博碩士論文 997306001 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorWen-gi Chenen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract客家人傳統上具有「勤儉」、「硬頸」、「刻苦耐勞」、「團結」、「重教育」等諸多美譽,眾所皆知且為人稱道。族群意象或刻板印象容易影響到族群認同意願,正面的族群意象是一種護身符,負面的族群意象則很容易成為一種負擔。本文以「台灣社會變遷基本調查資料」為研究標的,探討:1.外界及相關文獻中對「客家意象」之論述。2.驗證比較國內各族群間之行為態度。3.客家族群內部之差異探討。4.分析描繪客家圖像。經研究發現: 一、在金錢行為與態度上:客家族群統計數據介於大陸各省市及閩南族群之間,比較接近閩南族群,與大陸各省市族群有顯著性差異。都市、60年次〈含〉後世代、高學歷之客家族群之金錢行為態度與城鎮偏鄉、59年次〈含〉前世代客家族群有顯著性差異。 二、在教育價值上:閩南及客家族群最重視找到好的工作,大陸各省市族群最重視學習做人處事;而在教育態度方面,客家族群最重視男女孩應有專科以上之教育程度,其次為大陸各省市族群,閩南族群居末。己身教育程度較高之客家族群更加重視子女之教育與低學歷之客家族群教育態度存在著顯著性差異。 三、在人際信任網絡方面:客家族群在人際關係、溝通網絡上數據最高,其次為閩南族群,最末為大陸各省市族群;而大陸各省市族群在人際信任數據最高,客家族群居中,閩南族群最低,綜合觀之以客家族群數據最高、大陸各省市族群居次、閩南族群最末。另外組內在人際信任及溝通網絡上,不同世代及不同學歷之客家族群存在著顯著性差異。 四、在公共參與上:從整體數據觀之以大陸各省市族群最高、客家族群次之、閩南族群居末。而在組內,南北區域、都市偏鄉客家族群雖有差異、但仍以不同世代、不同學歷之客家族群出現顯著性差異。 五、本研究所呈現的事實是,在台灣客家族群是一走中間價值行為的族群。 筆者建議:客家族群之核心危機在客家文化的消失及隱形化。在年輕世代身上已看不到客家元素(隱形化、對客家文化事務認同已消散褪去),如何加強年輕世代對客家之認同是當務之急,值得客家行政相關單位深思重視! 關鍵字:客家意象、刻板印象 zh_TW
dc.description.abstractAbstract Traditionally, the Hakka people have won a plenty of good names and praises, i.e. thrifty, hard neck, hardworking, unity and education orientation. It is known from the past in the history of few thousand years that the Hakka have played a significant role in all dynasties. Nevertheless, in Taiwan, the Hakka were subjected to discrimination in the past. Stereotypes and stigma imposed on the Hakka may be even worse. Ethnic imagery or stereotypes would easily affect the willingness to have ethnic identities. Positive image of ethnic groups is a kind of talisman; negative ethnic image is very likely to become a burden. This study is to use the “basic survey data of Taiwan Social Change" as research subject, exploring 1. the discourse of the Hakka image from outsiders and literature. 2 the verification and comparison of the behavior and attitude between the various ethnic groups. 3, the differences in inner Hakka ethnicity. 4. the analysis and depiction of Hakka image. The findings show that: 1. At the aspect of money behaviors and attitudes: statistically, the Hakka ethnic group is comparability close to the Minnan, but significantly distinctive from some other ethnic groups in various mainland provinces. In views of money behaviors and attitudes and demoted townships, the intellectual Hakka in the generation after 1971 (included) are significantly different from the generation before 1970 (included). 2. At the aspect of the value of education: both the Minnan and Hakka ethnic groups put an emphasis on finding good jobs; the most important things for ethnic groups in mainland provinces and cities are to learn how to deal with people properly; in views of educational attitudes, the Hakka ethnic group would put more stress on their sons and daughters to receive college education or higher; followed by the ethnic groups in the mainland provinces and cities; the Minnan would pay less concern about it. The Hakka ethnic group with higher education paying more attention to children education is more significantly difference form the Hakka ethnic group with lower education in terms of educational attitudes. 3. At the aspect of the interpersonal trust in networks: The Hakka ethnic group has higher interpersonal relationships and communication networks; followed by the Minnan group; the ethnic groups in mainland provinces are lower. Nevertheless, the ethnic groups in mainland provinces have higher interpersonal trust; it next goes to the Hakka group and then the Minnan group, the lowest. In views of data, the Hakka group is highest; the ethnic group in mainland provinces is next; the Minnan group is the lowest. In views of interpersonal trust and communication networks, there are significant differences between and within the Hakka with different generations and educational backgrounds. 4. At the aspect of public participation: in views of the overall data, we found in this item that the ethnic groups in mainland provinces are highest; followed by the Hakka group; the Minnan group is the lowest. Although there are differences within the Hakka groups in the Northern region, Southern region, urban or remote township; however, there are significant differences between the Hakka group in different generations and educational backgrounds. 5. This study presents the facts that the Hakka people in Taiwan takes a medium value on behavior. The researcher proposes: the core crisis of the Hakka group is the loss and invisibility of the Hakka culture. In the younger generation, the Hakka elements have been less seen (i.e. invisibility of the identity of Hakka cultural affairs, gradually dissipated and faded). How to strengthen the younger generations in terms of the Hakka identity is a top priority for the Hakka administrative department to deal with. Keywords: Hakka image, Stereotype en_US
DC.subjectHakka imageen_US
DC.titleAn Empirical Study on Taiwan Hakka image – An Analysis of the Differences between and within the Ethnic Groupsen_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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