博碩士論文 993302010 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorYi-wei Kuoen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract公園綠地在現在都市人口密度逐漸增高的情況下,已是在民眾生活重 要的空間之一,「都市綠化」也已成為各國改善都市環境品質之重要政策。 然而,許多公園均與現今世界永續發展之潮流相差甚遠,其空間機能 及環境條件降低,造成其效能及使用品質發展不甚理想。再者,隨著社會形態高齡化的轉變,以及都市人口密集化,民眾對於公園無障礙空間及其防災功能的服務需求與日俱增。爰此,本研究以建置防災公園規劃示範、公園更新導入永續發展及無障礙環境概念之案例探討,並加入民意探討公園維護管理課題。以研究達成公園綠地「永續發展、多元使用、品質提升」和諧舒適生活環境之方法,作為後續公園維護之參考。 研究結果,防災公園除設施整備建置外,應研擬完整防救災作業計畫,制訂管理維護機制,並加入民眾參與及演練,以使在災害發生時發揮其應有之功能。此外,公園綠地應設施減量增加綠覆面積,提升基地保水量,降低熱島效應,達永續發展目標;專用場地並可透過委託管理,提升為民服務品質。並建議制訂定公園開發設計準則,規範公園綠覆率等各項空間設施標準,避免不符合永續發展的公園開闢設計。 本研究利用網路免費資源「Google Earth」及「Google 相關周邊軟體」之雲端運用,後建置公園基本履歷系統雛型,並透過運用系統進行改良式焦點團體訪談分析,以利設施維護管理永續進行,避免資源之浪費。 zh_TW
dc.description.abstractNowadays City Park is one of the most important spaces for people as the density of population in the cities getting higher. “Urban Green” has become asignificant policy of every country in order to increase the quality of living environment. However, the disappointing environment conditions of many parks are not following the trend of sustainable development of the world which leads to lower using effectiveness and block the quality developing. On the other hand, the demand of safe and barrier-free environments is increasing since our society is changing that more of us are living longer than ever before which cause the aging and densely population. Therefore, this study presents the model of disaster prevention park, park sustainable management and barrier-free environment case study; which take public opinion as data sources. The methods of this study expect to achieve sustainable development, multi-utility and quality improving of Urban Green in order to make the environment a better place and for park maintenance future reference. The research conclusion of this study found that there should be a complete disaster relief operation plan and establish management and maintenance mechanism beside the original facilities of disaster prevention park. Furthermore, people must. participate the disaster relief operation plan to bring the biggest effectiveness once disaster happen. Also, the parks should reduce facilities for adding more green area to enhance the moisture holding capacity of the base which can reduce the heat island effect and achieve the goal of sustainable development. As to private venues, it can be delegated in order to increase service quality. In addition, this study suggests standardize the green rate of a park and facilities standards by establishing park development and design guidelines to eliminate the park designs which are not sustainable. This study has used free online resource as “Google Earth” and the “Cloud applications of Google related software” to build parks after basic biographical data system prototype. Also, through system to analyze “Modified Focus Group Interview’ in order to maintenance facilities and sustainable management of Urban Park and avoid resources wasting. en_US
DC.subjectGoogle Earthzh_TW
DC.subjectPark maintenance anden_US
DC.subjectdisaster prevention Parken_US
DC.subjectbarrier-free facilityen_US
DC.titleA case study on sustainable use , maintenance and management of City parks and green spaces - TaoyuanCity of Taoyuan Countyen_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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