博碩士論文 100329009 詳細資訊

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姓名 林子傑(Tzu-chien Lin)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 材料科學與工程研究所
論文名稱 鍺誘發二氧化鈦奈米線成長機制及其應用之研究
(Germanium Enhanced Titanium Dioxide Nanowires Growth Mechanism and its Applications)
★ 鋅空氣電池之電解質開發★ 添加石墨烯助導劑對活性碳超高電容電極性質的影響
★ 耐高壓離子液體電解質★ 熱裂解法製備RuO2-Ta2O5/Ti電極 應用於離子液體電解液
★ 碳系超級電容器用耐高壓電解液研發★ 離子液體與碸類溶劑混合型電解液應用於鋰離子電池矽負極材料
★ 三元素摻雜LLTO混LLZO應用鋰離子電池★ 以濕蝕刻法於可撓性聚亞醯胺基板製作微通孔之研究
★ 以二氧化釩奈米粒子調變矽化鎂熱電材料之性能★ 可充電式鋁電池的 4-ethylpyridine–AlCl3電解液、規則中孔碳正極材料以及自放電特性研究
★ 釹摻雜鑭鍶鈷鐵奈米纖維應用於質子傳輸型陶瓷電化學電池空氣電極★ 於丁二腈電解質添加碳酸乙烯酯對鋰離子電池性能之影響
★ 多孔鎳集電層應用於三維微型固態超級電容器★ 二氧化錳/銀修飾奈米碳纖維應用於超級電容器
★ 氧化鎳-鑭鍶鈷鐵奈米纖維陰極電極應用於質子傳導型固態氧化物電化學電池★ 應用丁二腈基離子導體修飾PVDF-HFP 複合聚合物電解質與鋰電極界面之高穩定鋰離子電池
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摘要(中) 在過去十幾年裡,因為二氧化鈦有著優異的特性,例如:低成本、化學穩定性、無毒、良好的催化效應等,而被廣泛的研究。除此之外,一維的二氧化鈦奈米線可以提供較大的面積讓電子電洞對做結合以及在一維方向上傳遞電子並結合,這使二氧化鈦奈米線常常被應用在觸媒、感測器、染料敏化太陽能電池、鋰電池等等。而在製備二氧化鈦奈米線主要有兩種最為普遍的方式,分別為水熱法以及利用熱蒸鍍的方式配合固-液-氣的成長機制來做製備,雖然以水熱法製備二氧化鈦奈米線是相對簡單,反應的溫度只需要100℃左右的溫度就能完成反應,但在低溫下完成的奈米線,其結晶度是不足的,必須經過後續複雜的處理來改善結晶性的問題。除此之外,利用固-液-氣的成長機制來製備二氧化鈦奈米線必須先利用金屬催化物幫助奈米線的元素產生共析現象,才有辦法完成奈米線的成長,會使得奈米線的頭部會殘留金屬催化物,而這樣的殘留物會造成奈米線的導電率與能隙的改變,破壞了材料原有的特性。
摘要(英) Titanium dioxide has been widely studied over the past decades owing to its excellent properties of low cost, chemical stability, nontoxicity, catalysis and so on. Additionally, one-dimensional TiO2 nanowires can provide a large surface area for effectively collecting photons or electrons. Meanwhile, enabling charge transfer along single direction thus the facilitation of carrier collections. TiO2 nanowires are frequently used in catalysis, sensors, dye-sensitized solar cells, Li-ion batteries and so on. Among them, hydrothermal method and thermal evaporation with VLS mechanism are two typical synthetic methods for preparing TiO2 nanowires. However, hydrothermal method needs to be followed by complex post-treatment in order to improve the poor crystallinity. Using the VLS mechanism also remain the metal-catalysts on the top of TiO2 nanowires.
Therefore, this research investigated Ge to enhance directly synthesis of large scale, uniform, well-aligned and free-catalyst TiO2 nanowires on the Ti substrate at various temperatures and thickness of Ge layer by horizontal tube furnace. The material structure included the TiO2 nanowires, TiO2 layer, GeO2 layer and Ti foil. It shows that the growth mechanism of TiO2 nanowire substrates utilize the x-ray diffraction (XRD), field emission scanning electron microscope (FESEM), transmission electron microscope (TEM) and Raman spectroscopy, which pertain to the composition distribution, crystal structure, surface morphology and nanowire morphology to obtain the function of Ge in this research.
