博碩士論文 993405002 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorYeh, Chung-Hsuanen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract摘 要 綜觀目前臺灣建築師事務所的經營模式與管理理論,員工是事務所組織中非常重要的資產。然而為了因應全球化競爭愈趨激烈,建築師事務所的產業結構由勞力密集逐漸轉為知識密集,建築師事務所的經營策略則愈來愈仰賴員工的建築專業技能與知識,以提升建築師事務所的附加價值及競爭優勢。因此,「員工」是建築師事務所寶貴的資產,員工若能在工作上得到滿足,得以產出更好的工作績效,是臺灣建築師事務所經營管理上非常重要的課題。 本研究主要探討臺灣建築師事務所的從業人員對於建築師事務所內部管理模式與員工滿意度對組織承諾工作績效之影響,並促使事務所的主持建築師能採取適當有效策略,提昇員工工作滿意度、組織承諾之措施,並強化員工向心力,提高員工工作績效。本研究欲達成下列幾項研究目的: 1. 藉由本研究結果,期望協助建築師事務所對於內部管理模式之制定,以提昇員工工作滿意度及組織承諾程度,進而提昇事務所工作績效,做為國內建築師事務所經營管理者之重要參考。 2. 建構臺灣建築師事務所最具實務性之管理策略。 3.探討建築師事務所管理模式與員工工作滿意度對組織承諾工作績效之影響,是否會透過組織承諾之中介效果而影響工作績效。 4.探討在不同經營型態下之建築師事務所從業人員,管理模式與員工工作滿意度對組織承諾各構面之間因果關係是否有所差異。 5.提供給後續欲研究建築師事務所相關課題者之參考。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractBSTRACT Looking at the business model and management theory of the current Taiwan architects, employees are very important assets in the firm organization. However, in order to respond to the increasingly fierce global competition, the industrial structure of architect firms has gradually changed from labor-intensive to knowledge-intensive, and the architect’s business strategy has increasingly relied on the employees’ professional skills and knowledge to enhance the architect’s The added value and competitive advantage of the firm. Therefore, "employees" are valuable assets of the architect’s offices. If employees are satisfied with their work and can produce better job performance, it is a very important issue for the management of the Taiwanese architect’s office. This study mainly explores the impact of the employees of the Taiwanese architects firm on the internal management model and employee satisfaction of the architects in the organization′s work performance, and urges the architects of the firm to take appropriate and effective strategies to improve the employees′ job satisfaction. Degrees, organizational commitments and efforts to strengthen employees′ cohesion and improve their work performance. This study aims to achieve the following research objectives: 1. With the results of this study, it is expected to assist the architects in the formulation of the internal management model in order to improve the employees′ job satisfaction and organizational commitment, and thus enhance the performance of the firm′s work, which is important for the managers of the domestic architect firms. Reference. 2. To build the most practical management strategy for Taiwanese architects. 3. Discuss whether the impact of organizational management model and employee job satisfaction on the performance of organizational commitment work will influence the job performance through the intermediary effect of the organization. 4. To explore whether there is any difference in the causal relationship between the organizational structure and the employee′s job satisfaction in the architect firm′s employees under different operating patterns. 5. References for those who wish to study the relevant subjects of the architect′s office.en_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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