博碩士論文 994303014 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorChen-an Wuen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract隨著資訊科技的快速發展,資訊系統的應用對於企業而言日益重要,維持營運資訊系統的穩定運作,提供七天二十四小時不間斷的服務,已是企業資訊部門的基本要求。對於資訊系統的營運持續規劃,不同規模與行業別有截然不同的考量,企業需要衡量各類災難發生機率以及對於自身的影響程度,並衡量所需投入的人力成本、建置費用成本與後續維運成本等因素,制訂適合的企業營運持續計畫以達成企業永續經營的目標。 本研究採用單一個案研究法,針對國內某電子商務網站為研究對象,並利用訪談、參與觀察及書面文件資料與紀錄三種方式蒐集資料。藉此探討個案公司建置營運持續系統的過程,分析遭遇的困難與瓶頸,並分析系統效益,最後歸納建置成功的關鍵因素。 在本研究中,針對資訊備援系統關鍵因素進行深入評估分析,發現以下結論:資訊系統導入成功必然需要高層充分授權與支持,並且重視員工教育訓練,提升團隊成員技能。而團隊成員熟悉整體系統架構、專案目標明確且檢核點時機設定適當,且分階段引進新技術,降低建置變數與風險,也是專案的關鍵成功因素。期望研究成果有助益於其他電子商務產業建置相關系統之參考。 zh_TW
dc.description.abstractWith the rapid development of information technology, application of information systems has become increasingly important to businesses. It is now common that all IT departments have to offer stable operational information systems on a 24-hour 7-day basis. Information systems for business continuity planning may vary to a great extent according to business scales and industries. All businesses need to measure various types of disaster probability and the impact level. Moreover, when developing a business continuity plan, the costs of human capital, system construction, and subsequent maintenance are required to be taken into account. Consequently, a business could have a tailor-made business continuity plan to achieve the objective of business continuity. This study uses the single case study design and focuses on one domestic e-commerce website. The researcher collected relevant data by various ways including in-depth interviews, participant observation, and document collection. The study examines the construction process of a business continuity system, analyzing the difficulties and benefits of the system with a purpose to identify the critical success factors. The key findings of this research are: 1. Obtaining the full authorization and support from top management is the most decisive factor that contributes to a smooth system implementation. 2. Complete education & training is vital, which enhances staff’s capability and familiarity with the newly implemented system. 3. Clear project goals, appropriate times for check points, and the adoption of a phased introduction of new technology all account for the success of implementation. The findings of the study are expected to be of great help for e-commerce industry when developing business continuity plan and system. en_US
DC.subjectCritical Success Factoren_US
DC.subjectBusiness Continuity Planen_US
DC.subjectBusiness Continuity Managementen_US
DC.titleThe Implementation of Business Continuity Management for E-Commerce Website: A Case Study of P E-Commerce Companyen_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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