博碩士論文 991301015 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorKuei-lin Tungen_US
dc.identifier.urihttp://ir.lib.ncu.edu.tw:88/thesis/view_etd.asp?URN= 991301015
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract中文摘要 《紅樓夢》是一部膾炙人口的文學巨著,面對這樣一部百科全書式的偉大作品,歷來的研究繁花似錦,眾說紛紜,本論文將定調於「大旨談情」。 《紅樓夢》在台灣現當代文壇,仍然持續地發揮影響力。在愛情小說大家瓊瑤(1938-)某些文本中,《紅樓夢》的身影以各種樣貌出現,讓讀者有跨越古今、似曾相識的驚喜。本文擬考察台灣最具影響力的愛情小說作家瓊瑤(1938-)文本對《紅樓夢》的互文,希冀在《紅樓夢》的互文與故事新編研究上開闢出不同的詮釋面向。 本論文共分為五章,第一章緒論,說明研究動機、文獻回顧、研究版本與研究範圍。第二章抒情修辭,嘗試從文學創作、修辭的面向証成文本間的互文關係。第三章言情敘事,試從「情」是瓊瑤文本的主旨,她的文本可說是愛情的百科全書,談文本與《紅樓夢》的互文關係。第四章性情中人,先細述瓊瑤生平與作品分期,主要論述認為任何一個論述的行為(discursive act)都是一個「治療的行為」(therapeutic process),往往是要藉著「把不堪的過去予以反省檢視」,尋找重生的契機。本文試証成曹雪芹與瓊瑤在創作時皆有這樣的意圖。第五章結論,先論文本雅、俗的界線,次論瓊瑤文本在文壇中的定位,亦肯定「通俗」、「類型化」文本的價值。筆者認為瓊瑤文本有古典文學的抒情傳統,文筆優美流暢,在學術界與文學界中,應重新被認識與肯定。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractAbstract The Dream of Red Chamber is a well-known masterpiece in literature. Concerning such a great “encyclopedia” like this, the researches toward it were in great variety with numerous divergent perspectives. In the thesis, the research would mainly focus on the “Affection in the Dream of Red Chamber. “ The Dream of Red Chamber still continuously shows its great influence toward Taiwanese contemporary literature. In several texts of Chiung Yao, the master in the field of novel of romantic love, the literary images of The Dream of Red Chamber appeared in different aspects, giving readers surprises with similarities of traits from the ancient time to the present. This thesis would research the Intertextuality between the text from Chiung Yao and The Dream of Red Chamber, hoping to interpret a new perspective in the intertextuality and rewriting of this masterpiece. The thesis consists of five chapters. The chapter one: Introduction contains the motivation of this research, retrospect of the bibliographies, the version of the text involved in and the range of this thesis covered. The Chapter two: Intertextuality of the Rhetoric Literature mainly try to proof the intertextuality between the literature creations and the Rhetoric theory. The Chapter Three: Intertextually of traditional romantic literature focused interprets the affection relationship between The Dream of Red Chamber and the Chiung Yao’s creation, which was the “encyclopedia” in the romantic literature. The Chapter Four: Intertextually of the text itself discuss that any one discursive act is a “Therapeutic Process”, which aims on looking for rebirth through the self-reflection of the unease past time. This thesis tries to proof that Chiung Yao share the same intention with the writer of The Dream of The Red Chamber, Cao Xueqin (1715-1764) through the creation. The Chapter Five: Review would start from the review of the elegance and vulgar of the texts. Hence, reviewing literary status of Chiung Yao’s texts. The author of this study suggests that Chiung Yao’s texts possess the traditional romantics with fluent writing style, which should be re-recognized and known by the academics and the literary world. en_US
DC.subjectThe Dream of Red Chamberen_US
DC.subjectCao Xueqinen_US
DC.subjectChiung Yaoen_US
DC.title 大旨談情—瓊瑤文本與《紅樓夢》之互文zh_TW
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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