博碩士論文 994308013 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorYu-chen Leeen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract隨著2009年11月16日「兩岸金融監理合作瞭解備忘錄」(簡稱MOU)的簽署, 及在2010年6月29日正式簽署兩岸經濟協議(ECFA)後,兩岸金融業的交流合作正式邁入一個全新的紀元,台灣銀行業者積極進入中國大陸市場,盼能搶得台商企業融資需求的商機及大陸廣大資源,台灣銀行業已進入中國大陸,開業初期所面對市場動態變化應如何制定因應對策,以及調整及規劃現在及未來營運的方向。 本論文採用個案分析法做為研究方法,本文藉由閱讀相關書籍、論文及報章雜誌及研讀目前相關法令,研究外資銀行進入中國營運模式現況,尋求借鏡的模式,透過總體環境「PETS分析方法」,檢視總體環境(政治、經濟、科技、社會)等面向變化所帶給銀行業的衝擊,並且利用波特五力分析了解台灣銀行業進入大陸所必須面臨的競爭有哪些?洞悉目前進入大陸營運的風險與處境。 本論文應用「8十商業模式」分析架構探討彰化銀行進入大陸市場營運後,面對外部總體環境及產業變化後,如何找出對策,並且調整目前商業模式,勾勒出新的商業模式全貌,本論文發現,彰化銀行進入大陸營運後,原來十字四個頂點(企業定位,資源整合、價值主張、獲利模式)發生變化後,所採取的因應對策分別為:(1)配合兩兩岸金融開放政策,以維持國內市場基盤及拓展大陸市場發展為核心政策,將其價值關係由著重國內市場發展目標,拓展以台資企業與台資銀行相輔相成發展主要願景。(2)資源整合著重商品研發及風險控管等領域,透過團隊學習,加強重視核心能力,採用優質且具國際觀及外資經驗的金融人才,發展功能完善的組織。(3)價值流程作業面,未來將使國內外銀行管理系統升級,並且未來透過與中資銀行合作模式,有效增加產品銷售廣度及銀行能見度,滿足台資企業及陸資企業金融商品的價值主張。(4)透過顧客區隔,進行差異化定價,在風險控制為前提下,擴大承作大陸當地企業並且逐步增加手續費收入業務,增加銀行獲利。 zh_TW
dc.description.abstractFinancial business between China and Taiwan has entered a new era officially after the 「Memorandum of Understanding」(MOU) and 「Economic Cooperation Framework Agreement」(ECFA)has signed at 2009/11/16 and 2010/6/29. banks in Taiwan are trying to get into China market aggressively in order to acquire Taiwan companies’ enterprise loan demand and huge resource in China. Currently, taiwan banks are facing the challenge of the fast changing in China. How to build the reaction strategy, revise and plan operation direction is the most important topic now. This thesis is researching cases study, related books, theses, newspapers, magazines and regulations to find out the operation mode of how foreign banks enter China currently to be an example for taiwan banks. This thesis uses 「PETS」 to review the impact of bank business when overall environment (including politics, economics. technology and society) is changing. This thesis also uses Michael Porter Five Forces Model to find out the challenge and risk when Taiwan banks are trying to enter China market. This thesis is using “8 Cross Business Model” to analyze and framework how Chang Hwa Commercial Bank to find countermeasures, and to adjust the current business model and sketched out a new business model the whole picture in the face of external general environment and changes in the industry,as Chang Hwa Commercial Bank enter the mainland market operators。 The analyzed results by the model indicate that Chang Hwa Commercial bank is seriously influenced by the outer environment as entering the mainland market ,so that four potential candidates of the invovated strategiesare proposed in the follows:Firstly , Chang Hwa Bank must follow the two cross-strait financial opening-up policy, and maintain the domestic market base and expand into the mainland China market development as the core policy, with the regards of the value of the relationship focus on domestic market development goals, complementary to the development of the main vision to expand to taiwan enterprises and taiwan-funded banks.Secondly, Integration of resources by focusing on product research and risk management and other fields, through team learning, more emphasis on core competencies, quality possessed an international perspective and foreign experience in financial personnel, development of functional organization. Thirdly, In the aspect of value processes will be structured a complete branch management system at domestic and overseas region and the mode of cooperation with Chinese banks, effectively increasing the breadth of product sales and bank visibility to meet the customer value proposition.Finally, The differentiation of pricing is conducted through customer segmentation. Under the premise by risk control , expending for bearing the mainland China local enterprises gradually to increase the charges income then success the bank profitability.。 en_US
DC.subjectbusiness modelen_US
DC.titleDiscussing the taiwan banking associates devoted in Mainland China market strategy,take Chang Hua Commercial Bank as exampleen_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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