博碩士論文 994209005 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorJhe-Cheng Yangen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract台灣在2000年進入金融微利時代,各大金融機構將「財富管理」業務當作獲利來源,然而2008年台灣歷經了「金融海嘯」與近年來的「歐債危機」,導致全球金融秩序動盪不安,前景不明,衝擊了投資人對於銀行長期以來所建立之信心,儘管如此台灣「財富管理」市場仍然潛力無窮,各大金融機構無不搶攻「財富管理」市場,根據「2011年亞太財富報告」顯示,台灣富裕人士增加九萬四千餘人,財富總額增加為3,020億美元,且台灣整體金融性資產達新台幣50.77兆元,然而台灣財富管理銀行策略都差不多,因此如何凸顯出差異化與競爭優勢,顯得格外重要。 本論文所研究的個案銀行為花旗銀行與匯豐銀行的財富管理客戶,總資產為新台幣三百萬元以上,藉由財富管理客戶的角度來看其在選擇「財富管理」銀行時,各項需求特徵在其決策行為中所扮演的角色,而本研究將其區分為「產品與服務」、「理財專員」及「額外附加利益」三大層面,其中再細分為50項需求特徵,藉由需求特徵來定義與描述產品或服務的品質與功能比較具體且精確,並以重要性與滿意度評分,掌握財富管理客戶在選擇財富管理銀行所重視的需求特徵,與這些財富管理客戶所重視的需求被滿足的程度。 本研究試圖找出財富管理客戶所重視的需求特徵以作為個案銀行之競爭優勢,唯有如此才能受到客戶之青睞,來提升客戶的感受利益,並試圖找出客戶較不重視的需求特徵用以節省成本之浪費,在企業有限的資源下進行資產配置,來提升企業的競爭優勢與成本掌控雙管齊下,使企業能大幅的提升利潤。 本研究問卷結果發現,結果顯示財富管理客戶最在意的是財富管理銀行的績效報酬是否良好,因此試圖提出改善理財專員的績效考核制度與提升金融專業知識,來提升理專的素質與留住人才,並加強風險控管制度來減少與客戶交易糾紛來提升客戶的滿意度,本研究試圖提出創新與可行具體的方案,以提供同業參酌。 zh_TW
dc.description.abstractIn 2000, Taiwan entered in the financial micro-profit era, therefore all financial holding companies viewed the financial management business as profit-making sources of the entire company. In 2008, the world faced financial crisis and recentlythe European sovereign-debt crisis(ESDC). All above events lead to worldwidely financial chaos and uncertainly economic prospect, which crushed a large number of investors confidence in Taiwan and also make them suffer from enormous financial losses. However, the financial management has unlimited potential in Taiwan, so all financial holding companies captured these oppotunities aggresively. According to「2011 Merrill Lynch Global Wealth Management」,the populations of High Net Worth Individuals increased to 94,000 and HNWI financial wealth reached to US$302 billion, and the total financial esteem in Taiwan exceeded to NT$50.77 trillion. However, the strategy of the financial management in Taiwan’s bank is similar, so how to build competitive advantages and make differentation stratrgies are very extremely cricical. This paper is trying to analyze the clients of Citibank and HSBC bank who own asset under management NT$30 million. This paper divided to three prats including 50 characteristics in detail .By understanding customers’ needs and the satisfaction levels they considerd to each characteristics.Then it’s much easier to control certain and specific elements that consumers focused on. This paper is trying to figure out what are the customers’ needs, and use them as competitive advantages. By doing so, the two banks can earn and increase perceived benefit. At the same time, this research is trying to find out unimportant characteristics as cost reduction. Therefore, under limited resource stituations, firm can earn the maximal profits by enhancing the competitive advantage and controlling the budget effectively. After analyzing the results of the survey, it reveals that customers cared about performance-based salary proportion most. Therefore, we would like to improve the achievements inspection of financial advisor and strength the financial knowledge to upgrade FA ‘s quality. On the other hands, We can control and eliminate uncertain events by risk management to increase the customers’ satisfaction.Through this study,we try to figure out the innovative and specific plans and provide possible ways and hope this document provides a reference guide to peers for those who in the banking industry. en_US
DC.subjectCompetitive Advantageen_US
DC.subjectWealth Managementen_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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