博碩士論文 991305025 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorMing-chi Wuen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract1948年光復節創刊的《國語日報》,至今已六十餘年,從最初的推行國語運動使命,演變成伴隨許多兒童成長的讀物,而當閱讀教育成為教育界「顯學」的今日,《國語日報》更成為讀報教育的最佳選擇,其地位屹立不搖。本文探討的重點有三:(一)《國語日報》的創辦與經營:戰後初期《國語日報》因應政府的中國化政策與國語運動而誕生,面對經費不足與經濟困頓的環境,《國語日報》靠著自身努力與各界協助而站穩腳步,穩定經營基礎。(二)《國語日報》的版面與內容:為堅持其國語教育理念,版面配置歷經數次更動,充滿「國語教育」與「學習園地」內容的副刊,成為其最大特色。(三)《國語日報》的價值與影響:1.由於內容注有注音符號、文字淺顯易懂且含有多元國語學習材料,受到各界的推廣與使用,協助臺灣國語文教育的推展;2.關注學校教育,對於教師專業的養成與優良讀物的提供有不小助益;3.積極宣傳反共抗俄理念,並灌輸讀者國家認同與忠君報國的想法。 zh_TW
dc.description.abstractMandarin Daily News, established on Retrocession Day of 1948 with a history of more than 60 years, is initially aimed to promote the Mandarin Movement and now becomes the children’s literatures along with the growths of many generations. Nowadays, since the Reading Education becomes a famous doctrine in the educational field, the Mandarin Daily News, with its unshakable status, is the best choice to introduce the reading newspaper education. This study focuses on three points. Firstly, foundation and operation: At the early postwar period, with the Chinese policy and the Mandarin Movement carried out by the government,, the Mandarin Daily News was born. Facing the shortage of financial supports and the economic depression, it took a firm stand and made a stable foundation for its management. Secondly, layout and content: In order to insist the idea of Mandarin Education, the design of layout has changed many times. The supplements filled with Mandarin Education and Study Field is its biggest characteristic. Thirdly, value and influence: Because it covered mandarin phonetic symbols, simple Chinese characters and mandarin study materials consisted of multiple elements, the Mandarin Daily News was spread and applied in different fields, which contributed to the promotion of Mandarin Education in Taiwan. The News paid attention to the education in school, and made a support to the development of the teachers’ professional qualities and the supply of good literatures. What’s more, it was active in spreading the idea of anti-communism and anti-Russia by implanting the thought that the government approved the view of being loyal and patriotic into its readers. en_US
DC.subjectEarly Postwar Perioden_US
DC.subjectMandarin Daily Newsen_US
DC.subjectMandarin Movementen_US
DC.titleResearch on the Mandarin Daily News at the Early Postwar Period from 1948 to 1954en_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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