博碩士論文 991305008 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorKuei-li Shihen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract楊漣(1572-1625)字文孺,號大洪,湖廣應山人。楊漣於萬曆三十五年(1607)中舉進士,隔年初任常熟知縣,後歷任戶科、兵科給事中。萬曆四十八年(1620),神宗逝世,由光宗繼位;然而光宗僅在位一個月,即發生光宗因服用「紅丸」而猝死之事件,史稱「紅丸案」。光宗死後,其寵妃李選侍仍留踞乾清宮,楊漣、左光斗等人倡議移宮,因而引發爭論,此即為「移宮案」。對於「紅丸」、「移宮」二案,楊漣均參與其中;尤以「移宮案」出力頗多,楊漣更為求平息爭論,而上疏乞歸回籍。迨楊漣復起後,其宦途可謂一帆風順,官高至左副都御史。 「三案」除了使廷臣的注意力聚焦於宮闈事件的爭鬥,亦加速宦官專權。李選侍遷出乾清宮後,由於後宮無主,加以熹宗怠荒朝政,致使朝廷大權旁落,魏忠賢得以專權亂政。天啟四年(1624)六月,楊漣首觸兇鋒,上疏彈劾魏忠賢二十四大罪;此後,魏忠賢即羅織黨獄,開啟縉紳之禍。次年,楊漣則因遭受酷刑拷訊而慘死獄中。崇禎初年,思宗徹底清查「閹黨」、欽定「逆案」,並為楊漣等人平反冤屈。思宗更追贈楊漣太子太保、右都御史,諡號忠烈,官蔭一子。 本論文將以楊漣作為研究的主題,透過對楊漣的研究,以了解楊漣的生平、行事作風與政治理念;並藉由分析晚明的政治環境,進一步探討楊漣於所處時代的政治作為,及其於晚明政局中所扮演的角色與影響。 zh_TW
dc.description.abstractYang Lian (1572-1625), also known by his courtesy name Wenru and who called himself Dahong, was native of Huguang Yingshan in the Ming Dynasty. He was an successful candidate of the highest imperial examinations in the 35th year of the reign of Wanli Emperor (1607), and was appointed as Magistrate of Chang Shu early in the following year, and later on as Royal Assistant of Civil and Military Affaires. In the 48th year of the reign of Wanli Emperor (1620), Wanli Emperor died with the Royal Temple name Shen Zong. In the same year, Taichang Emperor, whose royal temple name was Guang Zong, inaugurated as emperor for just a month, and suddenly died from eating red pill, an incident called the “Red Pill Incident” by historians. Guang Zong’s beloved consort Li Xuanshi still lived in the Qianqing Palace after Guang Zong’s Death and refused to move, breaking disputes with Yang Lian, Zuo Guangdou and other officials who opposed Li Xuanshi’s behavior. The incident was called Yigong Incident by historians. Yang Lian was involved in both the Red Pill and Yigong Incidents, and played a major role especially in the Yigong Incident. Yang Lian even resigned for a period of time to appease the disputes. He got a smooth promotion to take post as high as Vice Left Royal Procurator of Capital Procuratorate when he retook office from retirement. The Three Incidents not only drew the attentions of the royal officials to royal conflicts, but also aggravated the eunuchs’ interference with the royal governance. Orderless harem after Li Xuanshi moved out of Qianqing Palace and the mis-governace of Xi Zong left a chance for the eunuch Wei Zhongxian to take power and interfere in the royal governance. In June of the 4th year of the reign of Tianqi Emperor (1624), Yang Lian took initiative to impeach Wei Zhongxian with 24 crimes. Wei Zhongxian fought back with false accusations and started partisan prosecutions. In the following year, Yan Lian was brutally tortured and died in prison. In the early years of the reign of Chongahen Emperor, Xi Zong cleared out the eunuch party and redressed injustices such as the one Yang Lian suffered. Xi Zong redeemed Yang Lian’s name, and honored him the Prince’’s Royal Protector and promoted him Right Prosecutor of Capital Procuratorate. He was given posthumous honor Zhong Lie (loyal and brave), and one of his son was granted his post in the royal government in return for his loyalty. In this essay, the author has studied Yang Lian’s deeds, working style and concept of governance, and further on Yang Liang’s political achievements and influence in politics of late Ming Dynasty through analyzing the political environment of the late Ming Dynasty. en_US
DC.subjectUpright Royal Official.en_US
DC.subjectPolitics of late Ming Dynastyen_US
DC.subjectYang Lianen_US
DC.titleStudy of Yang Lian, the Upright Royal Official of Late Ming Dynastyen_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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