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姓名 廖士權(Shih-chuan Liao)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 資訊管理學系
論文名稱 使用客製化電子書系統與混程式學習教導學術原文書閱讀之系統設計與實證研究
(The Design and Empirical Study on Using Customized E-Books Systems for the Blended Learning of Reading Comprehension on Academic English Textbook)
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摘要(中) 培養學生具備英文閱讀理解的能力與閱讀學習的動機有著密不可分的關係,因
而研究指出交互式教學可有效提升學生閱讀學習的動機,進而改善閱讀的成效,再加上近年來透過電子書進行教學的方式越來越盛行,因此本研究致力於開發一個客制化的電子書系統,命名為MyERT,將交互式教學中的「澄清」與「提問」兩大策略之運用納為該系統功能設計上的主要考量,除保留原先普遍電子書系統具備的字彙查詢與個人註記功能外,亦加入了內容多層次劃記、文章組成之閱讀策略能與數位文章做整合和雙向師生互動的功能。此外,特別針對實驗所使用的人資英文個案,設計了三種文章組成的閱讀策略(角色辨識、問題辨識與動作辨識)運用於教學上,希望透過MyERT 系統與混程式學習的方式教導學生閱讀學術性的原文書,克服閱讀上的阻礙,以提升閱讀學習的動機。
本研究實驗於中央大學資訊管理所人力資源管理的課程中進行,根據前、後測、半結構式問卷與使用MyERT系統的log 記錄做分析與討論。最後從分析結果中得知,MyERT 系統能幫助學生較容易克服閱讀上的阻礙,以提升閱讀學習的動機。其他正面的評價,包含系統的易用性、有用性、對此篇個案閱讀理解的提升與對各閱讀策略的熟悉程度提升。
摘要(英) Student with English reading comprehension skill has good relationship with learning motivation, so how to improve learning motivation has been recognized an important issue. L2 students always have to read academic English textbook on their own without teachers’ guidance and often encounter on general (vocabulary, phrase and sentence) and specific topics (article structure and professional vocabulary) English reading comprehension obstacles. Therefore, it is easy to reduce learning motivation to read for students.
Researches indicate that reciprocal teaching can enhance students’ learning motivation and improve the effectiveness of reading. In recent years, the way through the eBooks for teaching is more and more popular. Therefore, the study using the clarifying and question of reciprocal teaching for the main concern aim to develop the customized
eBooks systems named MyERT. MyERT not only retain vocabulary inquiries and annotation, but also add multi-level annotation, reading strategy integration of article content and two-way interactive between teachers and students. In addition, the study specifically designs three reading strategies of article composed (role, problem and action
identification) for English case of human resource management. The study hopes that using MyERT for the blended learning of reading comprehension on academic English textbook can overcome the obstacles and enhance the learning motivation.
The experiment was conducted to National Central University, Department of Information Management in human resource management’s students. We use the pre-test, post-test, semi-structure questionnaire and logs of using MyERT to analyze and discuss. According to the analysis results, MyERT really can help student to overcome the reading obstacles and enhance the learning motivation. Furthermore, students have positive evaluation including perceived ease of use and perceived usefulness of MyERT, improvement of effectiveness of reading and enhancement of skill at reading strategies.
Key word: blended learning, reciprocal teaching, customized eBooks systems, reading strategy of article composed
關鍵字(中) ★ 混程式學習
★ 交互式教學
★ 客制化電子書系統
★ 文章組成閱讀策略
關鍵字(英) ★ blended learning
★ reciprocal teaching
★ customized eBooks systems
★ reading strategy of article composed
論文目次 中文摘要 ......................... i
Abstract ....................... ii
誌謝辭 ...........................iv
目錄 ..............................v
圖目錄 .......................... vii
表目錄 ........................... ix
一、 緒論 ......................... 1
1.1 研究背景 ...................... 1
1.2 研究動機 ...................... 2
1.3 研究目的 ...................... 4
1.4 研究問題 ...................... 6
二、 文獻探討 ...................... 7
2.1 英文閱讀理解與學習動機 ........... 7
2.1.1 英文閱讀理解 .................. 7
2.1.2 英文閱讀的學習動機 ............. 9
2.2 交互式教學(Reciprocal Teaching, RT) ................................ 10
2.3 混程式學習(Blended Learning) ..................................12
2.4 電子書 ........................ 13
2.5 電子書系統於數位教學之應用 .................................. 14
2.6 電子書系統介面設計原則 ........... 15
三、 研究方法 .......................17
3.1 研究流程 ...................... 17
四、 系統設計 ....................... 20
4.1 系統設計概念 .....................20
4.2 系統實作流程 .................... 23
4.3 系統介面設計 .................... 45
五、 實驗設計與流程 ................... 53
5.1 實驗設計 ......................... 53
5.1.1 實驗對象 ........................ 53
5.1.2 實驗的教材挑選與設計 ...................................... 53
5.1.3 理解測驗的考題設計 .....................................55
5.1.4 考題的評分方式 .................... 55
5.1.5 半結構問卷設計 ..................... 58
5.2 實驗流程 ........................... 62
六、 實驗資料分析與討論 ................... 64
6.1 實驗資料分析 ......................... 64
6.1.1 整體之閱讀學習的成效比較 ...................................... 64
6.1.2 依能力分群之閱讀學習的成效比較 ........................................ 65
6.1.3 整體對不同類型考題的分析比較 .......................................... 66
6.1.4 依能力分群對不同類型考題的分析比較 .......................................... 69
6.1.5 半結構式問卷的分析 ............................................72
6.1.6 MyERT 系統使用記錄的分析 ............................................ 83
6.2 綜合討論 ................................. 85
6.2.1 關於一般性與特定主題閱讀的釋疑討論分析 ......................................... 85
6.2.2 關於MyERT 系統使用的評估討論分析 .................................................. 87
七、 結論 .....................................89
7.1 結論 .....................................89
7.2 研究限制 .................................. 90
7.3 未來展望 ................................... 91
參考文獻 ........................................ 92
附錄一 學生理解測驗考題 ................................................ 96
附錄二 HR 個案英文閱讀教學與學習評估問卷 ..................................................97
附錄三 人資英文個案(實驗用) ................................................. 101
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指導教授 許智誠(Chih-cheng Hsu) 審核日期 2013-7-9
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