博碩士論文 994303024 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorYing-Hung Chenen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract因為資訊科技的進步,企業的經營範圍,不再侷限於國界的限制之中,在全球化競賽下,企業所面臨的競爭環境與經濟模式都比過去更為備受挑戰。企業的經營策略,也從過去的大量生產、規模經濟,轉變為降低成本、產品生命週期縮短、快速回應的大量客製化服務,並對企業資源做最有效的利用與配置,以達到產能的最大化。為了提升整體競爭力,ERP的導入為各企業未來的趨勢發展,新系統的導入要與企業內部軟體、硬體整合、工作流程有密切關連,是企業e化的基礎建設,也是企業營運的核心,ERP的成功導入,對企業在競爭激烈的全球化環境上,有非常關鍵性的影響。 本研究針對電腦製造產業中,朝全球性品牌經營方向的個案公司進行資料蒐集與研究,藉由實際參與其Oracle ERP導入變革的過程來探究影響變革的因素與預期成效,並根據文獻探討予以彙整資訊,以佐證ERP系統於企業的必須性與重要性,更進一步深入研究更換ERP的原因、影響及預計成效。由於個案公司在使用企業資源規劃系統已累積相當豐富的使用經驗,希望能藉由導入新的ERP系統,有效改善企業本身所面臨的問題,將對個案公司產品的出貨流程能更有效率,降低整體生產成本,並能與供應鏈相關廠商建立更密切的關係。 本研究採用「質性研究方法」中的「個案研究法」來進行探討,深入研究其個案的現況、發展過程與導入所遇到的問題,希望藉由此個案研究,探討如何掌握已知的關鍵因素,對於造成延遲上線問題做進一步的深入探討,將更有助於企業成功導入ERP系統的管理議題。 zh_TW
dc.description.abstractDue to the rapid development of information technologies, the scope of enterprises is no longer limited by organizational boundaries or country borders. As the globalization rises, the enterprises are facing the challenges in different economic and competition circumstances. The strategy of enterprise has shifted from the older, mass production model, pursuing economies of scale, to a newer model that values cost-down with short product life cycle and customized services, in order to utilize the resource more efficiently for greater productivity and returns of production lines. To increase the overall competitiveness, integrating the ERP system to the enterprise now become a trend. Integrating a new ERP has to work closely with the existing enterprise systems in both software and hardware and its business logic. It is not only a foundation of business management but also a core strategy for companies, especially in the trend of more and more intensified globalization. This case study focuses mainly on a company in the industry of computer electronics such as personal computers. The data of the case study are collected through the actual involvement of implementing an Oracle ERP. This study identifies the main purposes of adopting a new ERP system, describes the whole process of implementation, and analyzes the excepted outcomes from the new system. Due to the company in the case study has accumulated much experience in utilizing ERP system, they wish, with the new ERP, that their current issues can be solved effectively, flow of product delivery can be more efficient, total cost of goods production can be cut down, and stronger relationships with their suppliers can be established. Overall, the case study describes the current situations that the company has encountered with the old ERP and analyzes the problems of implementing the new ERP system. The study also discusses how to control the key factors and management issues that can cause the delay of ERP project in order to provide helpful implications for adopting a new ERP system. en_US
DC.subjectComputer Manufacturing Industryen_US
DC.subjectEnterprise Resource Planningen_US
DC.titleA Study of the Process of Implementing a New ERP System: The Case of A Computer Companyen_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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