博碩士論文 994207013 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorTsung-ping Tingen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract在最近數十年中,由於商業環境的劇烈變動,員工投入職涯自我管理的議題逐漸成為趨勢(Kossek, Roberts, Fisher, & Demarr, 1998)。透過展現職涯自我管理行為,員工一方面會對於目前的工作保持持續改善,另一方面也會為了未來可能取得的工作機會做出準備。因此對於員工而言,職涯自我管理行為除了可以提升自我競爭力,也能減少面臨結構性失業的機率;而對於公司而言,則可以因為員工對於本身的工作持續改善而受益。   管理教練技能有別於傳統的管理方式,主管透過與部屬每天的互動藉以發展部屬、提升其潛能。本研究欲探討管理教練技能對職涯自我管理行為所產生的關聯性,並以職涯復原力作為本研究的中介變項,以得知管理教練技能是否必須透過職涯復原力的作用,達成部屬職涯自我管理行為的產生。再者,本研究試圖利用鷹架學習理論,來說明各個變項間之關係,並補足以往探討管理教練技能相關文獻之理論缺口。   鑒於高科技產業員工較為重視生涯發展(Gomez-Meijia, 1990),因此本研究針對在台灣高科技產業員工進行研究調查,透過線上問卷及紙本問卷的發放,共回收有效問卷274份。本研究利用結構方程模型(Structural Equation Modeling, SEM)進行模型的驗證與分析,結果顯示出: 一、部屬認知管理教練技能對部屬職涯復原力具有正向關聯性。 二、部屬職涯復原力對部屬職涯自我管理具有正向關聯性。 三、部屬職涯復原力在部屬認知管理教練技能對部屬職涯自我管理之關聯性中有中介效果。   最後,根據實證研究結果,本研究提出數點理論與管理意涵以供後續研究者參考,其中包括: 一、主管應了解部屬的需求而給予適當且適時的支持。 二、重視部屬職涯復原力。 三、企業內部應更加重視管理教練技能。 四、公司要更加重視「留才」機制。 zh_TW
dc.description.abstractOver recent decades, because of the rapid pace of change in the business environment, the issue of subordinates’ career self-management becomes more and more important (Kossek, Roberts, Fisher, & Demarr, 1998). By managing career self-management activities, subordinates would keep improving their performance in their current job and get ready for the future job opportunities. For employees, career self-management activities not only strengthen their competitiveness, but cut non-structural unemployment risk. For companies, career self-management activities provide benefits regarding to their subordinates’’ continuous improvement in their current job.   Managerial coaching differs from the traditional way to manage subordinates. By utilizing managerial coaching skill, manager can help subordinates develop themselves and maximize their potential through their daily interaction. The major purpose of this study is to understand the effect of managerial coaching on career self-management, moreover, we use career resilience as our mediator to explore whether career resilience has mediating effect between managerial coaching and career self-management. Furthermore, this study would demonstrate the relationship of those three variables "managerial coaching", "career resilience" and "career self-management" through scaffolding learning theory which is seldom discussed in the literature of managerial coaching.   This study focuses on high-tech workers who pay much attention to career development (Gomez-Meijia, 1990). The surveys are collected from 274 respondents via internet and paper questionnaires in Taiwan. Each research hypotheses are tested by using structural equation modeling (SEM) in this study. This study has discovered: 1.When the subordinates perceived higher level of managerial coaching skills, they will have the higher level of career resilience. 2.The higher level of career resilience subordinates have, the more career self-management activities they display. 3.Career resilience fully mediates the relationship between managerial coaching skills and career self-management.   Finally, the implications for theory and management were suggested based on the results of this study may contribute to relevant academic research fields. We suggest: 1.Managers should be aware of subordinates’ needs and give them appropriate support in the appropriate time. 2.Managers should pay attention to subordinates’ career resilience. 3.Organizations should pay attention to managerial coaching skills. 4.Organizations should pay attention to subordinates’ career self-management in the perspective of talent retention. en_US
DC.subjectManagerial coachingen_US
DC.subjectCareer resilienceen_US
DC.subjectCareer self-managementen_US
DC.titleThe relationship between subordinates perceived managerial coaching skills and subordinates’ career self-management- career resilience as a mediator.en_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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