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姓名 黃建豪(Jian-Hao Huang)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 土木工程學系
論文名稱 坡地土石流災害脆弱度評估模式之建立與驗證
★ 不均勻圓形橋墩之局部沖刷研究★ 砂礫河床之跌水沖刷分析
★ 土石流潛勢判定模式及土石壩滲流破壞之研究★ 港池污染擴散影響因子之探討
★ 不均勻橋墩及群樁基礎之局部沖刷研究★ 邊牆射流及尾檻對砂質底床之沖刷研究
★ 砂粒受水平振動行為之研究★ 土石流發生之水文特性探討
★ 不均勻橋墩與套環保護工法之局部沖刷研究★ 護坦及尾檻下游之局部沖刷分析
★ 橋台束縮與局部沖刷之研究★ 慢顆粒流之輸送帶實驗與影像分析
★ 均勻入滲時坡面地下水流之理論解析★ 尾檻設置對下游之局部沖刷效應
★ 二維斜坡顆粒流之輸送帶實驗與分析★ 斜坡土體滲流破壞引致土石流之探討
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摘要(中) 近年來由於全球氣候變遷之影響,導致台灣地區極端豪雨型態發生之頻率大增、颱風強度增強,發生的坡地災害強度和頻率都有遽增趨勢。如何運用脆弱度評估及製作脆弱度潛勢圖和進行風險管理,以保障人民的生命安全和財產保護,是未來重要的課題。
摘要(英) In recent years, due to the impact of global climate change, the frequency and intensity of extreme rainfalls and the typhoons increased greatly. Consequently slopeland disasters increased significantly after 2000. The vulnerability assessment, the delineation of vulnerability potential hazard maps and risk management, are important issues to protect human lives and property as the adaption policies for climate change.
Vulnerability, including exposure, sensitivity and the correction factor of adaptability, is the measure of the fragility of risk element under certain level of hazard. Resilience can be used as a vulnerability reduction factor post the disaster event. This study provides a quantitative method of vulnerability assessment for debris flow events, which not only considers the relationship between disaster intensity and loss curve, but also takes the spatial distribution and the characteristics of risk elements into account. According to the vulnerability components , we can propose improvement strategy and reduce vulnerability by adaptions which change the values of vulnerability factors. Finally, a case of the Nansalu, quantifying the vulnerability of buildings and people that caused by the invasive Typhoon Morakot on August 9 2009. The coping strategies to reduce vulnerability are also proposed.
關鍵字(中) ★ 坡地災害
★ 土石流
★ 脆弱度
★ 回復力
論文目次 摘要..............................................................................................................i
第一章 緒論................................................................................................1
1.1 研究動機.......................................................................................1
1.2 研究目的.......................................................................................4
1.3 研究方法.......................................................................................4
1.4 研究架構.......................................................................................5
第二章 文獻回顧........................................................................................7
2.1 脆弱度定義...................................................................................7
2.1.1 物理脆弱度........................................................................20
2.1.2 社會脆弱度........................................................................21
2.2 暴露量.........................................................................................25
2.3 敏感度.........................................................................................26
2.4 適應能力之修正因子.................................................................26
2.5 回復力.........................................................................................27
第三章 坡地災害脆弱度..........................................................................29
3.1 風險元素.....................................................................................29
3.2 暴露量.........................................................................................30
3.2.1 人員暴露量......................................................................30
3.2.2 建築暴露量......................................................................32
3.3 敏感度.........................................................................................32
3.3.1 人員敏感度......................................................................33
3.3.2 建築敏感度......................................................................35
3.4 適應能力之修正因子.................................................................36
3.4.1 人員適應能力之修正因子..............................................36
3.4.2 建築適應能力之修正因子..............................................37
3.5 回復力.........................................................................................38
第四章 案例分析與討論..........................................................................40
4.1 分析地點:那瑪夏區南沙魯(民族)里......................................40
4.2 事件發生過程分析.....................................................................42
4.3 分析工具與流程.........................................................................43
4.4 分析結果.....................................................................................45
4.4.1 建築脆弱度......................................................................48
4.4.2 人員脆弱度......................................................................52
4.4.3 回復力..............................................................................56
4.5 小結.............................................................................................57
第五章 結論與建議..................................................................................60
5.1 結論.............................................................................................60
5.2 建議.............................................................................................62
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指導教授 周憲德 審核日期 2013-7-30
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