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姓名 謝易達(Yi-Da Shie)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 能源工程研究所
論文名稱 加壓型SOFC陽極支撐與電解質支撐單電池堆量測與分析
(Measurements and Analyses of Anode-Supported and Electrolyte-Supported Single-Cell Stacks for Pressurized SOFCs)
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摘要(中) 本論文使用已建立之雙腔體高壓固態氧化物燃料電池(SOFC)性能測試平台,自行組裝單電池堆(即全電池加上流道板),分別針對陽極支撐與電解質支撐單電池堆,進行其電池性能與電化學阻抗頻譜的量測。實驗條件為固定500 sccm氫氣與400 sccm氮氣之混和氣體為陽極燃料和900 sccm空氣做為陰極氧化劑;為了探討加壓和溫度效應,我們控制不同系統操作壓力範圍(p = 1 atm ~ 5 atm)和溫度範圍(T = 700℃ ~ 850℃),主要研究目的為探討比較兩不同支撐全電池之優劣和異同。實驗結果顯示,陽極支撐與電解質支撐單電池堆其性能皆會隨壓力與溫度增加而有所提升。例如,在T = 850 ℃與操作電壓0.7 V之條件下,陽極支撐/電解質支撐單電池堆在p = 1 atm之功率密度分別為PD = 309 / 193 mW cm-2;當p增加到3 atm時,其PD值可較迅速地增加到422 / 228 mW cm-2;而當p = 5 atm,PD值僅增加到476 / 250 mW cm-2,顯示加壓效應在1 ~ 3大氣壓時,對電池性能之影響最為顯著,其影響會隨壓力大於3大氣壓後逐漸遞減。前述提昇電池性能之實驗結果,可由電化學阻抗頻譜(EIS)量測來加以解釋和證實。
摘要(英) This study applies a recently-established high-pressure double-chamber solid oxide fuel cell (SOFC) testing platform together with the self-assembled single cell stacks (a full cell with flow distributors in both anode and cathode), so that cell performance and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) of both anode-supported and electrolyte-supported SOFCs can be measured. Fixed flow rates are used for all experiments, 500 sccm hydrogen and 400 sccm nitrogen for the anode and 900 sccm air for the cathode. To investigate effects of system pressure (p) and temperature (T), five different p varying from 1 atm to 5 atm and four different T varying from 700℃ to 800℃ are independently controlled and varied. The major objective is to compare advantages/disadvantages and similarities/differences between anode-supported and electrolyte-supported SOFC single stacks. Results show that cell performances of both anode-supported and electrolyte-supported SOFC singlel stacks increase with increasing p and T. For example, when T = 850℃ at 0.7 V, the power densities (PD) of anode-supported/electrolyte-supported single-cell stacks are respectively 309/193 mW cm-2 at p = 1 atm, values of PD modestly increase to 422/228 mW cm-2 rather quickly as p increases at 3 atm, and values of PD can only increase modestly to 476/250 mW cm-2 at p = 5 atm. These results reveal that pressurization for the increase of PD is most significant from 1 atm to 3 atm and such enhancement becomes more gradually when p > 3 atm. Furthermore, the aforesaid that cell performance results are to be explained by EIS measurements.
We use equivalent an circuit model to analyze EIS data. It is found that the ohmic polarization resistance is independent of p, but it decreases with increasing T. Moreover, both of activation and concentration polarization resistances decrease with increasing T and/or p. Such resistance results due to effects of increasing p and T are similar for both anode-supported and electrolyte-supported single-cell stacks. When compared, it is also found that the increase of PD due to pressurization is more significant in the anode-supported single-cell stack than in the electrolyte-supported SOFC single-cell stack. However, the latter is more sensitive to the temperature effect as compared to the former. Generally speaking, the temperature effect is more effective than the pressurization effect in terms of the increase of cell performance. This is because increasing T can effectively decrease the ohmic polarization resistance. The present study is important, because it is the first step toward the development of pressurized SOFCs combined with micro gas turbines for future power generation.
關鍵字(中) ★ 加壓SOFC
★ 陽極支撐和電解質支撐單電池堆
★ 電池性能
★ 電化學阻抗頻譜
★ 歐姆和極化阻抗
關鍵字(英) ★ pressurized SOFC
★ anode-supported and electrolyte-supported single-cell stacks
★ cell performance
★ electrochemical impedance spectra
★ Ohmic and polarization resistances
論文目次 目錄
摘要 i
Abstract iii
致謝 iv
目錄 v
圖表目錄 vii
符號說明 x
第一章 前言 1
1.1 研究動機 1
1.2 問題所在 2
1.3 解決方法 4
1.4 論文綱要 4
第二章 文獻回顧 6
2.1 SOFC基本元件 6
2.2 SOFC基本原理 6
2.3 電化學阻抗頻譜於SOFC系統之應用 8
2.4 加壓型SOFC之研究 10
第三章 實驗設備與量測方法 21
3.1高壓單電池堆性能測試平台 21
3.2 實驗流程與量測操作參數設定 24
第四章 結果與討論 31
4.1 加壓於不同操作溫度對性能特性曲線之影響 31
4.1.1 溫度與壓力效應對開迴路電壓之影響 31
4.1.2溫度與壓力效應對性能特性曲線之影響 32
4.1.3 溫度與壓力效應對電池性能之影響 33
4.2加壓效應於不同操作溫度對阻抗頻譜之影響 35
4.2.1 溫度與壓力效應對阻抗頻譜之影響 35
4.2.2 溫度與壓力效應電化學阻抗頻譜於等效電路之分析 36
4.3 陽極支撐與電解質支撐結構於溫度與壓力效應之影響 37
4.3.1 陽極支撐與電解質支撐結構於性能特性曲線之比較 37
4.3.2 陽極支撐與電解質支撐結構於阻抗頻譜之比較 37
第五章 結論與未來工作 68
5.1 結論 68
5.2 未來工作 69
參考文獻 70
附錄 73
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指導教授 施聖洋 審核日期 2013-9-24
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