博碩士論文 994303005 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorChia-ta Leeen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract隨著經濟全球化成為一種趨勢,在組織資源有限與競爭激烈的環境中,企業越來越重視其核心業務能力的發展。因此,在組織永續經營的理念之下,為節省營運成本並增加公司經營的效率與彈性,選擇將非核心業務的資訊系統開發專案委由外包廠商代為執行已成為企業提升競爭力的主流趨勢 。其中部份的國內企業為了拓展海外市場,並追求本身國際化程度的提升,選擇與境外的外包廠商合作開發資訊系統,但資訊委外的結果並非皆為成功,失敗的案例亦不在少數,尤其相較於採用本土廠商進行資訊專案的開發維運,企業選擇與境外廠商合作必需面臨更大的風險。   本研究採單一個案研究法,並以國內某金融公司為個案研究對象,探討其與境外廠商合作資訊專案的過程中所遭遇的問題及解決的方法,以及境外廠商在資訊專案中所提供的服務品質。研究者除了向過去曾參與專案的部份成員進行資料蒐集與求證,並對次級資料進行整理及分析,以達成本研究之目的。   本研究在整理及分析個案資料後發現,個案公司在選擇境外資訊委外廠商的過程中,主要考量採購價格、廠商的國際化程度與技術能力,以及過去的合作經驗等三個指標。且為確保專案的品質和時程能符合預期,除了會定期檢討專案的進度外,當發現進度落後時,會由公司主管出面與對方的主管積極溝通,來確保境外廠商能達成專案的品質和時程。此外,與本國資訊委外案相比,執行境外資訊委外案最大的困難點在於買賣雙方容易因為彼此間文化的差異,導致語言溝通與作業方式產生意見上的分歧,以及面臨境外廠商對本國業務熟悉程度不足的問題。   根據研究發現,本研究建議企業未來在執行境外委外時,應充份瞭解境外委外的風險與困難點,且遴選境外廠商時應特別注意賣方過去開發經驗與績效,以及賣方是否充份瞭解買方的實際需求,以期獲得境外資訊委外專案的成功。 zh_TW
dc.description.abstractAs economy goes global, companies, with limited resources and harsh competition environment, pay more attention to the development of its core business capability. Therefore, in order to reduce costs, increase operating efficiency and enhance the flexibility for developing more sustainable strategies, enterprises begin to enhance their competitiveness by contracting their non-core information system to outside vendors. When domestic enterprises want to expand the overseas markets, they choose to collaborate with foreign vendors to develop information systems. Unfortunately, the benefit of outsourcing seems to be limited. With projects developed and maintained by local vendors, the companies have to bear more risks when they choose to collaborate with foreign outside vendors.   Single case study approach was adopted for this study. Using a financial company as an example, the paper is used for exploring the problems, solutions, and service quality encountered during the process of development of information with foreign outside vendors. In addition to getting information from the members who have been involved in this project, the researcher collect and analysis secondary data for the purpose of this study.   After collecting and analyzing the data from the case, the researcher found the company mainly uses three indicators of purchase price, the degree of internationalization and technological capability in the process to select foreign IT outside vendors. To ensure the quality and schedule of the project in line with expectations, the company management regularly reviews the progress of the project. When the project is behind the schedule, the company’s executives come forward actively to communicate with vender’s executives, to ensure that foreign outside vendors can achieve the project’’s quality and schedule. Compared with local IT outsourcing company, foreign IT outsourcing company often find difficult for buyers and sellers to converge the different opinions because of the cultural differences, as well as lack of understanding of the norms of local business .   Based on the findings, this study suggests that the enterprises implementing foreign outsourcing in the future should be fully aware of the risks and difficulties of foreign outsourcing. And they should also pay more attention to the sellers’ past development experience and performance. Furthermore, the seller has to fully understand the actual needs of the buyer in order to achieve the success of foreign IT outsourcing projects. en_US
DC.subjectForeign IT Outsourcingen_US
DC.subjectQuality of Serviceen_US
DC.titlenformation Technology Project Service Quality of Foreign Vendors - A case study of the using outsourcing of C Companyen_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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