博碩士論文 993202086 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorYu-yuan Chenen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract房屋紋理的敷貼是建立仿真房屋模型中重要的步驟,而隨著數位 相機的普及,讓數位影像資料的獲取變的相當便利。針對已存在的積 木式房屋模型,本研究利用數位相機獲取大量資訊豐富的高重疊近景 影像,目的是利用高重疊影像獲得無遮蔽牆面紋理。但是所獲取的影 像資訊通常有前景遮蔽問題,因此,如何獲得無遮蔽牆面紋理是目前 需要克服的問題。 針對此問題,本研究所提出的處理方法可分為四個部份:(1)方 位求解,(2)產生三維點雲,(3)偵測遮蔽區,(4)影像填補。首先需進 行相機率定並解算影像方位參數。在影像方位解算乃利用已知之積木 模型取得控制點,配合於目標影像間觀測得的共軛點,解算影像的方 位參數。第二步,利用影像匹配求得共軛點的三維座標,產生三維點 雲。匹配時除了採用多視窗(Center-Left-Right)匹配外,本研究提出使 用影像分類作為額外的匹配指標,以提高匹配的正確率。接下來,以 影像的光譜及幾何的性質分析影像,以區塊的方式辨別房屋紋理及前 景遮蔽物。幾何方面,利用三維點雲所在位置判斷景物的距離;在光 譜方面,則以光譜資訊進行分類,使每個像元具有類別。在綜合光譜 及幾何條件後,可獲得無前景遮蔽的房屋紋理。最後是影像填補,第 三步驟後,我們擁有數張無遮蔽房屋紋理影像,使用副影像對於主影 像做填補,以獲得可能完整的房屋牆面紋理影像,但若有任一塊牆面 區塊無法被拍攝到,將無法產生完全無遮蔽的房屋牆面紋理。 由實驗結果得知,增加影像分類資訊輔助影像匹配,可以得到較 高的相關係數。而使用重新取樣及多視窗匹配法,可改善匹配視窗中 包含內容不同的部份。最終成果顯示,本方法可以移除前景遮蔽的區 域,並由其餘影像填補遮蔽區域,滿足視覺化之要求。 zh_TW
dc.description.abstractTexture mapping for building facades is an important task in photorealistic building modeling. Following the popularity of digital cameras, extraction of the object texture becomes convenient. The close-range photogrammetry, thus, can acquire rich spatial and texture information from high overlap images. Although those close-range images can provide detail information, occlusion is still a problem to overcome. To derive complete textures for a block building model, this investigation proposes a scheme using high overlap images through geometrical and spectral analyses. There are four parts in the proposed scheme, namely, (1) orientation modeling, (2) generation of 3D point clouds, (3) occlusion detection, and (4) image compensation. First step calibrates the camera and computes orientation parameters. We acquired high overlap images with signalized targets for camera calibration. Then, the images were acquired for test buildings. To examine the applicability of generating ground control points (GCPs) from building models, a small number of structure points were extracted. In the second part, we combine CLR (Center-Right-Left) matching and image classification to derive reliable conjugate points for 3D point clouding. Then, geometry and spectrum are analyzed to separate the foreground from building surfaces. On the geometry part, space intersection is employed to calculate the object coordinates for conjugate points. In the spectrum analyses, image classification is performed to determine the class for each pixel. Combining geometry and spectrum characteristics, we detect the foreground objects for removal. The last step is image compensation. The occluded regions in a selected master image are then replaced by the unhidden parts extracted from slave images. The result shows higher correctness when CLR matching and image classification are combined. Experimental results show that the proposed method can detect occlusion part and replaced by the unhidden parts extracted from other images. en_US
DC.subjectBuilding Textureen_US
DC.subjectSpectral Analysisen_US
DC.subjectImage Matchingen_US
DC.subjectClose-range Imagesen_US
DC.titleAcquisition of Building Facade Texture from Close-range Imagesen_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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