博碩士論文 993302018 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorHsuan-lin Wuen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract台灣地區既有建築安全檢驗之探討 摘要 本研究主要為探討居住的建築物本身及所在之地是否安全,進而預防災害的發生及減少災害發生時損失,且對於坡地的開發是否適當或已是過度開發對於自然環境不斷的傷害,然而環境不斷的變遷、氣候改變及災害類型的複雜性等均對於生活於四面環海的臺灣的我們更需要注意居住的安全性,並期待後續有更多人將自身的專業及寶貴的經歷提出來分享再對建築安全一詞找出更好也能夠真正符合所需,研擬日後撰擬評估時應著重考量因素及執行方法。從研究中發現,由於一般人僅重視建築物結構本身的耐震能力及施工品質,但往往造成災害的原因大多非屬建築本身的問題,惟設法了解所居住建築物安全性及所潛在的面臨的風險,才能進而「避災」、「防災」、「減災」,如此才能根本的解決建築安全問題,建築安全與民眾生命財產之保全息息相關,一旦災害發生往往成為民眾及媒體聚焦之焦點。有鑑於此,應如何有效率且簡易評估建築物的安全極為重要,整合政府機關所提供之相關資源,使民眾均能自行評估對自身所居住的建築物進行評估,方能有效提升民眾整體防災、減災能力,並降低災害突發時所造成之衝擊力。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractA Discussion of Taiwan’s Existing Building Safety Inspection Abstract This study aims to explore the safety of the building and its location to prevent disaster and reduce the loss of disaster. Moreover, whether the development of slope is appropriate or excessive to cause continuous damage to the natural environment, the continued change in environment and climate, and the complexity of disaster types makes it necessary for Taiwan as an island country to pay special attention to residential safety. It is anticipated that more people in the future can propose and share their expertise and valuable experience regarding building safety to find better, actually satisfactory factors of consideration and methods of implementation for subsequent assessment and development. It is found that people only pay attention to the anti-seismic capabilities and construction quality of the building structure. However, causes of disasters are often not problems of the buildings themselves. Only by understanding the safety of the residential building and the potential risks, can we “prevent the disaster”, “avoid the disaster” and “mitigate the disaster” to solve the building safety problems fundamentally. Building safety is closely related to the life and property of people. Disaster often becomes focus of attention of the media and the general public. In view of this, it is extremely important to efficiently and easily assess the safety of the buildings. Only by integrating the relevant resources provided by the governmental agencies to enable the general public to evaluate buildings by them, the overall disaster prevention and mitigation capabilities of the people can thus be effectively improved and the impact of disaster can thus be reduced.en_US
DC.subjectresidential building safetyen_US
DC.subjectbuilding safety assessmenten_US
DC.subjectenvironmental potential areaen_US
DC.subjectdisaster mitigation and preventionen_US
DC.titleA Discussion of Taiwan’s Existing Building Safety Inspectionen_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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