博碩士論文 100521102 詳細資訊

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姓名 陳彥瑋(Yen-Wei Chen)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 電機工程學系
論文名稱 非週期性蕈狀帶拒結構於電源分佈網路之應用
(Non-Periodic Mushroom-Like Bandstop Structure for Power Distribution Network Applications)
★ 用於行動上網裝置之智慧型陣列天線★ 吸收式帶止濾波器之研製
★ 一維及二維切換式波束掃描陣列天線★ 寬頻微型化六埠網路接收機
★ 具有良好選擇度的寬頻吸收式帶止濾波器★ 微小化吸收式帶止濾波器之通帶改善
★ 共面波導帶通濾波器之研製★ 微帶耦合線帶通濾波器與雙工器研製
★ 宇宙微波背景輻射陣列望遠鏡接收機 之校準信號源研製★ K-Band及Q-Band毫米波帶通濾波器設計
★ 薄膜製程射頻被動元件設計★ 微波帶通低雜訊放大器設計
★ 積體式微波帶通濾波器之研製★ 應用於高位元率無線傳輸系統之V頻段漸進式開槽天線陣列
★ 以多重耦合線實現多功能帶通濾波器★ 以單刀雙擲帶通濾波器實現高整合度射頻前端收發系統
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摘要(中) 本論文研究目的為抑制雜訊於印刷電路之電源分佈網路的傳播,實現上以嵌入於電源分佈網路之蕈狀結構達成帶拒特性,設計方面則提出不同於以往傳統週期性電磁能隙結構設計方式,改使用帶拒濾波器之原型電路為基礎,並以植入損失法來發展其設計方法,而能快速得到具低阻抗與寬頻的最佳化止帶頻率響應特性。    
  設計上首先以中心頻率2.07 GHz,設計一維帶拒結構,量測結果於植入損耗40 dB下截止頻寬大於110%;於60 dB下則大於75%。再將一維帶拒結構展開成二維的排列方式實現於矩形電源分佈網路中,並假定三種不同電源分佈網路的應用情境,根據電流之流向分析,提出環繞十字型排列、六邊形排列以及梯形排列等三種二維帶拒結構,以有效的抑制雜訊於電源分佈網路上傳播。
摘要(英) Abstract
 The purpose of this thesis is to develop noise suppression structure in the power distribution network (PDN) based on printed circuits board (PCB). The mushroom-like embedded bandstop structure is used between the power and ground plane to achieve the required bandstop characteristic. A novel design method that is different from the conventional periodic electromagnetic band gap design is proposed. The proposed method is based on the bandstop filter prototype, and the conventional insertion loss method for filter design is employed to predict and optimize the bandstop structure efficiently. Therefore, both low impedance and wideband stopband can be easily achieved for the proposed bandstop structure.
  First, the one-dimensional bandstop structure with center frequency of 2.07 GHz is designed and implemented. The measured results show that the 40 dB stopband isolation bandwidth is up to 110%, while the 60 dB stopband isolation bandwidth is up to 75%. The one-dimensional banstop structure is then expanded into two-dimensional designs so as to be implemented in PCB-based rectangular PDN. Three different application scenarios of the PDN are considered, and the corresponding two-dimensional designs are proposed according to the current path analysis, which are the surround-cross arrangement bandstop structure, hexagon arrangement bandstop structure, and trapezoid arrangement bandstop structure. They can suppress the propagation of the noise in the PDN effectively.
  For the proposed bandstop structures, complete and systematic design procedure is proposed as effective design tools. Simple circuit model is also established to quickly predict the circuit response, and the simulated results are in good agreement with the measured ones. The measured results show that the proposed bandstop structure can suppress the high frequency noise in PDN effectively without breaking the completeness of the PDN structure.
關鍵字(中) ★ 非週期性
★ 蕈狀
★ 帶拒
★ 電源分佈網路
關鍵字(英) ★ Non-Periodic
★ Mushroom-Like
★ Bandstop
★ Power Distribution Network
論文目次 目錄
摘要 I
Abstract III
目錄 V
圖目錄 VII
表目錄 XI
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 研究動機與目的 1
1.2 相關文獻 1
1.3 章節介紹 2
第二章 設計原理與流程 3
2.1 簡介 3
2.2 設計原理 5
2.3 設計流程 8
第三章 一維帶拒結構設計與實作 15
3.1 簡介 15
3.2 電路設計 15
3.2.1電路一 16
3.2.2電路二 36
3.3 實作驗證 41
3.4 結果與討論 44
第四章 二維帶距結構及其於電源分佈網路之應用 45
4.1 簡介 45
4.2 電源分佈網路設計 45
4.2.1環繞十字型排列 45
4.2.2六邊形排列 50
4.2.3 梯形排列 54
4.3 結果與討論 57
第五章 結論 67
參考文獻 68
參考文獻 參考文獻
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指導教授 林祐生(Yo-Shen Lin) 審核日期 2013-8-28
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