博碩士論文 993306024 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorYu-shan Yehen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract台灣於民國90年至民國100年間,年平均之一般廢棄物進廠焚化量為438.7萬公噸、事業廢棄物年平均為146.7萬公噸,100年之廢棄物總進廠量更高達650.7萬公噸,顯示台灣為求符合經濟並有效防治公害之處理方式,對於廢棄物之焚化處理需求量有逐年增高之趨勢,達成有效將垃圾減容、減量之效果,但焚化後產生之飛灰、反應灰及灰渣等二次廢棄物之有害物質處理方式仍應為值得關注的議題。 飛灰及反應灰對於環境之危害主要為其化性不穩定而將內含之鉛(Pb)、鉻(Cr)等重金屬溶出,若以掩埋方式處理將造成土地污染,將其化性穩定化為相當重要之課題。飛灰及反應灰進行二次處理時,重金屬溶出之效率係為關鍵,但兼顧效率的同時,仍應維持其經濟可行性,例如過去研究指出,酸性溶液作為淋洗劑對於重金屬溶出之效果最佳(謝慶弘,2003),但若欲維持其最佳溶出效果,酸性溶液成本則相當高昂,其產生重金屬溶出之酸性廢液亦需進行二次處理,故成本將不符實際需求,在焚化廠實際作業上仍應考量於溶出效率及經濟成本間取得平衡。 本研究以新竹市資源回收廠所產生之飛灰及反應灰為研究樣本,進行總量分析(飛灰及反應灰內重金屬含量總量)、性質鑑定(pH值、氯離子濃度、晶體結構及表面型態等)、重金屬含量檢測(以酸性溶液、螯合劑及水洗等進行淋洗之毒性溶出試驗)等試驗,其中更測試不同淋洗時間、不同淋洗劑濃度及不同固液比之參數條件下,對於重金屬有害物之溶出效果,期望探討焚化廠於飛灰及反應灰二次處理時,完全使用水洗進行重金屬溶出之可行性,及考量經濟成本和溶出效率下,建議可作為最佳重金屬溶出使用之淋洗劑。 zh_TW
dc.description.abstractThe average amount of the general waste treated by incinerator in Taiwan, between 2001 to 2011 is approximately 4.387 million tonnes. Taiwan has increased year by year the demand for incineration of waste for the sake of the handing of the economic and effective prevention of public nuisance. The resistance instability of environmental hazards is due to fly ash and reaction ash containing lead (Pb), chromium (Cr) and other heavy metal leaching. In the secondary treatment of fly ash and reaction ash, leaching of heavy metals is critical, but the balance bewteen effciency at the same time should still maintain its economic viability. For example, past studies have indicated that the acidic solution as the eluent for the effect of leaching of heavy metals good, but putting up the best stripping effect, the cost of the acidic solution is quite high and the acid leaching of heavy metals waste and required secondary treatment, so the costs will not match the actual demand in the incineration plant. It should still consider the actual operation to strike a balance between dissolution efficiency and economic costs. In this study, fly ash generated from the recycling plant in Hsinchu and the reaction gray from the sample were analyze. The total analysis (fly ash and reaction ash within the total heavy metal content), Characterization (pH value,chloride ion concentration, crystal structure andsurface morphology, etc.), the detection of heavy metal content (in acidic solution, chelating agents, and washed the leaching of toxic leaching test) and different parameters such as different elution time, eluent concentration and solid-liquid ratio parameters have been explored. The secondary treatment of incinerator fly ash and reaction ash, the use of complete feasibility of leaching of heavy metals, consideration of economic costs and stripping efficiency under conditions for the dissolution of harmful heavy metals substances have been the major aim of this study and results suggested the best leaching of heavy metals using the eluent. en_US
DC.subjectFly ashen_US
DC.subjectHeavy metalsen_US
DC.titleFeasibility Study of the washing waste incinerator fly ashen_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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