and even recruited students of Normal School to deal with the phenomenon of teaching shortage. Later in 1960s, the teachers’ quality is being emphasized due to high demand for teaching talents. In 1962, meanwhile, Provincial Tainan Junior Teachers’ College is born and there are no longer graduates from senior high but from Junior Teachers’ College. The transition from the serial system of Teacher-cultivation stems from the teacher’s shortage and enhancement. Keywords: Tainan Normal School, Provincial Tainan Junior Teachers’ College, Students of Normal Schoolen_US
DC.subjectTainan Normal Schoolen_US
DC.subjectProvincial Tainan Junior Teachers’ Collegeen_US
DC.subjectStudents of Normal Schoolen_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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