博碩士論文 997306025 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract本論文是針對廣西省賀州市蓮塘鎮的客家話做研究,筆者以實際的田野調查 訪談方式,蒐集當地的語音和詞彙等資料,做為研究分析的對象,除探討當地語 音的聲、韻、調系統及語音的演變現象外,也探討連讀變調及詞彙的結構。在研 究方法部分,提出田野調查法、語音描寫法、共時比較法、歷時比較法等;藉以 完成語料的收集,明瞭語音的結構和語音演變的規律,並探究其詞彙的內涵與結 構運用;以共時比較法探究蓮塘鎮客家話的演變方式,瞭解蓮塘鎮客家話的底層 層次;以歷時比較法將蓮塘鎮客家話與中古音做比較,藉以解解蓮塘鎮客家話音 韻的演變過程和發展。 本論文共分為六章。第一章為緒論,包含研究動機與目的、歷史背景、語言 概況、研究方法、文獻探討、發音合作人等。第二章是蓮塘鎮客家話的平面語音 系統,包含聲母、韻母、聲調、連讀變調、文白異讀等共時的語音現象,並列舉 同音字表。第三章是蓮塘鎮客家話和中古音的歷時比較,將蓮塘鎮客家話與《廣 韻》系韻書的中古音韻做比較,從聲母、韻母和聲調三方面,與中古切韻音系做 比對,以探討蓮塘鎮客家話從中古音到今音的語音演變。第四章是分析蓮塘鎮客 家話的語音特點;從聲母、韻母和聲調三方面來論述,語音在共時和歷時的影響 下,呈現不同的特點;聲母特點包括:1.古濁塞音、塞擦音聲母清化後,多數讀 送氣清音;2.非組字具文白異讀,白讀保留「古無輕唇」的音韻特色;知組字呈 現「古無舌上」的音韻特色;3.泥、來有別;4.「精、莊、知、章」聲母的合流 ---等等。韻母特點包括:1.開口一、二等字保留〔- o:- a〕元音的區別;2.合口字開口化現象;3.開口一、二等字的細音增生現象;4.三、四等字的細音〔-i〕消失現象;5.部分遇、止攝字讀〔-〕6.少數止攝字讀〔-e〕和〔-ai〕--等等。聲調的特點包括:1.平、上、去、入四個聲調的次濁字,多數歸陽調,少數有讀陰調的現象。2.全濁上聲字,部分歸陰平、部分歸陽去。3.次濁上聲字,部分歸陰平、部分歸上聲--等等。第五章是蓮塘鎮客家話與其他客家話的詞彙比較,將蓮塘鎮客家話的詞彙,與台灣四縣、廣東梅縣、廣東水寨五華等地客家話的詞彙互做比較分析,藉以了解蓮塘鎮客家話與其他客家話詞彙的使用情形及差異點。第六章為結論,綜合語音系統、語音特點、詞彙比較等,做一個總結與建議。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractThis paper aims at the Hakka language of Liantang district, Hezhou city, Guangxi province of China. The author collects local phonetics and vocabularies as the research objects by way of field investigation and interviews to probe the local voice sound, rhyme, tone of voice systems and the evolution of such phenomena as well as the tone sandhi and the structure of vocabulary. The author employs research methods as follows: fieldwork method, voice description method, synchronic comparative method, diachronic comparative method, etc. Through these research methods, we aims to complete the collection of the elements of Hakka language, to understand the structure of linguistics and the law of Hakka language evolution, and to further explore the meaning, use and structure of Hakka words. This study uses synchronic comparative methods to explore the Hakka language’s evolution and the language of the masses, and also uses diachronic comparative methods to compare Liantang Hakka’s language with ancient Chinese phonology so as to understand the evolution and development of Liantang Hakka’s language. This thesis is divided into six chapters. The first chapter is an introduction. It is to introduces and discusses the following: 1. the motivation and purpose of the research, 2. historical background, 3. language overviews, 4. research methods,5. literature review, 6. pronunciation collaborators. The second chapter discusses the plane pronunciation systems of Liantang Hakka language, including consonants, compound vowels, tones, tone Sandhi, literary and colloquial variant pronunciation and some other synchronic phenomenon and cites homophone table. The third chapter compares Liantang Hakka’s language with ancient Chinese phonology diachronically. Through the comparison between Liantang Hakka language and ancient Chinese phonology of Guang Yun branch from vowels, consonants, tones aspects, this study is going to find out the evolution of Liantang Hakka languages from ancient to nowadays. The fourth chapter is to analyze the dialect phonological characteristics of Liantang Hakka language, the different characteristics of phonology under the synchronic and diachronic influences from initial consonants, vowels and tones aspects. The features of initials included: 1. The initials of ancient voiced plosives and affricates usually read as aspirated sound after purified.2. There are literary and colloquial pronunciation in non-group words, the latter still maintains the feature of "ancient non light-labials"; " zhi-group" words show the feature of "ancient no tip-tongued affricates".3. No mixing between Ni initial and Lai initial.4. The confluence of “Jing, Zhuang, Zhi, Zhang "initials, and so on.Compound vowels′ features included: 1. There is a [- o: -a] vowel distinction between first grade and second grade in a mouth-opened vocabularies.2. The phenomenon of round-mouth characters which pronounce mouth openly.3. Emergence of fine-mouth characters in first grade and second grade vocabularies.4. Disappearance of medial [-i] in third grade and fourth grade vocabularies.5. Parts of vowel in Yu and Zhi Sir is read [- ] .6 .A few vowels in Zhi Sir is read [- e] and [- ai], and so on.Tones’ features include the following:1. Most of sub- turbid words with four tones: level, bounce, fall,and enter, are in Yang tone, while few sub- turbid words are in Yin tone.2. Part of full- turbid falling-rising tones belongs to level tone; others belong to falling tone.3 Part of sub- turbid falling-rising tones belong to level tone; others belong to rising tone, etc. The fifth chapter compares the Hakka vocabulary of Liantang with the Hakka vocabulary used elsewhere,including Hakka languages of four counties in Taiwan, Mei County, Shui Zhai, Wu Hua in Guangdong province and other places. Through the comparison and analyzation,in order to understand the Hakka vocabularies’ usages and the differences respectively. The sixth chapter is conclusion. Regarding integrated phonetic systems, phonetic characteristics and vocabulary comparison, and summarizes the research and give suggestions.en_US
DC.subjectLiantang Hakka languageen_US
DC.subjectphonetic systemen_US
DC.subjectphonological characteristicsen_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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