博碩士論文 993203088 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorKe-Siang Chenen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract本文探討兩種不互溶流體在微流道中液滴生成和液體從晶片出口處滴 落情形,藉由ANSYS FLUENT 模擬軟件模擬兩相流體在二維T型微流道流動狀態,在不考慮兩相流體界面間的化學反應條件下,觀察兩相流體在不同體積流率和不同流道內壁面接觸角在T 型流道流動情形,以及氣體和液體在流道分段流動而液體從晶片出口處滴落時,觀察是否會被不同的流道內壁面接觸角和晶片外壁面接觸角所影響液體滴落情形。 以五種不同的流體體積流率和四種不同的流道內壁面接觸角探討液體 被氣體截斷時,氣體和液體在流道流動區塊是否獨立,以及氣體和液體在流道中各自所佔的區塊大小和流動形態關係。並探討流道內壁面接觸角和晶片外壁面接觸角對液體從晶片出口處滴落所造成的影響。 本文顯示空氣和水在T 型流道中相互擠壓及拉伸產生各自獨立區塊, 而隨著時間增加下空氣和水會重複性得到固定的獨立區塊。在兩相體積流率比為5 時,因為不同的流道內壁面接觸角所造成空氣和水在流道中形態的變化,有些流道內壁面接觸角會造成空氣和水各自獨立區塊無法產生。而液體從晶片出口處滴落的情形本文探討四種內壁面接觸角和三種外壁面接觸角對水從晶片出口處滴落的情形,得知晶片外壁面接觸角對水從晶片出口處的滴落影響會遠大於內壁面接觸角的影響。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractThis article discussed two immiscible fluids in microchannel droplet formation and fluid dripping case from the chip outlet, by ANSYS FLUENT software simulation of two-phase fluid in a two dimensional T-junction microchannel flow state. Without considering the chemical reaction at the interface between two phase fluids, observe the two phase fluid contact angle at different volume flow rates and different inner wall contact angle fluid flow case in the T-junction microchannel. The gas and liquid segmented flow in the T-junction microchannel and liquid dripping case from the chip outlet, observe whether it will be a different inner wall contact angle and chip surface contact angle of liquid dripping affected situations. Using five different volume flow rates and four different inner wall contact angle discussed the gas cut off liquid generate respective block whether independent and block size with the flow pattern of relationship. The inner wall contact angle and the chip surface contact angle is discussed dripping case from the chip outlet caused. This article pointed out that water and air mutual push generate respective independent block in T-junction microchannel and fixed block of time to increase. In the two-phase volume flow rate ratio is five, because the different inner wall contact angle caused by the change of air and water in the form of flow, some inner wall contact angle will cause the air and water separate block can’t produce. While the fluid dripping case from the chip outlet this article discussed four inner wall surface contact angle and three kinds of chip surface contact angle of water dripping case from the chip outlet, that the chip surface contact angle of water influence from chip outlet dripping will affect more than the inner wall surface contact angle.en_US
DC.subjectComputational fluid dynamicsen_US
DC.subjectTwo-phase flowen_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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