博碩士論文 994304006 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorKuang-yi Kaoen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract市場全球化的浪潮席捲而來,台灣企業所面臨是一個全球化與白熱化的競爭, 加上使用者行為需求千變萬化、產品生命週期的縮短及網際網路興盛的時代,所以 企業要單以一己之力來面對如此巨大的挑戰,已是窒礙難行的做法了。企業要如何 在嚴苛險峻的市場中屹立不搖,唯有建立長久的競爭優勢方能為之,因而企業須不 斷的「創新」才能達到建立長久的競爭優勢。如同Henry Chesbrough(2003) 所提出的「開放式創新」,並將開放式創新定義為:「企業突破以往的封閉疆界, 有計畫的利用流入及流出的知識,來加快企業內部之創新,同時使用外部之創新來 拓展市場」。 本研究首先是針對個案光寶科技做經營行為模式之探討分析與歸納,再以 HenryChesbrough所提出的「開放式創新」及「開放式經營模式」兩個文獻典範 來進行比較分析與評定;開放式創新部份分為:「由外而內」及「由內而外」兩大 部分來進行探討分析,開放式經營模式部分則以「經營模式六大架構(BMF)」來做 分析歸納。由個案之經營行為模式分析結果與兩個文獻典範做比較歸納後,可以清 楚了解光寶科技之經營行為模式的確屬於「開放式創新」與「開放式經營模式」, 並由其穩定之企業獲利、專利獲益、創新能量產出及穩健向上之營收可以證明之。 藉由本研究對個案之研究分析與比較歸納,可以發現「開放式創新」與「開放 式經營模式」對企業之重要性,也說明企業之創新應由封閉走向開放,最終也希望 可以做為台灣企業經營行為模式的一個參考典範。 zh_TW
dc.description.abstractThe tsunami of market globalization is sweeping across the planet. The businesses of Taiwan are in for a global, heated competition. We are in an era where users’ demands change in the speed of light, product cycles become shorter and shorter, and the Internet reaches every corner of the world. Therefore, it is almost impossible for a single business to take on a challenge of epic proportion such as this. The only way for a business to survive and even thrive in a harsh and crude market is to develop something that nobody else cannot catch up with for a very long time. To do so, a business has to “innovate.” Henry Chesbrough (2003) proposed the idea of “open innovation” and defined it as: “a business breaks out of the confinement of the past, speeds up innovation within the business systematically using incoming and outgoing knowledge, and develops markets with external innovation at the same time.” For the purpose of this study, Lite-On was selected as the case for the investigation and analysis of business behaviors. The “open innovation” and “open business model” proposed by Henry Chesbrough were adopted for analysis and evaluation. The open innovation was studied from the angles of “inside out” and “outside in.” The “6 business model frameworks (BMFs)” were introduced for the open business model analysis. From the result of business behavior model of the selected case and the comparison with the two ideas from previous literatures, it is clear that “open innovation” and “open business model” were observed in the way Light-On runs its businesses. The evidence was substantial in terms of the steady corporate profits, patent benefits, production of innovation energy and revenues that keep going up. The study and comparison of the selected case suggests the importance of “open innovation” and “open business model” to a company, and tells us that a business should turn from closed form to open innovation. Finally, the results may hopefully serve as an example for the business behavior model for companies based in Taiwan. en_US
DC.subjectOpen Innovationen_US
DC.subjectOpen Business Modelen_US
DC.subjectBusiness Practicesen_US
DC.subjectBusiness Modelen_US
DC.titleCorporate Behaviors of Open Innovation: Case Study of Lite-On Groupen_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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