Finally, the results provided a new catalytic effect of Ge on the growth TiO2 process, which enhance directly synthesis of large scale, uniform, well-aligned and free-catalyst TiO2 nanowires on the Ti substrate. We figure out the function of Ge to play in the reaction. Additionally, the TiO2 nanowires display an outstanding field emission property, well photocatalytic activity and wettability.
關鍵字(中) ★ 二氧化鈦
★ 奈米線
★ 鍺
★ 場發效應
關鍵字(英) ★ TiO2
★ Nanowires
★ Ge
★ Field emission
論文目次 Contents
摘要--------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ш
Figure Captions ------------------------------------------------------------Ⅸ
Chapter 1 Introduction
1.1 Introduction of TiO2-------------------------------------------------------------- 1
1.2 Nanostructure of TiO2------------------------------------------------------------ 5
1.3 The fabrication and process of TiO2 nanowires----------------------------- 8
1.3.1 Hydrothermal method------------------------------------------------------- 8
1.3.2 Electrospinning--------------------------------------------------------------- 8
1.3.3 Thermal evaporation--------------------------------------------------------- 9
1.3.4 Chemical vapor deposition------------------------------------------------- 10
1.4 Application of TiO2 nanowires-------------------------------------------------- 11
1.4.1 Photocatalysis----------------------------------------------------------------- 11
1.4.2 Gas sensors-------------------------------------------------------------------- 12
1.4.3 Dye-sensitized solar cells--------------------------------------------------- 12
1.4.4 Photoelectrochemical water splitting-------------------------------------- 12
1.5 The overview of theory----------------------------------------------------------- 13
1.5.1 Photocatalytic properties of TiO2------------------------------------------ 13
1.5.2 Electron field emission properties----------------------------------------- 15
Chapter 2 Experimental Procedures and Characterization
2.1 Experimental Procedures for synthesizing TiO2 nanowires-------------- 16
2.1.1 Preparing TiO2 nanowires by two-step: electron beam evaporation and thermal evaporation-------------------------------------------------------- 16
2.1.2 Photocatalytic activity of TiO2 nanowires------------------------------- 21
2.1.3 Field emission property of TiO2 nanowires------------------------------ 21
2.1.4 The wettability of TiO2 nanowires---------------------------------------- 21
2.2 Characterization------------------------------------------------------------------- 22
2.2.1 Single-crystal x-ray diffraction ------------------------------------------- 22
2.2.2 Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscopy------------------------- 22
2.2.3 Transmission Electron Microscopy -------------------------------------- 22
2.2.4 Raman spectroscopy ------------------------------------------------------- 23
2.2.5 Field emission property analysis------------------------------------------ 23
2.2.6 Ultraviolet visible (UV-vis) spectrophotometer analysis--------------- 24
2.2.7 Contact angle analysis------------------------------------------------------ 24
Chapter 3 The growth mechanism of TiO2 nanowires by Ge enhancing
3.1 Motivation-------------------------------------------------------------------------- 26
3.2 Synthesis and Characterization TiO2 nanowires of Ge enhancing------ 28
3.2.1 Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscopy observation---------- 28
3.2.2 Single-crystal x-ray diffraction analysis---------------------------------- 37
3.3.3 Transmission Electron Microscopy observation------------------------ 42
3.3.4 Raman spectroscopy results------------------------------------------------ 46
3.3 Growth mechanism of Ge enhance the TiO2 nanowires------------------- 51
3.4 Conclusion-------------------------------------------------------------------------- 56
Chapter 4 The properties of TiO2 nanowires
4.1 Motivation-------------------------------------------------------------------------- 57
4.2 Field emission properties-------------------------------------------------------- 58
4.3 Photocatalytic activity------------------------------------------------------------ 61
4.4 Wettability-------------------------------------------------------------------------- 69
4.5 Conclusions------------------------------------------------------------------------- 72
Chapter 5 Future work
5.1 Semiconductor-Semiconductor Composite System------------------------- 73
5.2 Semiconductor-metal Composite System------------------------------------- 73
Reference-------------------------------------------------------------------- 74
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指導教授 李勝偉(Sheng-wei Lee) 審核日期 2013-7-15
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