博碩士論文 100481023 詳細資訊

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姓名 蘇世章(Shih-Chang Su)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 企業管理學系
論文名稱 臺灣教育單位團膳服務選商策略之研究
(Research study on Taiwanese Educational Institution group meal)
★ 從生態共生觀點發展組織合作模式★ 影響產業垂直分工因素之探討
★ 發展台籍專業管家的人力派遣模式★ 影響軍事機關審計品質之關鍵性因素及其相對效率衡量
★ 台灣光碟片設備供應商競爭策略分析★ 國防科技研發機構組織向心力之研究
★ 衡量半導體零組件通路商之相對經營績效★ 衡量半導體晶圓代工廠商生產單位之營運績效
★ 商業銀行營運型態與組織調整對分行營運效率的影響★ 發展行動條碼為基礎的隨傳隨用視訊平台之應用
★ 飛機引擎定子零件維修之訂價調整方式★ 國際化、創新活動與公司績效:台灣上市公司董事會結構論析
★ 探討網際網路事件達成關鍵多數之影響因素★ 生態循環農業產銷策略個案研究
★ 探討以政策規範高耗能產業參與再生能源開發之綜效-以太陽光電發電系統為例★ 適地性服務(LBS)之顧客體驗整合性設計—以中華電信行動導遊為例
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摘要(中) 在臺灣政府的公立學校中,大部分的大學及中小學校裡,校園相當廣闊,在校生活的師生眾多,校方均需特別招募優良之餐飲及生活服務廠商進駐校園,提供相關服務,以滿足師生在校園生活的需求。因此,如何遴選優良廠商進到校園服務,以獲得師生所期望的優良餐飲品質,將是非常重要且嚴肅的課題。團膳服務選商為一項極為專業的工作,具有其複雜性、專業性與技術性,並非每次選商都能成功達到預期的結果。本研究以團膳服務管理的觀點,運用10個單位之選商招標評選資料,作為本研究選商評選項目的基礎,再經專家腦力激盪訪談、及文獻回顧等方式,探索團膳服務選商評選的項目,並作有效的彙整;其次,運用電腦快速及處理複雜事務的優勢,結合已發展成熟的一致性模糊偏好關係模式,採用專家意見將評選項目之重要性或權重比值,運用於評估團膳服務選商的評選項目。研究結果建立5項評選層面與19項評選項目,並有系統的量化評估與排序各影響團膳服務選商因素的重要程度,其重要程度結果顯示,廠商營運計畫被視為影響團膳服務選商中最重要的層面,其次為廠商經營理念與實績,而環境與運輸規劃影響程度最低。本研究結果並經6位具有20年以上工作經驗之實務專家案例模擬驗證,以確認本研究評估模式之適用性,將有利於未來準備辦理團膳服務的決策者,在選商過程之重要參考,亦可依此制定相關管理政策,甚至作為風險管理策略與資源配置之依據。
摘要(英) Research study on Taiwanese Educational Institution group meal
provider’s recruitment procedures


In all the public educational institutions in Taiwan, the majority of the universities, middle, and elementary schools are often heavily populated with relatively large campuses. As a result, these institutions need to recruit reputable group meal service providers and campus life service providers to satisfy the needs of staffs and students. How to establish the appropriate procedure criteria to select the most capable provider that offers excellent qualities which meet staffs and students’ expectations is an important and serious matter. The recruitment process is complex, highly skilled, and extremely professional; however, there is no guarantee that every recruitment is successful and satisfactory. This research study is based on the view point of group meal service management and analyzes ten different individual provider’s profiles that acts as the foundation for establishing the appropriate recruitment procedure criteria. Exploring criteria through interviews with various experts and intergrading literary reviews are also considered to the making of the recruitment procedure criteria. In addition, combining computer processing with the well-developed consistent fuzzy preference relations, as well as incorporating experts’ opinions on the recruitment procedure criteria index as an important benchmark to evaluate group meal service providers. The research resulted in an evaluation assessment of five procedure tiers and nineteen procedure criteria. It is a systematic and quantitative analysis that orderly evaluate factors that significantly impacts recruitment process. The factors show that the providers’ operating strategy is the most important aspect in recruitment process. Following that is the providers’ management value and business performance. The dining environment along with the food transportation management are considered the least important aspect. The research result has been approved by six professionals with twenty years or more of experience in their field through practical applications and simulation case studies. This is to ensure the applicability of this evaluation assessment in the future. This assessment will also benefit recruitment managers when it comes to decision making; it can also be used to establish related management policy as well as a reference check for risk management strategies and resource allocation standard.
關鍵字(中) ★ 團膳服務選商
★ 多準則決策
★ 一致性模糊偏好關係
關鍵字(英) ★ Recruiting providers of group meal service
★ multi-criteria decision
★ consistent fuzzy preference relations
論文目次 目 錄
中文摘要 iv
英文摘要 v
謝誌 vi
目錄 viii
表次 x
圖次 xi
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 研究動機 1
1.2 研究目的 1
1.3 論文架構與研究內容 2
1.4 研究範圍與限制 2
1.4.1 研究範圍 2
1.4.2 研究限制 2
第二章 文獻探討 4
2.1 團膳服務之趨勢 4
2.2 團膳服務之供應方式 4
2.3 團膳服務之食安控制 4
2.4 團膳服務營養師之設置 5
2.5 團膳服務之顧客滿意度 5
2.6 團膳服務之選商評估模式 6
第三章 研究方法 7
3.1 團膳服務選商之特性 7
3.2 研究工具 7
3.3 研究資料之取得與彙總 9
3.3.1 辦理招標之團膳評選制度面 9
3.3.2 專家訪談 11
3.3.3 選商準則層級架構 11
第四章 團膳服務選商評選項目之評估 14
4.1 相乘的偏好關係(Multiplicative preference relations) 14
4.2 模糊偏好關係(Fuzzy preference relations) 15
4.3 一致性模糊偏好關係(Consistent fuzzy preference relations, CFPR) 15
4.4 使用VIKOR方法對評選方案進行排序 17
4.4.1 計算正規化之評估值 18
4.4.2 決定正理想解與負理想解 18
4.4.3 距離及綜合指標計算 18
第五章 案例模擬與實證分析 20
5.1 案例模擬 20
5.2 實證分析 26
5.2.1 實證資料處理與分析 27
5.2.2 評選結果驗證討論 30
第六章 結論與建議 31
6.1 結論 31
6.2 建議 34
參考文獻 39
附錄 42
附錄一:團膳服務選商關鍵因素研究問卷 42
附錄二:團膳服務候選廠商績效值評估問卷-VIKOR 50
參考文獻 參考文獻
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指導教授 張東生 審核日期 2018-7-25
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