博碩士論文 992203018 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorWei-chen Hongen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract由於石化能源所造成的環境問題成為注目的焦點,使得尋找替代能源成為目前的重要課題之一,利用太陽能電池將光能轉換成電能為目前的熱門研究。染料敏化太陽能電池 (dye-sensitized solar cell, DSSC)具有透光性、可撓曲性及低製造成本等優點,是目前主要的研究領域之一。釕金屬錯合物是常見用於DSSC的高效率染料,但釕金屬錯合物染料無法有效吸收遠紅光(far-red (FR))及近紅外光區(near-infrared (NIR))區域的光子,為了進一步提高DSSC的光電轉換效率,發展FR/NIR染料是相當重要的工作。本論文設計合成具有高吸收係數和吸收涵蓋FR/NIR區的squaraine染料分子,採用donor-π-conjugated-acceptor的設計概念, 以triphenylamine為donor,用具推電子能力的EDOT作為共軛片段,使用quinoline做為連接squaraine與羧酸基的延長共軛單元,合成出不對稱的染料WCH-SQ10及WCH-SQ11,這兩個 squaraine 光敏化劑之最大吸收波長分別為 686 nm和 673 nm,吸收係數為 92376 M-1 cm-1和87154 M-1 cm-1,半高寬為122和120 nm,以這兩個染料所組裝成的DSSC元件之光電轉換效率分別為1.77 % (Jsc = 9.25 mA/cm2,Voc = 374 mV,FF = 0.51)和1.96 % (Jsc = 9.06 mA/cm2,Voc = 391 mV,FF = 0.55)。元件的IPCE圖顯示使用WCH-SQ10及WCH-SQ11為染料之DSSC在波長800-1100 nm範圍內還有IPCE值,顯示含squaraine之染料做為FR/NIR之潛力。 zh_TW
dc.description.abstractThe environmental problems related to the fossil energy is one of the energy issues causing great attention. Alternative energy sources becomes one of the important subject people are searching for. Solar cell, which converts light energy into electricity, is the most promising technology amongst the renewable energy. Dye-sensitized solar cell, DSSC, is considered as an alternative to the conventional solar cells due to its transparence, flexibility, high conversion efficiency, and low cost. Ruthenium complexes exhibit relatively high DSSC performance. However, ruthenium complexes did not efficiently absorb the photons in the Far-Red (FR)/Near-Infrared (NIR) region. To improve the performances of DSSCs, it would be essential to develop FR/NIR sensitizer. In this thesis, we designed and synthesized two new donor-π-conjugated-acceptor (D-π-A) unsymmetrical squaraine dyes, WCH-SQ10 and WCH-SQ11. These two squaraine dyes, have a triphenylamine as an electron donor, 3,4-Ethylenedioxythiophene as a conjugate moiety, and quinoline with COOH as an acceptor. WCH-SQ10 showed absorption maximum (λmax) centered at 686 nm with a molar absorption coefficient (ε) of 92376 M-1 cm-1 and λmax of WCH-SQ11 centerd at 673 nm with a ε of 87154 M-1 cm-1. The full width at half-maximum (FWHM) are 122 nm and 120 nm for WCH-SQ10 and WCH-SQ11, respectively. The overall conversion efficiency (ŋ) for WCH-SQ10 was 1.77 % (Jsc = 9.25 mA/cm2,Voc = 374 mV,FF = 0.51), for WCH-SQ11 was 1.96 % (Jsc = 9.06 mA/cm2,Voc = 391 mV,FF = 0.55) under the illumination of AM (air mass) 1.5 global simulated sunlight (100 mW/cm2). Incident photon-to-current conversion efficiency (IPCE) spectra of the devices sensitized by WCH-SQ10 and WCH-SQ11, reveal the efficiency at wavelength from 800 nm to 1100 nm. The results suggest that squaraine dye is a promising FR/NIR sensitizer. en_US
DC.subjectSquaraine Dyesen_US
DC.subjectDye-Sensitized Solar Cellsen_US
DC.titleSynthesis of Unsymmetrical Quinoline-Based Squaraine Dyes for Panchromatic Dye-Sensitized Solar Cellsen_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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