博碩士論文 994201063 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorMeng-Shan Hsiehen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract女性「經前」指月經快來潮前的那段期間。本研究利用廣告訴求、促銷方式、廣告色調與音樂節奏四個實驗當做自變項,再加入女性處於「經前」或「非經前」階段作為干擾之後,探討對於應變數如:廣告態度、產品態度、購買意圖之廣告效果影響。本研究設計四個不同平面廣告並以紙筆填答問卷的方式進行實驗,有效問卷為120 份。 研究結果: 一、女性消費者在面對「感性」訴求之廣告時,相較於「理性」訴求廣告會存 在較高的廣告態度。 二、「非經前」女性消費者在面對促銷時,會比「經前」女性消費者有較高的 產品態度。 三、女性消費者對於「寒色」色調廣告,相較於「暖色」色調廣告,會同時存在較高的廣告態度、產品態度以及購買意圖。若再加上「經期階段」考量,處於「經前期」的女性,對於「寒色」廣告色調相較於「暖色」廣告色調亦會同時產生較高的廣告態度、產品態度以及購買意圖;而處於「非經前期」的女性,對於「暖色」與「寒色」廣告色調在廣告態度、產品態度以及購買意圖上則無顯著差異。 四、女性消費者對於配樂為「慢節奏」之廣告相較於「快節奏」之廣告,會產生較高的產品態度以及購買意圖;在有音樂的環境中,女性於「經前階段」會比「非經前階段」有較高的產品態度。若再將「經期階段」納入考量,處於「經前期」的女性,對於配樂為「慢節奏」音樂之廣告相較於「快節奏」音樂之廣告,會同時產生明顯更高的廣告態度、產品態度以及購買意圖; 而處於「非經前期」的女性,對於「快節奏」與「慢節奏」之廣告在廣告態度、產品態度以及購買意圖上則無顯著差異。 zh_TW
dc.description.abstract“Premenstrual” means the phase in which menses is expected to start. In this research, we think of the way an advertisement appeals to, the way we promote, the hue for advertisement, and the rhythm of music as our independent variables. Besides, we think of menstrual phase as a moderator and our dependent variables include the attitude toward advertising, attitude toward the product, and purchase intention. There are four studies in this research and we gave out the questionnaire with four advertisements on it to conduct these experiments. The effective quantity of the questionnaire is one hundred and twenty. Results: 1. Compared with rational appeal, emotional appeal will generate higher attitude toward advertising to female consumers. 2.Compared with premenstrual women, nonpremenstrual women will have higher attitude toward the product while facing a promotion. 3.Compared with the warm color advertisement, the cool color advertisement will generate higher attitude toward advertising, attitude toward the product, and purchase intention to female consumers. If we take menstrual phase into account, premenstrual women will also have higher attitude toward advertising, attitude toward the product, and higher purchase intention while facing the cool color advertisement. However, there’s no difference between warm and cool color advertisement for nonpremenstrual women when it comes to the attitude toward advertising, the attitude toward the product and purchase intention. 4. Compared with the fast-paced music, the slow-paced music will generate both higher attitude toward the product and higher purchase intention to female consumers. Besides, premenstrual women will have higher attitude toward the product than nonpremenstrual women if they are exposed to musical surroundings. If we take menstrual phase into account, premenstrual women will also have higher attitude toward advertising, attitude toward the product, and purchase intention while listening to slow-paced music. However, there’s no difference between fast-paced and slow-paced music for nonpremenstrual women when it comes to the attitude toward advertising, the attitude toward the product and purchase intention. en_US
DC.subjectpurchase intentionen_US
DC.subjectpremenstrual phaseen_US
DC.subjectattitude toward advertisingen_US
DC.subjectattitude toward the producten_US
DC.titleThe Influence of Advertising Effects To Premenstrual Womenen_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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