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姓名 方振丞(Jhen-Cheng Fang)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 生命科學系
論文名稱 水稻OsCAF1B 基因的功能性分析
(Functional analysis of OsCAF1B gene in rice)
★ 水稻CAF1基因之功能分析-水稻CAF1基因的選殖、定性及表現★ 水稻OsDEADl-1基因的功能性探討
★ 利用水稻細胞之懸浮培養建立蛋白質高效率分泌系統★ 水稻CCR4基因之功能分析- 水稻CCR4基因的選殖、定性及表現
★ 阿拉伯芥 AtMYBS 基因功能性探討★ 水稻OsMYBS2基因的功能性分析
★ 水稻CCR4基因的功能分析- 繁衍大量表現和靜默表現的基因轉殖水稻★ 水稻OsVALs基因的功能性分析- 水稻OsVALs基因的選殖、定性及表現
★ 分析水稻T-DNA插入突變株: M0022150, M0023563, M0023580, M0037352及M0032079★ 以水稻懸浮培養細胞蛋白質生產系統生產mGMCSF
★ 建立表現耐熱澱粉普魯南糖酶基因之轉植甘藷★ 阿拉伯芥AtMYBSs基因參與在糖訊息及離層酸訊息傳遞之研究
★ I. II.★ 探討αAmy3、OsCIN1與Os33KD信號肽在水稻懸浮培養細胞中的功能及特性
★ 水稻CAF1基因在水稻懸浮培養細胞之研究★ 探討阿拉伯芥兩個MYB-related轉錄因子在糖訊息傳遞中所扮演的角色
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摘要(中) Poly(A) tail的縮短也被稱為deadenylation,在真核生物中被認為是mRNA降解的速率決定步驟。CCR4-associated factor 1s (CAF1s) 在酵母菌與哺乳類動物中,則被認為是降解mRNA最為重要的酵素之一,然而在植物中關於CAF1的研究則是少之又少,因此我們針對水稻的OsCAF1s去做研究,我們發現水稻的OsCAF1B對於αAmy3 mRNA 的降解與deadenylation的過程,扮演了一個相當重要的角色。OsCAF1B基因會受到糖的誘導,因此我們利用大量表現OsCAF1B與失去deadenylase活性的OsCAF1B突變株,來探討其與受糖抑制基因αAmy3之間的關係,結果發現,大量表現OsCAF1B會加速αAmy3 mRNA的降解,而在大量表現失去deadenylase活性的OsCAF1B突變株中則會延緩其降解,並且在αAmy3 mRNA poly(A)長度也各別呈現相反的影響。此外,OsCAF1B也參與在水稻植株抵抗低溫逆境當中,在持續性大量表現OsCAF1B轉殖小苗,我們發現其呈現抗低溫的外表型,並且發現OsCAF1B deadenylase的功能對於水稻低溫耐受性是必要的,其改變了後期低溫反應轉錄活化因子的基因表現。總結以上發現,我們證實水稻OsCAF1B除了參與αAmy3 poly(A) tail deadenylation之外,還提供水稻抵抗低溫的能力。
摘要(英) Poly(A) tail shortening, also termed deadenylation, is the rate-limiting step of mRNA degradation in eukaryotic cells. The CCR4-associated factor 1s (CAF1s) was shown to be one of the major enzymes for catalyzing mRNA deadenylation in yeast and mammalian cells. However, the functions of CAF1 proteins in plants are poorly understood. Herein, we find that OsCAF1B plays a vital role in sugar-induced αAmy3 mRNA degradation and deadenylation. OsCAF1B expression was induced by sugar. Using gain of function and dominant negative mutation analysis, it was determined that sugar-induced αAmy3 mRNA degradation was accelerated in transgenic rice cell lines overexpressing OsCAF1B, whereas it was delayed in dominant negative mutation lines. Moreover, OsCAF1B overexpression and dominant negative mutation lines exhibited αAmy3 mRNA poly(A) tail shortening and extension, respectively. OsCAF1B also functioned in rice seedlings tolerance to cold stress. In transgenic rice seedlings, constitutive overexpression of OsCAF1B presented an enhanced cold tolerance phenotype. OsCAF1B deadenylase is essential for cold tolerance in rice. The enhancement of cold tolerance in transgenic rice was shown to be associated with the altered expression of late cold response transcription factors. These findings indicate that OsCAF1B participates in poly(A) tail deadenylation and acts in adaptation to cold stress in rice.
關鍵字(中) ★ 水稻
★ 低溫逆境
★ 糖訊號
★ 澱粉水解酵素
★ RNA降解機制
★ poly(A) tail 降解
關鍵字(英) ★ CAF1
★ poly(A) tail deadenylation
★ cold stress
★ αAmy3
★ mRNA degradation
★ Rice
★ sugar signaling
論文目次 摘要 VI
Abstract VII
Table of contents IX
List of Figures X
List of Tables XII
List of Supplementary data XIII
Introduction 1
Materials and Methods 8
Chapter 1: 15
A CCR4 association factor 1, OsCAF1B, participates in the αAmy3 mRNA poly(A) tail shortening and plays a role in germination and seedling growth 15
1-1: Results 16
1-2: Discussion 21
Chapter 2: 25
A CCR4-associated factor 1, OsCAF1B, confers tolerance of low-temperature stress in rice seedlings 25
2-1: Results 26
2-2: Discussion 32
References 38
Supplementary data 66
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指導教授 陸重安(Chung-An Lu) 審核日期 2020-7-7
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