博碩士論文 993303030 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorYu-ming Hungen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract競爭激烈的3C電子產品都以外觀為主導方向,對電子產品的功能外觀要求及安全品質的要求已達精緻細膩,而現在傳統模具及成型技術已經無法克服結合線熔合和灌點印痕的問題,對3C電子產品而言外觀主導消費者購買產品的第一主要印象,所以各大廠無不在產品外觀處理上持續的開發新技術及研究新製程,以求電子產品之獨特性及創新。本研究使用模流分析搭配正要量產的模具窄的前框,將以TV高亮光澤的窄邊前框(High glossy)使用一般傳統冷水熱水迴路及快速蒸汽管路模具為基礎及搭配熱膠道,分析產品結合線和灌點之位置及大小和形狀不同,利用模具設計與模流分析軟體(Moldflow)模擬參數,以探討急速蒸汽迴路與急速冷卻迴路及傳統冷水熱水迴路之並行設計,且比對最後之單一成型品提出模具溫度的差異性,透過設定參數及設計值並與分析軟體相互搭配,以縮短開發流程。最終本文也將針對高亮光澤急速蒸汽模具之迴路設計做一結論,即如何有效利用模流分析軟體(Moldflow)與實務經驗提出製程改善方案,以減少目前公母模具的溫度控制之設計問題點。最後以拉伸試驗證明,使用急速蒸汽管路的RHCM(Rapid Heat Cycle Molding)的鍵結強度優於傳統的成型加工方法 關鍵詞:蒸汽管路、高光亮、結(熔)合線、模流分析 zh_TW
dc.description.abstractIntense competition 3C electronic products, that appearance is the key point for the orientation , the appearance of product functional、safety and quality requirements for 3C electronic products reached delicate , and now the traditional mold and molding technology has been unable to overcome the fusion of weld line and dot prints irrigation problems, 3C electronic products for consumer purchase in terms of the appearance of the dominant impression of the first major product image, so all the major plant focus on the appearance of the product development continually of new technologies and research new process , in order to unique and innovative electronic products. In this study, mold flow analysis with a narrower front frame mold was about mass production , will highlight the glossy TV Narrow bezel (High glossy) using traditional cold water circuit and die as fast steam line basis and with Hot-runner , analysis of weld line and different product lines and filling the position of the point and the size and shape , mold design and mold flow analysis software (Moldflow) how to combine in order to explore the steam circuit in parallel with the rapid cooling circuit and hot circuit of the conventional cold design , and to be compare with the final molded product made of a single mold temperature differences in the basic values through the basic setup parameters and design values and with each other, in order to shorten the development process. Finally, this study will make a conclusion for the high-gloss steam circuit design mold, how to effectively use mold flow analysis software (Moldflow) and practical experience improvement plan proposed to reduce the design problems of the current male and female mold temperature control. Finally, experimental results of impact test and tensile test proved that the use of rapid steam pipe RHCM strength is superior to traditional forming methods.en_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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