博碩士論文 995202030 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorJun-Jie Suen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract由於近代汽車工業的發達,生產線技術的提升,使得近代汽車生產速度越來越 快, 全球車輛數也是不斷地增加, 根據OICA(Organization International des Constructeurs d'Automobiles)的統計,21 世紀以來,全世界每年生產的汽車至少都有 5000 萬輛以上,其中在2010 年以及2011 年更突破了7500 萬輛汽車被生產出來。隨著 車輛數增加,也伴隨著許多交通問題產生,像是交通事故發生、交通壅塞等,這也成 為各國政府棘手的問題。 隨著電腦及通訊系統的進步, 各國致力於發展智慧性運輸系統(Intelligent Transportation Systems,簡稱ITS),智慧性運輸系統結合了電子、通信、電腦、控制及 感測等技術應用在各種運輸系統,透過即時資訊傳輸,以改進交通安全與服務的問題。 車載網路(Vehicular Ad hoc networks,簡稱VANETs)是智慧性運輸系統中一項重要的技 術,車載網路藉著安裝在車輛上的OBU(On Board Unit)和道路上的RSU(Road Side Unit) 所建構成一個動態的網路拓撲,使車輛間得以互相溝通,如此一來便能藉著車載網路 發展更多網路應用,如安全訊息傳播、氣象報告、即時車況回報等。 面對交通安全問題上,不斷改善交通安全以提供所有用路人一個安全的道路環境 而減少意外事故的發生是智慧型運輸系統的一個重要目標,根據中華民國交通部的97 年到100 年交通事故肇事原因統計,駕駛人因素的比例高達96%,其中包括了酒駕失 控、超速違規..等。 本論文提出一防治危險駕駛的機制,道路上車輛利用車載網路彼此交換訊息,以 判定出車輛違規情形,並給予車輛建議策略,以預防可能發生的危險情況。最後本論 文利用模擬實驗的方式,將此機制施行前後所造成影響進行分析。在實施機制後碰撞 次數可降低42.95%;於違反安全距離次數可以降低43.02%;於違反超速或低速情形可 降低14.02%;於變換車道次數可降低42.71%;於違反頻繁變換車道次數可降低 35.56%。使用防治危險駕駛的機制能夠有效降低車輛發生交通意外,維持道路交通安 全。 zh_TW
dc.description.abstractSince the development of automobile industry technology and production skills, the production rate of automobiles raises dramatically. Moreover, the number of vehicles continuously increases in the world. In 21th century, according to the OICA (Organization International des Constructeurs d’’Automobiles) the number of new vehicles over 50 million every year. There are more over 75 million new vehicles produced in 2010 and 2011. Since the cars getting more and more, there are more and more traffic problems happened. Traffic accidents and traffic congestion become many countries’ thorny problem. With the development of computer and communication technology, each country attends to develop intelligent transportation systems (ITS), which combine electrics, communication, computer, control and sensor techniques to apply to many kinds of transportation system. ITS can improve the traffic safety and traffic service through the real-time information transportation. Vehicular Ad hoc network (VANETs) is one important technique of the intelligent transportation systems. Vehicular Ad hoc networks utilize the networks composed by OBU (On Board Unit) and RSU(Road Side Unit) to take communication between cars. Therefore, the Vehicular Ad hoc network skills could expand more networks application which likes safety message dissemination and weather forecasting and real-time situation of vehicles. To improve the traffic safety and decrease the traffic accidents is the most important target of Intelligent Transportation System. According to the statistics of “why traffic accident happen?” from Ministry of Transportation Communications from 2008 to 2011, we find out that the driver is the critical reason; it takes account for the proportion 96 percentage. Driver factors include speeding and drunk driving…etc. This paper proposes a prevention of dangerous driving scheme for on-road vehicle use VANET to exchange messages with each other to determine whether a vehicle dangerous and to give the vehicles suggested strategy to prevent possible dangerous situations. Finally, use NCTUns 6.0 simulator to simulate several experiments, before and after this mechanism for the purposes of impact analysis. By the result of simulation, it improves 42.95% for collisions, it improves 43.02% for violation of safety distance, it improves 14.02% for violation of speed variance, it improves 42.71% for the number of lane change and it improves 35.56% for violation of lane change frequency. This scheme can reduce vehicle traffic accidents, and maintain road traffic safety. en_US
DC.subjectdangerous drivingen_US
DC.subjectwarning strategyen_US
DC.titlePrevention of Dangerous Driving for VANETsen_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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